Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Farcical Fake News And Bread And Circus Farcical- That is a good word to describe these Democratic operatives. I sometimes feel that I am living in a cartoon the way these mudslingers operate. Some of these people try to make it appear that they really want to take out the Deep State, these operatives are the most obvious ones of all. Seriously it jut discredits everything that they ever accomplished or attempted to accomplish by making believe they are out to get real bad guys. A few months ago I read that Mr. Don Lemon CNN basically stated that Hillary wasn't laughing about getting that child rapist off. Really, I listened to the tape and I beg to differ. She appeared to be almost bragging that as a defense lawyer she was able to accomplish this. So there you have it who really is the fake news? It is all  going to come crashing down eventually. We live in Dystopian bubble I must admit. I couldn't believe that when I was watching some college football game recently, I don't remember who was even playing but there was a grown man crying in the stands because his team was down or about to lose. Are you kidding me doesn't that say it all? Bread And Circus- Take your vaccines and meds to accomplish the chemical lobotomies all set up for the masses way in advance don't worry everything will be fine. Sit on the couch, drink your beer and cry when your team loses. I have cried a bunch of times but never over Bread And Circus. I cried when our country got hit on 9-11, I cried when my gf cheated on me and put me through the wringer, and I cried during some bs emotional lability scenario with that devil drug Xanax. Mr. Lucifer itself, Mr. Xanie bar, it  makes people cry for little or no reason and people appear to become emotionally unstable and black out and lose their mind that is why the shrinks love to prescribe it. I also cried when I was struggling in early sobriety. I deeply cried when my dog got taken out. My tears are real unlike many of our cia Manchurian candidates that try to pass themselves off as real leaders. I am not trying to pass judgment but Mr. Bread And Circus was set up by design a long time ago. The kind of mind controlled Automaton way beyond repair, just a hapless victim of the world that we currently live in.     

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