Wednesday, January 31, 2018

New American Momement

Potus Trump hit a home run with his State Of The Union speech- New American Moment and put an overview on all of the major issues. That is the reason he was successful in business, ie- big picture and optimism-  Gloom an doom never worked in the past for anybody- There are many facets of the big picture and he makes us feel good about all of them- Much better then Reagan ever did although he was good as well- Its not smoke and mirrors because Potus Trump was always based in realism and the hard knocks rough and tumble world of Big Apple business. Reagan was an actor so there is a big difference there. He wants us to succeed and because of this we will. It is genuine. My only critique is the getting tough on drug dealers with harsh prison sentences. That never worked before and it never will. The solution for the scourge of our lifetime we already have. The New York Times had an article where some people were convinced that Medication Assisted Treatment is the solution. Maybe temporary but never long term. I don't think that there is anybody who is serious about recovery either in it personally or as a professional who advocates meds as a long term solution. Todays quote of the day- "Act as you were separate from nothing and no one and you will heal your world tomorrow"- This is the greatest secret of all time- pp-453 Book 3- conversations With God

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Grave Danger

Kevin Shipp- geoenginerringwatch- 1 hour speech where he claims that he came out of the cia as a whistleblower to expose the SSG- He stated that Mueller did over 4,000 warrantless raids as FBI director- JFK speech-"And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment " Grave Danger speech-  Col Jessup- A  Few Good Men- Grave Danger?- Is their another kind? Shipp states that their is a difference between the SSG and the Deep State- He likes our Potus and has high hopes for our future

Freedom Of The Press

What do you think about Hillary's con job, cover up and enabling of the sexual harassment perpetrator? Pathetic, what else is knew, these allegations seem to have been vetted by a reliable source as well. The continual and ongoing saga of double standards and hypocrisy all under the phony guise of The Me Too Movement. Didn't she threaten her husbands rape victims and even have one of their cats killed? Didn't many people mysteriously or not so mysteriously end up dead? Clintons War On Women- I trust Roger Stone. What else has she done? Lets see if one believes in sources that appear to be very credible their is an entire laundry list of dirty deeds. She didn't win that is all that matters so why focus on all of this garbage? Because she is still the queen of the nefarious left and these people play dirty, what's fair in love and war is not fair when it comes to these career law breakers. Piss Gate- Hackgate- hopefully our Potus will read the FISA memo during his State Of The Union address. Some of these people seem disturbed, apparently one is not even allowed to agree to disagree anymore. The problem with the radical left is that it was hijacked years ago even before they took out JFK- They aren't even real or true liberals it appears to me, they have ugly, mean and violent streaks where it appears that they don't want America to prosper. Bernie Sanders, these people seem to be Marxists and Socialists who relish in causing chaos and fear. Who would be an example of a true liberal and somebody who wants America to prosper and succeed? Ron Paul, I am not so sure about his son, I have mixed views on that one. A dirty pool player is somebody who is so narrow focused, solipsistic and self absorbed that they would stop at nothing to achieve their selfish goals.
   Charles Ortel breaks it down into simple terms. Just plug one of the Clinton associates names in google with the word fraud next to it and see how deep and long the laundry list goes. This Russia Gate was the deal breaker for me because I was giving the fake news the benefit of the doubt after the election and was quite down on our President elect. How do you know that this Mueller investigation isn't legit? The lack of credible or the lack of any real, substantive evidence up until this point in time.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Draconian Prison Boats

So what did you think about the Grammys? I couldn't take it, the radical lefties were out in full force. Miley and Elton were the highlight and stole the show even though I couldn't watch most of it.  It's really true, ie-biological retrogression, these commercials were meant to make people brain dead. I don't think that there is any substantive proof that they even work as far as dollars and cents are concerned. Subliminal messages, they keep getting dumber and longer and then when you switch the channel it just goes to another long and dumb commercial. Basically where you have adults acting like little children in the ads. Why does Hollywood have to make everything political, besides I don't trust a word that most of them say anyway. Entertainer/ actors that are playing the role of actors instead of being their own rugged individualists.
  Why do you think their agenda seems to be to derail the Trump Train? Remember in Superman when he laid down on the train tracks to let the train roll over him, he saved the train from plunging off the rails and down to the precipitous valley below. Instead of support, empowerment and interdependence the radical lefties just continually lie and make up stories in an attempt to get the train to fall off the tracks. The Trump Train is a direct threat and this is why they want to try to destroy it.
   What do you think about the extrajudicial prison boats and slave ships that the Coast Guard uses to interdict drugs? If this story is credible its a disgrace and a waste of time. Prisoners shackled to the floor defecating in buckets and subsisting on rations more suitable for animals than humans. Animals shouldn't be treated that way either, the most neglected and abused dogs are the ones that are shackled to a leash in somebody's back or front yard. Why do you think there are so many screwed up dogs? Think about it what's the difference between a dog and a wolf, nothing much, they are nomads by nature, this means that they are used to trotting up to 15 miles a day. That is why so many dogs  run away as soon as they get the chance, they know instinctively that the way they are living isn't natural. The same reason why many abused children run away, animals and young children are smarter then many adults. Its pretty simple if you are working and state that you don't know how or don't have time to walk your dog then don't get one, that is why Caesar has people sign documents before they take on this responsibility.
   As far as the interdiction of low level drug smugglers in international waters before their is a preponderance of evidence that the drugs are even  headed to the US and then subjecting the prisoners to inhumane conditions by treating them like slaves is a total waste of tax payers money. They are then sentenced in the US and incarcerated. What happened to decreasing the prisons population system? Our prison system is draconian, inhumane and it simply doesn't work. This is stone age bootlegging tactics where the mob runs everything controlling everybody's every move under the phony guise of trying to help. Just Say No and punitive sentences didn't work when Reagans cronies were running the drugs in the 80's and it definitely doesn't work now. If a drug dealer sells a lethal batch of heroin and or fentanyl that is a different story all together. Now we are talking about accessary to murder so the legal system should step in on this. They cant say that they don't know how deadly it is because 65,000 people are dying each year and this isn't including the multiple ods where people are getting ruined for life.  

