Thursday, January 19, 2017

Beyond The Influence

Beyond The Influence Understanding And Defeating Alcoholism- Katherine Ketcham and William Asbury. This was a great book that makes it clear that alcoholism is primarily a genetic and physiological disease. It was thoroughly documented from many credible sources. It clearly states that psychosocial and environmental conditions are contributing factors as well.  My only critique is that they didn't talk about what dry drunk or binge alcoholism was all about. Also they talked about alcoholism at various stages ie- early, middle and late stages as if that was the only way alcoholism worked. It appeared that they made it apparent that this takes many years. The Big Book makes it clear that there are many types of alcoholics. I went through the stages right off the bat at 15-16 years old. I was drinking Southern Comfort straight out of the bottle and smoking weed every day. The combination of drugs and alcohol puts the disease on a fast track which completely negates any type of long and drawn out process for the majority of people in this day and age. This acceleration and progression puts people either in graves or rehabs at early ages. Dr. Kenneth Blum was cited many times in this book. This book is very helpful in corroborating my theories of the Comorbid or Dual Diagnosis scam. 'There is no evidence that people who later go on to develop severe alcohol and drug problems are more likely then others in the general population to have had severe depressions, severe anxiety conditions, or psychotic conditions prior to the development of their alcohol and drug disorders"(psychiatrist Marc Schuckit p-81) This is a complex issue that is why dry drunk alcoholism must be addressed. In other words people who stop going to meetings or people who are alcoholics that never drank at all in many cases end up either in jails, institutions or being homeless. Its not so much as the complete abstinence of meetings but rather the abolishment of a daily reprieve or a spiritual way of life which (must) include a lot of true humility. For me I had symptoms of depression when I repudiated the program and my story is the common theme for many alcoholics who end up relapsing. It is because we have an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind. We don't have more character defects then the average person its just that our defects and resentments will kill us because we are completely powerless over alcohol in any form. For me it is the emotional triggers that put me in ugly places. So what about the argument that we must be mentally ill because we continue to do the same thing and expect different results? Why would I use alcohol in any form when my life has had an ongoing pattern of substance use disorder? It is because I have a shortage of dopamine d2 receptors and people like me end up using drugs or relapsing at the absolute worst possible times. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction are one in the same that is why people who stick needles in their arm should feel welcome in the rooms. Addicts should not be given any meds during treatment. This is creating more problems, in fact this is enabling the illness and it is counterproductive to the long term goal. So when are people supposed to get off meds after they get out of rehab when real life pressures increase and they never should have been on them to begin with? This is creating a huge market for this industry and it appears to be fraudulent with many money based incentives. I don't care if wanna bes want to become millionaires but not when its disrupting the chance of peoples chances of obtaining long term sobriety. ("The bottom line is that SSRIs should never be considered a standard part of alcoholism treatment. One should wait 6-12 months to see if these problems disappear as the  body heals itself and balance is restored" p-177.) This book was the year 2000, here we are in 2017 and Dr Kelly Brogran has now blown the cover off of these meds as being nothing more then placebos that do more harm then good. We need a spiritual and holistic solution. We need Integrative Medicine, Alternative Therapies- Exercise, Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Yoga, Vitamins, Herbs and Amino Acids. Depression and anxiety symptoms in many cases come from our gut and diet more so then our brain. Spiritual is the name of the game. Carl Yung wrote a letter to Bill W in 1961 talking about the importance of a spiritual solution. (Spiritus contra Spiritum)- spirit against spirits- We must develop a stronger craving for a spiritual way of life to fight against the thirst for spirits. Bill stated that "We must find some spiritual basis for living, else we die" 

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