Friday, January 13, 2017

Mainstream Media Clowns I will be the first to admit that I don't have all of the answers but I do the best I can with the information that is provided. My feeling is that we have a bunch of political hack jobs that are indignant that Donald Trump is going to be our Potus. Buzzsaw a credible source my gut tells me no. This alleged Russian con job hack job became more obvious to me when I saw this clown on Tucker Carlson the other night. I respect Tucker, he stood his ground with this clown and appears to be a credible journalist. I was just hoping that he would have lambasted this clown who made a comment "So you don't think that BBC is a credible outlet is that what you are saying Tucker something to that effect?" I was hoping that Tucker would have said "No I don't because I was standing next to Alex Jones a while back and watched building 7 implode into smithereens and the BBC reporter stated that it was already down when it was still clearly visible in the background.. How could that happen? So no I don't think that BBC has any credibility whatsoever and neither does Buzzsaw". If there was ever a definition of a clown it would be this guy that went up  against Tucker Carlson. I find it tough to watch Oreilly, he makes it too obvious to me that he is just a cut out for the establishment. Last week he was upset because California made it a law that underage prostitutes wouldn't be arrested. Why would he be upset about this why should they be arrested? Let me tell you something I would have respect for Oreilly if he started to wage war against the upper level operations that are behind these types of crimes. Most of these girls are victims of Human Trafficking so the ringleaders need to be taken down and the girls need to go to therapy, what a waste of time watching Oreilly is. There is enough intel out there whether 100% confirmed or not I am not sure but if it is coming from all directions in the alternative media then it would be safe to say that there are many pedophile rings that are operational today and they are being covered up. How come nobody in main stream media is talking about this and how war needs to be waged against this filth? So we have 17 intel agencies that were created as a result of 9-11s inside job and lets not forget The Dept Of Homeland Security and nobody can wage war or find out where these pedophile rings are and blow them up and then proceed to burn them down? I am beginning to think that some of these so called alternative media 100% intel verified sources are nothing more then democratic operatives and just an extension of tabloid journalism. The hypocrisy of criticizing others for being what they actually appear to be is not what one would call ethical journalism. The other reason that they created these 17 intel agencies was to confuse everybody even more. Just take a look at that Buzzsaw piece. It went to James Comey Mr. FBI and then to Clapper Mr. DNI and so on. If it came from the cia itself it would definitely be credible right? So how does one determine what is verified intel since everybody is a criminal? At least a few years back there was one head shed JE Hoover even though he was compromised. I respected  his G Men standard where everybody had to be crisp and clean Supermen types to be an FBI Agent. When are we going to blow up and burn down the freaks pedophiles and perverts and then proceed to smoke them out from under their underground tunnels that is what I want to know?.

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