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Way Of The Political Warrior

"Where is the leadership? Perhaps the way our political system is set up and financed works against the possibility of finding the men and women we need to have social problems realistically addressed. One thing is clear: We need political warriors, willing to fight the good fight for our world!"pp-108-The Warrior Within- What about The Trump Train is it really going to change the world as we once knew it? Yes- It already has and it is only going to go uphill from here. Tell me what is really going on with all of this Russia bs- It looks like the Deep State created a phony dossier and paid millions of dollars for it just to prevent Potus Trump from moving forward. A dirty dossier that was fraudulent, a burnt out x-British spy created it along with many other rogue operatives. They used this as an excuse for a FISA warrant which meant that if their is any suspicion of  foreign espionage this will give the green light for surveillance, wire taps domestically etc.. So this was a fraudulent based document used to perpetuate another fraud? Yes- Welcome to the dirty world of politics where only the paranoid survive. William Binney broke down what they really use it for- Illegal spying within the US- Parallel Construction, basically they use raw intel and morph it into info that is used for real cases to try to put away so called bad guys. As long as they are real bad guys that is all that matters though right? That isn't setting a good example because this is an abuse of power at the highest of all levels.
    Binney broke down the FISA memo with Alex Jones, Binney a real Patriot somebody that will be remembered for years to come. We don't want a rogue deep state government that is able to do whatever they want whenever they want. In other words when you continually spy on the American people which is what this FISA thing was really designed for you can use that for whatever advantage you want, the deep state now becomes the magicians, the gods that make things up as they go along. Do you think that this case will go anywhere some say that this is Watergate on Steroids? Binney blames Ford for pardoning Nixon, this just set up the precedent for future abuses within the establishment swamps. As far as Watergate on steroids Dr P stated that Benghazi was Watergate on steroids and that never seemed to go anywhere. What was that the off line back door illegal Manpad and drug deals with the Clinton and Brennan cronies that led to a stand down and a dead Ambassador along with some hero cia contactor operators? Yes- Their laundry list of illegal activities seems to be growing by the day. If they used unverified bias intel bought and paid for by the opposition party and then lied to a federal judge and the FISA memo seems to substantiate this isn't that perjury? Yes- but that is nothing compared to what they have already gotten away with totally unscathed up until this point in time. Murder, Racketeering, drug running, Obstruction, human, child trafficking, phony false flags in Newtown etc.., money laundering- alleged pedophilia. These aren't nice people. Pam Bondi Fla AG stated that our AG William Sessions has to do a real investigation on all of this.         

Friday, January 26, 2018

Mysteries Of The Sword

The Warrior Within- I just wrote a huge blog about it only to have it wiped  off the screen because it wasn't me that deleted it. Some people have nothing better to do then to play the role of the remote gods and decide what free speech is acceptable or not. So what did they delete? A whole blog breaking down my analogy of The Warrior Within which is not an easy read or break down because of all of the psychobabble. What was the crux of the blog? I don't feel like getting into it, I pour my soul out just to have some morons wipe out my thoughts. Do you think it was just a fluke? I don't think so (mysteries of the sword mysteries of the disappearing blog) I explained about the masochists who are smiles on top of the table while they are really f ing you underneath it. The spiritual and evolved warrior wears their saber for all to see and we don't like cowards who try to interfere with our words and thoughts. That is what Care of the Soul is all about- no fear of judgment, shame or reprisal from the wanna be gods. The fractured psyche that breaks down in various parts. I also explained how most people would rather not get involved in playing in the game because that is too risky, its much easier to sit on the sidelines and criticize. There is no shortage of these people out there, the closet masochists who relish in the office be headings or the church beatings by the nuns. The nice guy appearance where deep down they feel that they deserve such brutal treatment from others. The vast majority of people don't fall into either category, that is why arm chair wanna be psychologist blogs  are a dime a dozen. What do you mean by that? It means that just because one may read books that doesn't mean they know that much especially when it comes to mythology because its all up to interpretation anyway for the most part.

Unleash The Long Arm Of The Law

I wanted to express my gratitude for the establishment deep state capital crowny swamp machine because without it I wouldn't have as much to write about. I find it more stimulating to be part of helping to expose the big fish not the wanna be small frys. For example this FBI corruption sting that snared the Hallandale Mayor doesn't do that much for me. However it does appear to be an example of the real FBI not the deep state cover up artists at the top of the food chain. What could be better then posing as crooked land developers from Cal "seeking political favor" for development projects.
   The hypocrisy and the double standard at the very top is what fuels my passion because lets face it there is plenty of it. Lets take a look at The Clinton influence peddlers in reference to the Foundation and the earthquake. They are so brazen Bill looks like a drunken rube, Hillary and Chelsea Tweeting out what humanitarians they are in reference to the earthquake. Seriously this is bad news- What is the latest- Anti- Trump Secret society- Missing texts "there is no there there" how did these people get to the Bureau to begin with? A bunch of partisan political hack jobs. This makes all of the good guys in the FBI look bad and that is why this all need to be exposed and adjudicated. Lets look at the track record- Losing 5 months worth of texts, I am not a technical wiz bang but I knew right away that this was  a cover up. Judicial Watch, Charles Ortel,Fox News and many others have been doing a great job staying on top of all of this. Hillary deletes 33,000 e-mails after receiving a subpoena in 2015 isn't that destruction of evidence? Then there was no ongoing search warrants, grand juries or subpoenas because of Slick Willy on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch. The deep state was also in action with Lois Lerner's  24,000 e-mails that were "accidentally lost "Everybody knows that texts and  deleted e-mails can be retrieved because  law  enforcement has been doing this for years in regard to real investigations. When we have an agency that is supposed to the most clean cut of them all acting like hardened and seasoned criminals this isn't a good thing. Lets see what else do we have- They need to release this FISA memo and unleash the dogs of war. Many people cant wait for justice to be served in our country that has been taken over and run by rogue agents at the top. Congress needs to form a second counsel to investigate the mounting evidence of bias in regard to the Russian/Trump collusion distraction and distortion campaign. That is exactly what it appears to be, I gave these establishment cronies the benefit of the doubt after our Potus was elected and even thought that our Potus may have jumped the gun on spying allegations by Obama and company. This led to a major let down of our elected President, at that moment I was putting him in the same category as the criminals before him. Today, this has changed, cia the propaganda elites at MSNBC and  CNN  need to go down in flames for not doing there job in reporting the deeps states brain washing tactics.
    Matt Gaetz a member of the Judiciary Committee which oversees the Justice Dept and the FBI- "The facts contained in this memo are jaw dropping and demand full transparency. There is no higher priority then the release of this information to preserve our democracy" Steve King called what he saw sickening in regard to the classified FISA memo and worse then Watergate" Mark Meadows stated that part of him wishes that he didn't read it and that is was troubling and shocking. He didn't want to believe that this kind of illegal corruption was happening in the country that he loves so much. Time to declassify and unleash the dogs of war.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Live Free Or Die

Whether you are locked up covered up or sobered up you still need search warrants, subpoenas and grand juries. That's right I forgot only the small fries get the book thrown at them.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Game Over

