Saturday, January 21, 2017

These Shrinks Need To Go To Jail The covert operation of these military suicides. Suicide in our veterans are at epidemic proportions. It looks like these suicides are taking place not because of the horrors of war but rather because the criminal establishment has doped up our veterans with these psychotropics. 85% of these people didn't see combat and over 50% weren't even deployed. Most of our soldiers weren't in direct combat but that doesn't mean that they don't have real symptoms of depression, anxiety and ptsd. However these drugs are making them off themselves I know it because these psychiatrists are diabolical scumbags and they need to be taken out. I know what these drugs do because I have felt them first hand. There needs to be a mass awakening and Donald Trump needs to put a lot of people in jail. The marketing of these psychotropics is off the chart. People don't have a chance once they get on these meds. It totally and completely disrupts our brains homeostasis. It is causing the very chemical imbalance it is fraudulently attempting to help. When people go off of these meds it causes severe withdrawals, Zoloft for example causes zapping in the brain surges. When people have these symptoms it appears that this is the evidence that we  need the drug even more or at the very least another pychotropic that will make us  feel better since we all have a chemical balance of depression, the biggest bull shit scam going. So these withdrawal symptoms appear to demonstrate that we  never should have "went off our meds." What it is really is that our brain is telling us that we never should have been on these meds to begin with. I came out of rehab in 2011 and became very depressed. I was no longer on the Seroquel that I was dosing myself out with at night to help me deal with the f ed up situation I got myself into to begin with. I started to steal it from somebody's cabinet because my brain was totally screwed up. That made me seek out Stratera something I never tried before and that only made me feel suicidal wtf something I never felt before. I am a total alcoholic but is there any wonder why I ended up getting a DWI only 10 weeks after rehab? Our brains tell us what we need to know don't trust these criminal shrinks, most of them are not even Americans. Now they are taking out our Veterans because of the side effects of these psychotropic drugs. This is not because of the so called (mental illnesses or behavioral disorders) these soldiers allegedly have or because of the carnage that they saw but rather because of the suicide ideation these criminal shrinks and their meds even tell us that they have on their labels.  

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