Monday, January 23, 2017

Must Not Acquit If the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit then you must not Acquit. The APA is bogus, they have had about as much transparency as our last Administration. They basically sat around and threw darts at the board to come up with names for all of these so called mental health disorders. Their diagnostic Manuel  is based off of tests that are pure quack or junk Science. This means that there is no medical or Scientific testing procedure to legitimize whatever rabbit they decide to pull out of their hat. They prescribe drugs off label for conditions when the primary condition it is supposed to help with never had any proven track record. They cover their tracks legally by mentioning the risks involved but seriously how could anything that produces these kind of side effects be even legal to prescribe in the first place? Let me tell you something by fraudulently labeling 60% of addicts with comorbid or dual diagnosis this is just aiding in abetting in the facilitation of the clients downfall. What I am saying is that these addicts abuse the shit out of these psychotropic drugs like Wellburtin and Gabapentin because when taken in large enough doses it produces similar effects to ones narcotic of choice ie- Heroin, Cocaine, Adderall, Xanax etc.. This is one of the main contributors to the high recidivism rate. So these facilities are enabling in the clients addiction where ones life is at stake. Last time I checked a lot of people were dropping dead from overdoses. Suboxone should only be administered for a very short period of time if at all. The APA is a crack pot organization, there is no way human beings have as many disorders as they are claiming we have. I am going to go one step further and say mental illness is really few and far between meaning that it may not ever existed at all. I hate to burst the bubble of Dr Huang from Law And Order SVU and Criminal Minds BAU because these are my two favorite shows. Most of these mass shootings are a creation of the cia itself therefore what ever ailments these so called mentally ill assailants had is just a creation of Hollywood fiction. Main stream media just goes along with it because they all have mouths to feed, it is all an incestuous relationship. This means that the Manifestos and Adam Lanzas of this world are  just a continuation of the big pharma agenda. People are really not that violent, this is not that difficult to understand. So there you have it everything is a scam. The gun lobbyists in bed with these people who use statistics from cia Hollywood fantasies in an attempt to push more psychotropic drugs down our throat. And then they have the audacity to label us as mentally unstable if we question the veracity of cartoons based off of 90 pound photo shop weaklings with 100% kill rates and shot out glass windows that no LEO officer would ever be able to fit through. This means that all of these so called evil people in this world really aren't that evil. I don't even think the Bush regime is all that evil anymore. I think that all of that satanic bs was just a creation of the fiction writers in the alternative media. Until I see evidence with my own eyes I am quite skeptical of many of these so called truths that ever came from some people in the alternative media. I admired and respected Alex Jones all along so I am staying with his intel.  

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