Isn't judging Walsch for his life and multiple marriages before he became spiritual like judging a drug addict/ alcoholic before they got sober? Yes- good point- How come you never said anything about the s-hole counties comment? You never asked- Now that you did why should we open up our borders when our own house isn't in order? For starters Bono has lost some cred in my book. His new video portraying our Potus as some kind of racist that is into the KKK- Not only that he apparently keeps 99% of his One Foundation proceeds. The other thing is I don't trust many of these actors in Hollywood that make believe that they hate our President. Once your an actor in many cases these people don't turn off their actors role whatever it may be, it all depends on how much money they are getting paid. That doesn't bode well with me- Its kind of like the bi-polar split personalities that The Warrior Within talks about. Some of these people are such good actors that you would never know how they really felt. I think that's a hoar's game- Come on out and tell us how you really feel and lose the act. 
   Secondly we have a foundation called the Clintons that allegedly pillaged a lot of money from one of the so called s-hole countries. Do you think our Potus would ever do that? He wants to bring the power back to we the people and straighten out our own infrastructure first and foremost with more jobs considering its been abused by the technocrat global elites for so long. Why make believe that we are the land of opportunity when we haven't even been their for our own indigenous people? Stand Downs at the border, Fabian socialist, Fast and Furious, false flags, phony tears we have been invaded by a foreign occupation during the preceding administration. The Fisa memo might be the beginning of the end of the Deep State and the rogue democrats and life as we once knew it. Let me explain how bad this really is- When you are the supreme law enforcement agency of the land and you stonewall an official investigation you need to be eliminated and reorganized from the top down. It appears that its mostly just the top, the capital cronies making the big bucks- You can't have your own partisan private law enforcement agency when you work for we the people. You have an obligation to do your job otherwise your badge as well as your honor if you ever had any at all needs to be stripped. My argument about the Pinkerton's being privatized before the FBI and how that worked can work as long as its done correctly. You have to abide by the entire constitution on both sides of the political spectrum and be completely impartial.
   This Vegas shooting appears to be another joke of an investigation being protected by the main stream media. AJ has top source FBI- HRT etc and others that stated that more then one weapon was being discharged. Is it plausible that only one man killed all 58 of those people? There has been so much suppression of evidence over the years that if these people ever got in a real courtroom with an impartial jury that wasn't rigged the house of cards would come crumbling down and people would  start to fall like dominos- The house of cards, the house that junk built, pernicious usury where they rob the poor people of Haiti under the phony guise of trying to help where they have been able to do what ever they want when ever they want because they have always had the main stream media to cover for them as their partners in crime. Rico crimes- Racketeering- Money laundering, Obstruction Of Justice, collusion, threats either direct or indirect, murder, many people need to go to jail first and then prison. Once our Potus gets control over the Justice Dept and The FBI its game over for many of these criminals.  

Monday, January 22, 2018

Slay The Dragons Of Chaos

What does Slaying The Dragon Of Chaos mean? In mythology life and love is open to interpretation- Task Force 129 was born to slay dragons- Our Sec. Of Defense had a call sign named Chaos if  am not mistaken. What do you think about Neale Donald Walsch being married 7 times? I am not very impressed, once or twice I can understand but 7 I am not sure if he is playing with a full deck. I still like his videos, mediations and books, in many ways he is a genius. I am not sure if I am able to trust a man that has been married 7 times, he does seem a bit too high on himself as well. He reminds me too much of those Mormon types- polygamy, hypocrisy and overall weirdness. What happened to thou shall not judge?- Ok you can keep living in your dream world of fairy tails and stardust. Judging people and evaluating peoples character is what made this country great.
   I like one of his quotes that was based off of what Einstein stated- One cant solve problems with the same energy that created it. This basically means that if one wants to slay the dragons of chaos they need to make sure that their own house is in order first. Once they change from a spiritual standpoint the world miraculously starts to change inside them and on the outside as well mostly due to their new found perception and view on so called reality. Do you mean Ultimate Reality? Yes that too. Once the dragons of chaos start to get slayed the process of Individuation can come into play. What does Individuation mean? It means becoming your true self, higher self, your authentic self the spiritual warrior and being that you were always meant to be? Do you still view Walsch as some sort of spiritual mentor? Yes, but I no longer want to be part of his humanity's team. What do you think about Glen Greenwald's interview? It was ok but too verbose, I wouldn't want to go to war with him, he seems a bit too flakey and he wasn't supportive enough of our current administration. I thought that he was a good guy, getting the intel from Snowden and writing that book Manichean Candidate about George W- Yes I know, so what- At least he told the truth that MSNBC and Rachel Madow has turned into nothing more then a partisan political hack job. These agenda driven Democrats seem to be getting very desperate.  
     What do you think about the rift between Megyn Kelly and Jane Fonda? I feel that people have been too quick to criticize Megyn Kelly especially some of the people in the main stream media. She has a good point, Jane Fonda talked about plastic surgery all the time so why should a question that pertains to it be off limits? Like what is she supposed to do cower in fear from the icon who has an agenda. Who has an agenda? Fonda and all of her Hollywood types, they make me sick. Kelly has a lot going for her and could write her own ticket in the alternative media any time that she wants. Fonda and her Me Too movement- Kelly was on that bandwagon with Fox News but what she claimed was more then likely true however most of these allegations are bogus and are total and complete fabrications of reality. Do you believe that Matt Lauer was what they claim? Yes, but many of the other stories that we read about belong in the tabloid rags- unsubstantiated allegations along the same lines as Stew Webb and company. You really don't trust Webb anymore? Do you really think that he had a bw helo shot down? Once somebody makes up one lie you can assume that most of what they have said has been total bull shit. Also he was demonizing Alex Jones trying to make him out to be some kind of traitor that was in bed with Israel, I even bought into it for a little while. Typical divide and conquer tactics- Infowars is the real resistance in the alternative media and they are humming on the Trump Train faster then speeding bullet and more powerful then a locomotive. I even like Sean Hannity now- He has some courage and that is worthy of my respect.                                                                           .          

Let Justice Be Done Though The Heavens Fall

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Full Spectrum Dominance

Robert The Bruce- "I want to believe as he does- I will never be on the wrong side again" Whether you are George Patton or George W the end result is the same- perpetual warfare- "Patton believed that he was a holy warrior on a sacred mission to destroy the Nazi forces of darkness"(pp-91 The Warrior Within-) Anybody who criticized the regime was considered an enemy of the state- These brain washing tactics were exemplified after 9-11 with Rumsfeld's Office Of Special Plans that  took the place of Goebbels propaganda war machine- I remember Scott Ritter was more then certain that there were no WMDS but he was demonized by Oreilly and company- This only led to Oreilly stating years later that the war was not worth Americas blood and treasure. The news outlets have been very effective in shaping our public perception- Operation Mockingbird- I remember the Dixie Chicks were labeled enemies of the state when they were anti Iraq War- Full spectrum Dominance. 
    The main stream news outlets have become more and more obsolete- I suppose that it isn't that difficult to pay somebody a lot of money to read off a teleprompter to continually spew out stories that they know to be false and combine this with ongoing propaganda- The Trump Train is going to change the world as we once knew it, the train already has and its only been one year. What does the mainstream media have to worry about sometime in the near future? Let's see covering up official stories for starters. Scott Perry Congressman from PA states that ISIS might be involved with the largest mass shooting in US history. This means that there was more then likely one shooter and this seems to be corroborated by real investigators that are asking questions. Lets see what else, Wolfgang Halbig is standing in the batters box and he is not afraid. Right now he is batting clean up and is knocking dirt out of his cleats. These Occult freaks knew about the SHES shooting in advance and this has already been corroborated by many real investigative journalists. One can write a book that gets banned by Amazon but how many people had the courage to do a real investigation which meant requesting FOIA's for starters. Let me tell you something Wolf is going to put his web site back up sometime in the near future, he is also going to have PSD details, this way these as holes aren't going to be able to do anything to him or his family. What could be worse then faking a school shooting and then making believe that little children were murdered all to cause mass hysteria as well as to further a political agenda? This is Terrorism 101. And that was supposed to be the low point of Obamas career, an actor that had phony tears and grief. How pathetic these people are, they are all crisis actors including our former Potus how much worse can you get then that? 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

