Monday, January 30, 2017

Xenophobic Knee Jerk War Drum Beats

This Muslim ban doesn't make any sense. It is a bit too xenophobic in nature. Islam is a peaceful religion, the only thing this does is inflame the Jihadist and now they will use this as a recruitment propaganda tool. There are Jihadi bad guys out there but very few of them are coming in on airplanes. The official 9-11 investigation final report doesn't add up either but that doesn't mean that there aren't  radical ISIS types who want to start problems for the West. The only thing that makes sense as far as that goes is to put people on watch lists and infiltrate their inner circle with our humungous intelligence apparatus that was created as a direct result of 9-11. Working with overseas agencies M15 and M16 that we hopefully developed as a direct result of 9-11. If we haven't advanced in that regard after 15 plus years then there is no hope for us anyway so what difference does it make? By creating chaos and destabilization on the home front with a 90 day moratorium ban on Muslims doesn't build hearts and it definitely doesn't build minds. The 7 countries that are part of this ban do not even have a track record of having terrorists that have killed Americans stateside so why is this ban being initiated? It looks like Obummer bombed these countries so I want to know what else these countries have done? Have our soldiers and contractors been killed? If so then I don't care about the ban and it makes sense that  President Trump has initiated this temporary moratorium.  Islamic Jihad is a very small percentage compared to the Muslim- Islam religion. I don't like being treated like a terrorist when I travel by these Homeland Security people. I wouldn't want to travel during chaos and ridiculous scenarios that have been initiated by our intel apparatus to begin with. This entire situation is unsophisticated and doesn't make any sense. I think by treating Americans as potential terrorists the past 15 plus years should piss us off even more. Every time we travelled we had to be x-rayed with naked body scanners and take our shoes off what a f ing joke. Humiliated by a bunch of pedophile cia DHS clowns who are constitutionally incapable of telling the truth. I remember right after 9-11 these maphia thugs shook down one of my favorite artists Cat Stevens because of his Muslim ties. That should say it all about the state of affairs that these people initiated as a direct result of their 9-11 False Flag Stand down that terrorized the f out of me. So they can go all jump off of the TZ Bridge because that is where they all belong. Better yet make that the GW because I know some people that actually survived jumping off the TZ Bridge

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