Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Branch- Task Force 129

We have Frogmen under the water and Snipers on the roof. We have Advance Teams on the ground and Little Birds up in the air. Chad Furlong has a lot of potential that is why he is a candidate for Task Force 129 better known as (The Branch). This Task force is known for nursing wounded people back to health. People who more or less need a second chance in life. The only problem is that since his memory was blown out by ECT there needs to be many months of recovery. Recruiting people for the right reasons makes a lot more sense then some mind controlled mass shooters with a military background that end up shooting up airports. With a privatized black budget there is no shortage of training for recruits of (The Branch.) We are talking about a Team that has more funding then most  of the alphabets combined. People don't have to be rock stars or Tier 1 operators to be a member of this Task Force you just have to have heart. George Steinbrenner used to give wounded birds multiple chances because he saw a lot of potential. The same premise holds true for The Branch but in this particular case they are backed up by The US Constitution. Seasoned Vets have multiple deployments under their belt in the Military itself so by the time they end up in the Branch they really know what they are doing. The high speed low drag days are over for most of the seasoned operators, their bodies and minds are way too banged up. If somebody thinks that the NFL is like dog years for most then they really should learn what it has been like for these guys who have dedicated their life to God and Country low profile and way under the radar. No narcissistic personality disorder for these operators they are way too humble for this Hollywood type showmanship. I am not sure if NPD really exists but I know for sure that narcissism itself does that is why Narcissus drowned in the water by looking at his reflection. Most of the older guys in their late 30's-50'Ss do the recruiting and training. For example in one week they will go through anywhere between 3 to 5 thousand rounds just for training alone. The Branch builds people up for success rather then failure. In other words just because you may have a bad evolution or a bad day because you have problems at home doesn't mean you are thrown out or off the Team. As long as you suit up and show up and put your best foot forward. Most of the Team members are more then a little pissed off by the way our wars have been fought, they hate politics and they definitely hate politicians.

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