From Seeker To Source-

I've looked under chairs
I've looked under tables
I've tried to find the key
To fifty million fables
They call me The Seeker
I've been searching low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die
I asked Bobby Dylan
I asked The Beatles
I asked Timothy Leary
But he couldn't help me either
They call me The Seeker
I've been searching low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die
People tend to hate me
'Cause I never smile
As I ransack their homes
They want to shake my hand
Focusing on nowhere
Investigating miles
I'm a seeker
I'm a really desperate man
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die
I learned how to raise my voice in anger
Yeah, but look at my face, ain't this a smile?
I'm happy… (The Who-)  From The Seeker To Source- 4 step process in the manifestation ritual- 1- identify Highest Hope- 2- Identify Your Expectations- 3- Release Requirements-4- Living from Source- Jungian verbiage- Anima- feminine characteristics of males pyche Animus-female pyche masculine characteristics- this is what leads to the (Ultimate Reality) and the infinite field of potentiality

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Personality Duds Is this real world or exercise? I don't know but it sounds like a bunch of bull shit to me- You mean to tell me that the wealthiest and most technically advanced country on our plane is going to have some neophyte press the wrong button? Causing fear and panic within the indigenous populace is a crime especially when its done on purpose. This sounds to me like a false flag and that was my first reaction when I heard it on the news. I would be more then a little pissed off if I were living in Hawaii- These deep state clowns have nothing better to do then to cause mass hysteria, infact they get off on this, believe it or not they have nothing better to do. Alex Jones explained how Bono's One foundation is not that great, 99% of all of it's charitable funds don't go anywhere except their back pockets. These Deep State  types are pathetic, now they are touting the sexual assault band wagon and accusing people like Steven Seagal. Many of these allegations are fraudulent based and come out of nowhere. The problem is that when allegations are made this hurts somebody's credibility and ones potential for future employment even when the allegations are completely baseless. The same premise holds true for people that are falsely accused and arrested. It doesn't matter that one eventually gets acquitted, its the time, stress and legal bills one has to pay to defend themselves. AJ also explained that Kevin Spacy is a weirdo that didn't want to shake hands with some black people on the set of House Of Cards- 
   George Soros is not supposed to be a nice guy according to Jones. I will tell you that the first time I ever saw him on an interview I got that impression as well. That was over ten years ago and he interviewed on CNBC- He basically made a comment that the only reason why Maria Baratoroma was interviewing him was because he was filthy rich. That is more then likely a true statement because his personality is a dud, so far AJ has been right on about everything.
    Mike Nifong was the disgraced DA in the Duke Lacrosse case in 06 where these players lives were almost ruined by a DA that was more into self aggrandizement and making a case then abiding by the letter of the law. These student athletes weren't able to play in the championship game if I remember correctly all because of bogus rape allegations. Nifong got disbarred and was briefly jailed however these student athletes train almost their entire lives because D-1 lacrosse is serious business just to get blackballed by a bunch of political animals who wanted to make a name for themselves. I watched the Steven Seagal interview, he stated that their needs to be due process when somebody comes out with sexual allegations where he estimates that a high percentage are really just bogus claims. He also stands by Sheriff Joe, this means that I have changed my mind about the Sheriff. It appears that some Hollywood types and Democratic party operatives are part of the deep state.   

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

One Chip Wonder

What do you think about that alt right investigator Laura Loomer who is asking real questions about the Vegas shooting? For starters we need to get rid of labels, this is an old divide and conquer trick. Liberal, Democrat Alt Right, fringe conspiracy theorist it is all a con game. What do you mean? I am not a Republican or a Democrat, I am an American pure and simple. The string pullers surreptitiously like to label people to keep them fighting against each other. Tell me more? That is the problem with organized religion, a lot of it is draconian, fear and shame based but this has definitely changed with the New Age. As much as I love and respect Bill W. I cant hold back anymore, his latest meditations are old school religion. Like what are you referring to? You don't deserve it but be grateful for the life that you have been given. You must obey and listen to god. What happened to take what you like and leave the rest? Yes, I am taking what I like and explaining why I don't like some of the other things. That is why the New Age movement doesn't make anybody feel bad about themselves because we are already our own worst enemy. Who wants to be reminded that we are no good and don't deserve it, ought, must should or else- eternal damnation.
    That is why labels can sometimes do more harm then good. Alcoholic, drug addict junky you don't deserve it, at least I am not in jail, another institution or homeless. Where is the empowerment? That is why in Smart Recovery their are no labels. We pray in AA not because we don't deserve it or we must listen and obey but rather because we want to live and share our experience with others. We need to hold our head high and look at people straight in the eye, Recovery Out Loud. Lets get rid of all of the secrecy and the shame because that isn't healthy or conducive for long term success. Once we made the decision to turn our will over there should be no more fear of lighting bolts that are going to come out of nowhere and  hit us and take us out and into the ground. Like what do you mean? It means that I hear a lot of fear based talk and not enough inner Source, faith and strength. Fear and shame, guilt, old school religion, today we can walk hand in hand with the spirit of the Universe and trudge the road to happy destiny. We can go to rock and roll parties and even walk down the liquor isles. In my humble opinion people who talk about having their disease come out of nowhere and take them out and into the ground haven't made the decision yet and that is the third step? This means that we can stay sober on yesterdays sobriety because the decision is made every day. Therapy is great because once people see that their way of life doesn't or isn't working anymore and its all damage control then they can move on over to the numinous side of things. This means that therapy really begins with  abstinence and sobriety and everything before this is self medicating but it is really planting the seeds. What seeds? Seeds to long term sobriety, there are thousands maybe even millions of people that are one chip wonders, that is permanent sobriety. There are many great spiritual teachers that have helped and are helping people get in touch with the numinous that aren't so called alcoholics and drug addicts. This is the New Age spiritual peace movement that is hitting this country like the Trump Train that it was always meant to be. I am eternally grateful for the people in the rooms, non judgmental, they helped love me until I could love myself.

