Wednesday, January 4, 2017

DNA Antidepressant Medication Test The latest in junk science news is a DNA cotton swab test that is supposed to analyze an individuals genes. Basically one is alleged to have different metabolizers and the results of these tests supposedly tell doctors what antidepressant medication appear to not interfere with a patients genetic profile. I do believe compulsive disorders combined with major symptoms  of-( bipolar, ocd, bpd and schizophrenia etc. exist. however I also believe that most of these so called mental illnesses have been manufactured. It appears to me that addicts are getting a comorbid diagnosis without bi polar present in many cases. In other words they are using the depression as a stand alone combined with the substance use disorder as the excuse to label people mentally ill or dual diagnosed. In other cases they are labeling addicts bi-polar without a history of real manic depression. Does anybody have any idea how much money is involved in this scam? Take a look at lab blood tests and how much money insurance companies are  kicking back for starters. Just out of curiosity how will they know what anti depressant to prescribe because they all have different side effects for each individual? Supposedly this new cotton swab DNA test eliminates the needle in the haystack type prescription guessing game. Kelly Brogan MD has already burst the bubble on all of this by stating that these anti depressants are nothing more then placebos. I see Dr Amen on his infomercials, it looks good what he is coming out with Spect scan technology but how much of this is really legit? Can you do a Spect scan on somebody's brain to tell if they are mentally ill or to see if they have a propensity toward drug addiction? Inquiring people want to know? Everybody has life's emotions which include ups and downs but that doesn't mean that 60% of newly sober addicts have comorbid conditions. Social Anxiety Disorder for shyness Paxil to the rescue the entire junk science psychiatric treatment model is a scam. Alcoholics/Drug Addicts have an allergy to alcohol in any form and the symptoms are typically anxiety and depression when left untreated. We don't have a mental illness of depression that is leading us to self medicate due to a chemical imbalance. We have a disease condition where the symptoms are depression and  anxiety as well as  being restless irritable and discontent. We have a physical allergy of the body and a mental obsession of the mind. We cant stop self medicating once we pick up alcohol in any form and this also includes during episodic binge scenarios. Let me tell you something these antidepressants make people restless irritable and discontent.  Bipolar or manic depression is different then straight out depression. Hypomania- ups and downs combined with severe lows of depression however this doesn't mean that just because a girl in high school has hyper sexuality that she has bi-polar or manic depression. The symptoms of depression are serious, I know because I have had this in a severe form. The new treatment model is to have people medicated for life  with no end game in sight and a new cotton swab dna test to the rescue. If people had real psychotherapy which includes 12 step based DBT and CBT real genetic and epigenetic symptoms would diminish significantly if not go away entirely. I took Strattera after rehab in 2011 and basically felt like offing myself. Is there any wonder why these meds talk about suicide ideation on their labels? These drugs are leading to suicide not the other way around. These people need to go to jail pure and simple. There has been an exponential increase in bi-polar diagnosis in young children where did this actually come from inquiring people want to know? They are getting away with this and we the people are letting them. Dr Blum stated that alcoholics have a shortage of dopamine d2 receptors which also leads to a higher chance of developing ptsd but does that mean we need anti depressants, mood stabilizers and anxiolytics to treat this? These psychiatrists do not do any real therapy, patients sit down and within 15 minutes they are writing prescriptions. Non Narcotic or not these drugs are dangerous and hell on earth to come off of. This junk science technology has already ruined hundreds of thousands if not millions of peoples lives. There is no legit test to tell what drug works on patients because none of them do. Nuero/bio feedback for depression and anxiety makes a lot of sense and so does a hyperbaric chamber. We cant let the inmates run the asylum lets be honest. The inmates are the eugenicists that run the junk science quack fields of psychiatry and mental health that have infected and corrupted the ranks of all General PR actioners MDs who prescribe these meds on a routine basis. My feeling is that the dark world and block box of Wall Street has its roots hooked into this major marketing scam. In other words these Quant models that lead to the implosion of 08 were extremely complex and understood by a select few ie- the quant geniuses. The same premise holds true for Big Pharma and how they have their hooks into the field of Dual Diagnosis and  the so called addiction and recovery world. If one takes a look at the big picture it isn't too difficult to see that the emperor has no clothes. I am not stating that I am even that smart but I know how these people operate. Hopefully sooner rather then later their entire house of cards will come crumbling down. 

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