Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Slow Kill Wars Waged Against We The People

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-fires-acting-attorney-general-who-defied-him/ar-AAmqA6q?li=BBnb7Kz  I still don't think this executive order makes any sense. President Trump needs to after real bad guys and we don't need uneducated Americans with hatred toward the Muslim people. I am tired of this, propaganda demagogue type knee jerk Republican moves. The Iraq war was the biggest disaster almost of all time and the Bush Chain gang listened to nobody who gave the right advice. The number of Republicans was a very high number, actual Vietnam war vets and many others. They were either forced out, they either resigned or were fired. The Bush chain gang were bullies and complete narcissists. They took advantage of the emotions of the American people and our vulnerability by getting hit by our own intelligence apparatus and they were able to do everything and anything they wanted without any real opposition. They then proceeded to loot Iraq and Afghanistan without any real care or concern about how many of our soldiers were sacrificed in the process. Depleted Uranium- Forced Vaccinations for our soldiers, IEDs, antidepressant programs where they are now offing themselves in massive droves, (20 plus suicides a day.) People need to go to jail for life over this bare minimum. Many of our soldiers are ruined for life over the toxic chemicals they faced in Gulf War 1 very similar to Agent Orange in Vietnam maybe even worse. So this AG was fired without really even giving her a chance to defend her position. That is why we really need Independent Potus positions. This just reminds me too much of the Bush Chain gang. Now we have vaccines that are unequivocally giving babies Autism- William Thompson and Andrew Wakefield have all of the evidence. Main stream media just carries on with all of their phony bs fake smiles like everything is ok. AJ stated that Meghan Kelly was reading off of her cue card stating that vaccinations were safe and effective. Slow kill wars are being initiated on the American people. The Muslims aren't the bad guys, ISIS- Israel Secret Intelligence Service being funded by our cia and many of these other frauds that took an oath to We The People. We need citizen grand juries set up by the American people if our elected officials don't start to do their job and proceed to go after the real criminals that are hurting not only this country but many others. We proceeded to turn Iraq into a wasteland that was much better off before we invaded. How do these bullies and thugs want to be remembered? Greedy Republicans that just fire or force anybody out that stand up to them or get in their way? 

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