The Warrior Within

Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette- "Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse" What is the difference between a rock and roll mercenary and a soldier of the apocalypse and the four horsemen of the apocalypse? Rock and roll mercenaries have a lot more firepower. What do you think about Gordon Duffs latest intel dump? Gordon should open up a business with Nancy Pelosi called Propaganda  R Us. Our Potus is not a three dimensional mobster wanna be, he is the head shed and nobody pushes him around. Why do you think his name is Don? So how do we know what is real or what is not considering everything seems to be an illusion? One must tap in their inner source and stop looking for outside confirmation from what in many cases is just distraction and dis- info. That is how one transforms over from seeker to source, their own inner strength and conviction. It doesn't mean that you are always right but as long as it feels right at least you can go down at peace. If you are so convinced from within isn't this fear and ego based? No infact its just the opposite, the subconscious is fear and ego based but not the conscious. The goal for all of us in this New Age Of Aquarius is to merge the subconscious with the conscious, that is where peace and harmony come into play.  
   All of the wars, fear, greed, resentment, death and destruction come from the sub-conscious and the need to dominate and control others. Manipulation and chaos, this is all ego and self centered fear driven. In many cases its one's perception of reality and this is what causes all of the misery. Once we tap into the numinous and go from seeker to source the sky is the limit, we are talking about infinite potential. Trying to be successful looking outside of oneself is a recipe for alcoholism and depression. That is how and why one is supposed to be complete without a gf. Are you a Democrat or a Republican? Neither, the problem we have in this country is divide and conquer instead of uniting as one. The best thing to do is get rid of both political parties. If the criminal justice system doesn't work anyway then why try to lock up the Clintons? Examples need to be made that more then just the small frys need to do the time. If you are robbing the Haitian people from money that is supposed to be helping them this isn't setting a good example. The days of only the small frys doing the time have to come to an end. What do you think about Steve Bannon? I never trusted him, he seemed Machiavellian right of the bat. When I read that his entire mission was to take on the establishment I had a feeling that he wasn't the genuine article. His alleged quotes about Darth Vader power and Dick Cheney seemed to be very strange as well. Like maybe he isn't playing with a full deck and that is why he crashed and burned. This is a perfect example of somebody being their worst enemy. Alex Jones top notch source Zach stated that Bannon definitely had some weird e-mails. A strange character that thought he could sabotage our Potus and not go down in flames. I don't think anybody would listen to Bannon if he got in front of the podium anyway. These people who write books that are distortions of the truth like this clown Wolf- You can see how they carry themselves that they are smarmy and not trustworthy. Bannon missed out on the first rule of success- In order to become successful you have to help others become successful with genuine and pure motives. The way to crash and burn and go down in flames is to stab the boss in the back and contribute to books that are mostly pure fiction.

Friday, January 12, 2018

AI and Thier Technocratic Gods I thought that you were going to get out of the debating society business? Issues are meant to be discussed and it is actually healthy to agree to disagree. I may seem like the final authority but there are many others who will try to shoot me down. Do you believe that the technocrats created all of the current ills of our modern day society? Yes- they have super smart people, they know how the mind works and are expert manipulators. The book Irresistible written by a Stern School professor explains in great detail what this Infowars link does, addiction in its finest forms. If somebody is a drug addict does that mean that they are definitely an alcoholic? Let me put it to you this way you might be able to be a drug addict without being an alcoholic but there is no way that you are  going to be an alcoholic without unequivocally being a drug addict as well. That is confusing what do you mean? It means that you can be a chronic pain patient and get physically hooked on meds an in medical terms be considered an addict primarily due to a physical dependence but that doesn't mean that your brain is predisposed to Reward Deficiency Syndrome- Low dopamine d2 receptors. This means that you can physically wean off the drug and then go back to moderation and life as you once knew it. It all depends on somebody bio pycho social- Its not how much one uses perse its what it does to you when you use that is the big differentiation.
    The most beautiful gift for an alcoholic/drug addict is to accept that fact on a soul level and then turn ones life over to a power greater then themselves, this is what can turn a resentful active or dry drunk alcoholic into a humble and grateful one. The technocrats and their AI gods are actually angels because they are helping more people get in touch with our creative and universal intelligence. What do you think about all of these new solutions  for Treatment Resistant Depression specifically TMS or Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation? For starters the globalist technocrats who bring in all of their saviors for the problems that they created try to get us to buy whatever they say or write just because they have the advanced degrees. Depression is a symptom and not a disease. MDD- Major Depressive Disorder just like Bi- Polar are more then likely creations of the Deep State. Lets take a look at the Yale shrinks who weren't even certified in Ct making phony diagnosis on our Potus. Ivy League, advanced degrees doesn't mean as much as one might think, many of these people are bought and paid for frauds. It doesn't mean that they don't have some decent rabbits in their bag of tricks but if you are calling depression a major disease and using various forms of medication many are barking up the wrong tree and are actually doing more harm then good. One of the definitions of Treatment Resistant Depression is having a mix and match plethora of antidepressant medications that are not doing the trick. None of these meds do the trick- Dr Kelly Brogran MD already blew the cover off of the entire medical establishment. She is a holistic psychiatrist and stated that these meds are nothing more then placebos that in many cases cause suicide ideation an outright suicides. Many of these doctors don't do a dam thing except write scrips and play the wizard of OZ and just sit behind their curtain while many people start offing themselves in massive droves due to the side effects of these so called innocuous anti- depressants. These meds have major warning labels to cover any litigation, they are doing more harm then good and Big Pharma is getting away with crimes against humanity. This means that the number one thing that these patients do need is being neglected, that is talk therapy and getting in touch with the numinous. What do you have to say to the people that say meds got me out of my rough spot and actually saved my life? For a quick and temporary solution that was more then likely a placebo I say god bless I am glad that they worked. However who wants to be on meds for life? This is nothing more then a Racketeering operation set up by the greedy technocrats who run big pharma and all of their crime syndicates.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

What You Resist Persists

What do you have to say about you being the one that is an egomaniac with an inferiority complex? I would say no but I do need to watch out for the harsh criticisms on the system because there are a lot of good people in it. For example somebody can go to jail and rehab as many times as they need to eventually get sober. Some of the people that I was calling devils may actually be angels. Like who are you referring to? The people who are letting the clients go to rehab multiple times over. Their is no correlation between long term sobriety and the number of times somebody went to rehab. In fact the longer one goes to rehab, jails and therapy the more that the seeds get planted.
  There is no need to call these people at the top of the system criminals who incarcerate people as a means of control or to make money. The US criminal justice system is the best in the world and the Rico statute has very sharp teeth. The system has helped many people become very happy and productive members of society. What you resist persists, this means that by criticizing everybody else above the top of the Pyramid you are really not feeling so great about yourself. Just be the divine light and try to carry the message, who cares whatever else somebody is allegedly doing are not doing because that is finger pointing and untreated dry drunk alcoholism in spades. Obama is a good guy, a constitutional lawyer and he was never a war monger, he stands for peace and prosperity for future generations. What do you think about Potus Trump statement that America isn't ready to tackle the opiate epidemic and how he compared today's drug usage to The Age Of Aquarius in the 60's? I don't agree, we have never been more ready and it doesn't have to get worse before it gets better, its a matter of perception. We have the best combination of therapy and support groups in a way that this country has never experienced before. What do you mean by that? It means that we are still in the Age Of Aquarius- Peace, love and real living angels that can help people get in touch with eternal life and the spiritual guide force. Utilitarianism and positive reinforcement- no guilt or shame, the more people that are suffering means that their will be a higher percentage of people that get and stay sober. It starts by no longer criticizing people within  the system because everybody is doing the best that they can. Their is a reason for everything, and what you are criticizing really has an end game that is for the greater good and for the betterment of society as a whole. The opiate scourge of our lifetime will be a better opportunity to help and to be of service. Spontaneous remissions, meditations, combining clear and pure intentions with elevated emotions, this is going to revolutionize our world as we once knew it.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Laissez Faire

