Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Obummer Fraud Leaving Office

http://www.infowars.com/trump-press-secretary-alternative-mediabloggers-to-become-part-of-press-corps/ Obummer is a fraud. He states that both Trump and Clinton were the two most unpopular candidates in history and there is a lot of cynicism out there. This is just a perfect example of how cut outs for the establishment don't and never had the pulse of "We The People". Infact Obummer is so far off the mark that I lost interest in thinking that he was a powerful leader a long time ago. For starters he was on the Hillary was horrible bandwagon as her opponent 8 years ago but all of the sudden he backs her for this past election. I know that there are a lot of people that are excited right now for Trump as our Potus. This means that Obummer is a fraud- He stated that the most challenging and emotional part of his tenure was dealing with the Sandy Hook tragedy with all of his phony false flag tears? Seriously is our country that much of a f ing joke? We have a cut out from who knows where with a birth certificate of questionable origin making statements how emotionally upset he was for an event that never even happened. He knows this and so does everybody else with one half of a brain. That basically means that we had an imposter plant who was our head shed Potus for the past 8 years. I am tired of these mind control Manchurian Candidates. Demonizing others and trying to make them look unstable or mentally ill for questioning the veracity of an event with no real forensic evidence is unscrupulous. Let me tell you something Alex Jones stated that the Sandy Hook official report has more holes in it then Swiss cheese. I used to make donuts and I stated that it had more holes in it then the donuts that I made. So basically that is what we had running the show cia based Manchurian Candidate actors with phony false flag tears and questionable birth certificates leaving office. Millions of dollars was fraudulently siphoned off for that Sandy Hook scam with criminal charities for starters. This is the tip of the spear  that may take the entire house of cards down when Donald Trump eventually starts to ask real questions. There is a reason why Jonathon Reich is locked up 1984 in 2017. Wolfgang Halbig is still waiting for answers for legitimate FOIA requests. This is the central point of their entire agenda of mental health awareness and big pharma kickbacks. So there you have it Obummer is the cutout for the Military Medical Petro Pharma  Banking Cartel. I never heard him ask any questions about vaccine safety either. So was our Potus really out for "We The People" inquiring people want to know?    

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