Why is Sessions cracking down on weed, what a waste of time. How can something be legal and then not be from a fed standpoint? Remember how they used to give draconian sentences, ie- many years for weed? Who are the real criminals?- They control everything just like in the bootlegging days and then make believe that they are really looking out for our greater good- Seriously our AG is not very impressive- Az Sheriff Joe Arpaio was another self promoter who shouldn't have been given a pardon and now he wants to run for The Senate. We live in a country where the most corrupted and the most corruptible get Presidential Medals of Freedom and fast tracks toward promotion instead of prison. First of all detaining people in the desert is cruel and unusual punishment- This guy has all the hallmarks of a dirty dealer. Pink underwear or whatever else he did, these clowns  live in the stone age. Incarceration doesn't work and neither does solitary confinement, this is akin to torture and Gitmo tactics. The people who created  these stone age rules are the biggest criminals of all. How is giving somebody ptsd and isolating them from all human contact going to deter them from committing another behavioral issue? Most of the people that are locked up are not hardened criminals anyway, they are drug addicts that got caught up and are victims of the system. How are they victims of the system? Lets take at look at Chicago PD which is based in harsh reality. Chicago one of the most hellacious urban war zones in the country all sponsored by Obama and company- Rahm Emanuel the Chicago mob crowd- Arpaio is questioning the authenticity of Obamas birth certificate, this is a positive thing that he is doing without question. He is not the only one who believes that it may not be legit. If you have infighting within the top brass and when people are under appreciated this leads to  resentment and this is what perpetuates the dirty cop- Sgt Hank Voight- Only 1 bowl of dog food in the cage with 2 dogs- Sgt Voight is a great cop but the chief is a dirty dealer- That's how these people set it all up- Its all about divide and conquer-
    So when you grow up on the streets their is basically only one way to survive- Locking these people up takes them off the street for a while but they are almost guaranteed to start the cycle over. And Sin City- the largest mass shooting in US history, another cover up by dirty cops, local leos and the feds. Its unfortunate because these people are making everybody else look bad and that's not good- Watching Live PD- these cops are all top notch, their are no signs of urban warfare treatment and trigger happy leos- infact it's just the opposite and this is the majority. So now we need some Serpicos to come out and say we want  no bs investigations on all of these mass shootings and all dirty cover up con artist cops and their top brass will be arrested and stripped of their badge because you don't work for yourselves perse you work for "We the People"- Sandy Hook- Vegas- these people are covering it all up  and the FBI is in on it. However the corruption goes all the way to the top as usual.
    So as AG Sessions should have a laissez faire approach to marijuana- leave the people alone and keep the feds out of it and let the individuals not the individual states choose what is right for them- Their are bigger fish to fry- The heroin triangle in Atlanta. There are so many good cops out there- This one cop on intervention didn't arrest an addict for paraphernalia he got her some help instead- Therapy combined with god is the solution

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

High Crimes And Felonies

So what do you think about Thomas Ricks book on Churchill and Orwell so far? So far so bad as far as Churchill is concerned- I see him as a typical untreated alcoholic- an egomaniac with an inferiority complex? His mom, very promiscuous and a mentally abusive father in the same league of Satan himself. As long as your child did their best how and why would or could a father send a letter of disappoint and with such vitriolic abuse pretty much guaranteeing the reason for Churchill ending up the way that he did. He wasn't raised with Blue Blood pedigree either and seemed to have a chip on his shoulder as a result of this. He also had a thirst for war in an attempt to earn the respect of his father. "The religion of peace is usually the better armed"pp-14 "Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at with no result- pp-13 He attended SandHurst this is top notch- I believe Prince Harry went there, This is Americas West Point- I respect Harry, his comrades in arms seemed to respect him as well. He didn't want to be treated any differently while in Afghanistan- And the measure of a warrior is not what somebody says or writes about you in the establishment news feeds but rather its from somebody who really knows you or is able to see how you act or react in various scenarios.
   Alex Jones doesn't seem to respect him, Harry interviewed Obama- Speaking of Jones what do you think about his breakdown of Oprahs speech at the Golden Globes? Jones seems to be right on the money and has been on everything that I have witnessed so far. The charlatans in the main stream media who discredit him are only discrediting themselves and proving themselves to be more and more irrelevant every day. For example why do they consider AJ to be a fringe right wing conspiracy theorist? This isn't even true, he is a libertarian and is the most refreshing geo- political analyst that I have ever witnessed. I used to think that listening in with the VT guys was like getting in on the Fireside chats but not so much any more. Why is that? Because the head sheds don't seem to like or respect our Potus- Today AJ and Dr P are my fireside chats. What do you think about the New York Times magazine analysis of Sean Hannity?- It was ok, he seems like a decent guy full of Fire and Fury. The only problem is that in his down time it appears that he listens to Bo Dietl and not Alex Jones- 
     The issue with Oprahs One World Spirituality is that she needs to answer some questions about depopulation and playing the role of the AI gods- Even the Wall Street Journal had a headline that clearly stated that this billionaires club wants to wipe out the worlds population. Lets take a look at the facts- 64,000 dead people from heroin not including the multiple od's in just one year and that is just with the opiate epidemic- Secondly humans are the divine creation and the divine intelligence so nobody should try to put themselves up on some type of Planned Parenthood bandwagon and start promoting and using abortion as a means of birth control. That is why so many of the people on the right have solid values. Gates dad was all about Planned Parenthood- I also have reason to believe that their so called non profit foundations are not as benolovant as they are trying to make them appear. I will go back to InfoWars, David Knight and Jerome Corsi- These people are owed a huge debt of gratitude not only today but as time marches on. They are doing real investigations right out in the open for We The People to not only witness but to also participate in. What good is working for the cia or the fbi if you cant disclose pertinent intel that we the people have a right to know about? Also I believe that Judicial Watch is probably real, they have been hammering the high crimes and the felonies of the Clintons for a while now. 

Mentally Fit- Must Not Acquit

When one is mentally fit you must not acquit- The Trump Train travels faster then a speeding bullet and is more powerful then a locomotive so now the left is grasping at straws.  These Yale psychiatrists  cant legally diagnosis an individual or make assessments without meeting them in person- That is the Goldwater Rule adopted by the APA- Now there is going to be some blowback because Dr P wants to testify under oath and sue these charlatans- Dr P is board certified- This should make the 25 th Amendment ploy sponsored by the Democrats null and void 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Faster Then A Speeding Bullet

What do you think about Fire And Fury? I don't know but it seems to be bogus- Fox News is doing a good job of showing examples of fake news, especially Sean Hannity- Also if Steve Bannon is anti establishment this means that he shouldn't have contributed to a book that is apparently so divisive. 6 months ago I was somewhat swayed in the direction of the establishment news outlets, people like Chris Mathews and Rachel Madow, but not anymore.. If the Russia story is not a hoax  I will be surprised. On the other hand I believe that Charles Ortel has solid intel on the Clinton Foundation but only time will tell. President Trump has eliminated ISIS and the economy is firing up like the Trump Train that it was meant to be. He has millions of solid people standing behind him in unison with support and encouragement. What do you think that he allegedly doesn't read on a voracious level? If this is true which I doubt from the excerpts that I read he does what all top notch executives do, they focus on the big picture and not the minutia. He doesn't need to be bogged down and distracted, he knows what needs to get done and then he comes out at full speed and at the highest of all intellectual and spiritual force. The Trump Train travels faster then a speeding bullet and leaves Acela in the rear view mirror. Richard Clark stated that Bill Clinton was of high intellect and stayed up reading until the wee hours of dawn. That's great but he wasn't an effective leader that's the difference between an establishment politician and a Scottish warrior. The establishment is done as we once knew it or it soon will be as Monica Crowley stated. I will be surprised if they don't all go down in a ball of flames. Clinton had the establishment news feeds telling the world about classified missions in Somalia in 93, do you think our Potus would ever do that? Why would Clinton tip off the bad guys in advance? The media has been allowed to get away with many horrible things over the years but now those days are soon finally coming to an end. A top notch executive doesn't hide in the dark like a Vampire and just read books and hours of briefings. They focus on the big picture and know how to multi task and implement  many things much quicker then the average bear.   

Spiritual Activation Teams

Evolution Of Revolution- Neale Donald Walsch- the spirit of the universe- life changing perception on god and the future of our world- New World Order- NWO- not of all of the bad that we read about it but rather all of the good. This means a one world spirituality with a god as we understand (him/her Universal intelligence) Not in the traditional god of yesterday but rather with the future god of tomorrow- This means instead of tactical drone strikes to take out the so called bad guys we will send out (spiritual activation teams-) The reason the world has become a divide and conquer scenario is due to yesterdays god- Nationalist Imperialism for USA is ok but we cant view other cultures and countries as less then. One Nation Under god Indivisible means integrating peace concepts across the plane. This will set up an evolution of revolution. If we are all connected as one this means that we cant or shouldn't kill anybody else because that means that we are really killing ourselves. Thou shall try not judge others because that means that we are really judging ourselves and playing the role of yesterdays god. One can form strong conclusions  based on all available evidence but not having contempt prior to investigation is a good concept to adhere to. God is really life itself and this means all living and breathing beings. This includes plants and animals- We shouldn't be killing animals unless we are starving- I eat dead animals and try not to feel guilty about it- Its ok to judge people that kill animals for only stuffed trophies and ego gains. Maybe we should let all of the animals and all the people live and stop playing the role of yesterday's god.  But everybody can have their own concept- (as we understood him/her- mother earth universal intelligence and all of life itself) 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

FBI And Fraud Mr. Swecker stated the e-mail investigation was a total joke that was stonewalled by Comey and his capital cronies- The FBI is supposed to have impeccable integrity and be beyond reproach- They have proven themselves to be untrustworthy and all culpable individuals must be held accountable. What is the sense of investigating Rico crimes if they appear to be the Rico perps themselves? Swecker appears to be a stand up man that seemed disgusted by these political hack jobs within the Bureau-  What kind of standard are they upholding when the most important investigations are blatantly ignored?- Mr. Swecker stated that they needed as standard protocol for these type of investigations, ie- (grand juries, search warrants and subpoenas) but they didn't do any of that. Instead they got Slick Willy's on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch- President Trump is going to change the world as we once knew it- The Executive Order is going to initiate Rico investigations having to do with alleged crimes on an international level, Charles Ortel is an individual that is a shining star and an example of what the real FBI should have been doing in regard to The Clinton Foundation. Ortel stated just like Swecker did that the heart and soul of the FBI- the line guys are disturbed by these political hack jobs and capital cronies- These democrats are pathetic- They have Yale University make up fraudulent assessments of our Potus's psychological state- I cant wait until the entire Yale University psychiatric dep't comes crumbling down along with their criminal cartel and house of cards- Dr P stated that these Ivy League Universities are corrupted so deeply within. Wolfowitz and his false flag stand downs- Apparently they taught that at Cornell University along with fraudulent and phony psychiatric profiles of mass shooters with Asperger's at Yale- Mental Health Awareness scams, gun confiscation, fraud and corruption at the deepest of all levels

The Numinous

Be Skeptical But Learn To Listen- So what is on your mind today? Lets see mysticism is more of a philosophy then a religion. I am skeptical but have learned to be more trusting since my spiritual awakening. I have a few questions- First off I would like to ask Oprah what is up with her alleged pow wow with the eugenicists? She apparently went with Bloomberg- One of those secret Bilderberg events- Is mass depopulation hard and soft kill methods really on their agenda? If so this definitely goes against her endorsement of great spiritual books like The 5th Agreement and The Secret- I try not to be political because I am really not, I just don't like or respect hypocrisy and phonies. I can see that many of the spiritual greats are not into polemics, they stay out of debates that is why I admire and respect Lilou Mace so much, she is all about peace and love. But it is hard for me to not ask questions when people like Neale Donald Walsch consider Bill Clinton to be an icon and somebody of greatness and mass influence. He also admires Streisand, I don't care because I am a bleeding heart libertarian and like a lot of those people as well. So my next question is are those rape allegations true and what about those Mena Ark. drug runs and Clinton body counts? I don't live in a land of smoke and mirrors with fairy tails and stardust like many of these people. I admire Walsch a great deal and do his meditations every morning, although he made an appearance in the movie he doesn't hold in high regard The Secret. He feels that The Secret is all about me- myself and I and not enough about how can I serve thee? It is my feeling that The Secret is something that is decent from a cursory standpoint but it doesn't delve into the land of the numinous. And once the numinous is glimpsed nothing will ever be the same again.
   In other words The Book and movie will gain some fans and piqué the interest of the spiritually curious however Walsch goes much deeper then that. In other words The Secret is somewhat commercialized, it gets people to continue to head to the seminars and to buy the DVD's in an attempt to get the rubies and the diamonds. Walsch is all about spirituality and The Source within so there is no need to constantly run around the matrix and the hamster wheel looking for miracles. This is the 3- D world when Walsh is already 5- D and beyond. He is brilliant, he knows that in order to be successful one has to empower and make others successful around him/her and that is the real secret to happiness and success. The 3- D world is all about what's in it for me- myself- and I- Spirituality comes from the immaterial and basically one is already whole and doesn't need a significant other to accomplish this mission. That is the definition of enlightenment and one doesn't have to constantly ask others for their approval if they are enlightened or not. This is how Eckard Tolle explained it "one will know when they no longer have to ask the question." Even if one has a little numinous in their soul  this is better then having no spirituality at all. That is the problem with organized religion and all of their worshiping and obeyance myths. Jerry Maguire You Complete Me is a myth and is not based in spiritual reality. Nothing was able to fill the hole in my soul called alcoholism- I never had success but couldn't relate or deal with failure either. Today my goal is to have situations develop as a result of being happy not having happiness being contingent upon the result of certain conditions because that is 3 D- Today I don't have to be co-dependent and try not to save the world. However Buddha did say act like you are actually making a difference in world events while laughing at the absurdity of that thought at the same time. My definition of enlightenment today is having peace and love in ones soul.  I am a ways away from this in totality but hopefully I am a little bit better off then yesterday

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Human Shadow

(Robert Bly- A Little Book On The Human Shadow-) Blys intense interest in the Human Shadow came to him while living alone in New York City- Remember I am A Rock- The artists had their books and poetry to protect them however they did find some comfort in some of the hoars on7 th Ave- Bly knew that "if any help was going to arrive to lift me out of my  misery, it would come from the dark side of my personality" pp-2 (The 5th Agreement- Be Skeptical But Learn To Listen)

Small Frys Do The Time

One Nation Under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all- So what did you mean by PBS Front Line being fake news? It means that ISIS was a creation of the cia and was run by Israel and rogue factions of our cia- Israel Secret Intelligence Service- The Bush regime ran both sides of the War in WW 2- Smedly Butler- basically financing American deaths to keep the war machine going at full throttle. This isn't one nation under god indivisible, this is unscrupulous capitalism that is traitorous in nature. America isn't supposed to be in bed with other regimes to make a dollar for the select few- People need to go to prison. The Bush family was never supposed to be our Presidents- That was the result of their attempted coup de tet in 1934- How did we let this happen- They ran guns and drugs in the 80s and killed everybody that got in their way. In order for America to be the number one superpower we need to keep all resources stateside and get rid of all rogue factions of the cia. The cia operates the same way as these political hack jobs at the FBI- What is the difference- Nothing- Just like JE Hoover and his public enemy number one we had Bin Laden- Al Zarqawi- Baghdadi and a bunch of bs propaganda along the way. Apparently a lot of Americans and many other innocent people died along the way. 
   I cant wait until our Potus puts the clamps down on all of these rogue crime families- The Coke brothers- Slick Willy and the Bush gangsters and cronies, apparently they all love each other- Rapists that run guns and drugs but the rules are different for all of us why is that? In order for America to be great again this means that all compromised individuals must be eliminated and they need to be held accountable. All libelous and fake news stories that are slanderous in nature must be not only made illegal but they also need to have consequences. Piss Gate- Hack Gate and every thing else in between that these political cia maphia thugs and hacks made up need to be met head on.        
   Hillary Clinton- continued flagrant and egregious violations of the rule of law but  then they send drug addicts to prison for possession charges. Our country is run by a bunch of criminals, thugs and racketeers. The criminal justice system doesn't work anyway and they don't enforce the law for the people at the top why is that? So what difference does it make? What is giving somebody a felony going to do to prevent somebody from becoming a recidivist? Infact you are almost guaranteeing recidivism  by making somebody fill out check boxes making it very difficult if not impossible to find decent employment. Jail and prison doesn't deter anything anyway because people can get drugs on the inside almost as easily as on the outside and they are also surrounded by drug addicts and people with criminal minds. The criminal minds at the top are the ones who thought about incarceration as a way to control the masses as well as to  make a lot of money along the way. I couldn't get a decent job at $15 dollars per hour and I couldn't even become a limo driver because of my class e- felony. This only made me more depressed and increased my anxiety and low self esteem. The system does a good job of sending people to treatment but the multiple treatment scenarios need to be cut off. Just because somebody uses after treatment doesn't mean that they have to go back again. This is an insurance scam that the fat cat capitalists have been making millions and in aggregate billions of dollars off of . So its either jail or another rehab while the profiteers laugh all the way to the bank. These fat cat war mongers make so much money off of the private and public prison systems as well. So they are either making money off of financing both sides of war, rehabs, jails and prisons. This is racketeering so why are only the small fry's doing the time? They have the best scam going now- Have cia run all of the drugs in and then send everybody to rehab and prison once they get hooked if they don't od and die first and then make it nearly impossible for anybody to ever become a functioning and productive member of society.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Fraud And Theft By Deception

The cia runs guns and drugs and should be broken up and all culpable individuals need to go to jail. Hillary Clinton makes me sick and so does the Bush family- Mena Arkansas- not fake news- credible sources have come out with this info. So this happened under Reagan- Clinton states that Alex Jones is a bad guy because he said that 9-11 and Oklahoma City were inside jobs. I watched A Noble Lie and have checked out other intel  and I would have to state that Jones is right on the money. So now we have some things going in the right direction. David Knight explained that Robert Gates- George W and Obamas Secretary of Defense was the Deputy cia director during the drug running days of the 80's-  Why are the rules different for these political hacks and opportunists? We don't want any more of your phony false flag school shootings and bs mass shootings in general. Fraud And Theft By Deception- Fetzerblog- Sandy Hook- Their entire house of cards is going to  crumble down in 2018 because we finally have the right man in charge. The economy is on fire as well- The executive order that targets the globalists, all done by somebody that they didn't want to win. I cant wait until the major drug rings are broken up. I don't like massive ods and people dying from heroin and fentanyl because of these cia criminals that are doing the same thing that they did in the 80s with their cocaine and crack. They called for a massive depopulation agenda and I really don't think this is funny. How many dead heroin ods 64,000 per year more then the entire Vietnam war. These big Pharma drug distributors are going to be held accountable- Something is wrong so what are We The People going to do about it? You waged war on our people so now we are going to wage war on you

My Country Tis Of Thee

How do you serve thee? By air- land- and sea- My country tis of thee sweet land of liberty of thee I sing from every mountainside let freedom ring. What does this mean? It means that we have antipathy for liars- cowards- predators- and thieves. This includes pathetic crisis actors who do nothing except cause drama. We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States Of America The Wrong Enemy- Carlotta Gall- US in Afghanastan-01-14- corroborates that Pakistans duplicitous military and intelligence forces have been fueling the insurgency- lead Pulitzer Prize winning team