Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Scientology And Beltway Bandit Cowards Not condoning extensive psychotropic use is the only thing I agree with Scientology on. I am surprised that they aren't into the lobotomies and electric shock therapy because they are way beyond strange. Hubbard was best buds with all of those Satanists like Aleister Crowley etc.. I am calling Tom Cruise out and want to know what he has to say about his mentor David Miscaviage and how he physically beats on his own people? What a pathetic coward. He just wants to show people who is boss. How about We The People decide to burn down his Church of Satan? Apparently these clowns hide behind religious loopholes so this basically makes them immune from any type of civil or criminal liability. What does Tom Cruise and John Travolta have to say about pillaging peoples money with some Pyramid scam that appears to be much worse then Herbal Life? Taking advantage of peoples basic goodness by  using mind control tactics and continued intimidation and manipulation to keep them inside this cult is the height of narcissistic and diabolical behavior. I don't know that much about how Scientology's Narconon rehab program operates but without digging too deep about this it would be safe to say that they don't drug out their clients. If that really is the case then that is the only thing that keeps me from wanting to burn down this cult today. Instead I will wait until tomorrow. What could be more refreshing then taking down cowards that make believe they are the Pope and who physically abuse their own people? Cowards like David Miscaviage usually never deal with problems on their own that is why I don't expect a phone call from him. They usually have minions that do all of their dirty work. Anybody that cant come at somebody head on Mano A Mano with no weapon or ambush is a slime ball and weasel. Instead people like this and within  the cia harass people in other ways ie--behind their back using dishonor and deceit. Of course they would never admit to how cowardly and pathetic they are because they will always just hide behind Plausible Denial. Usually these type of cowards and bullies cant fight their way out of a paper bag. That is what I want to know if David Miscaviage can really fight? The only reason he hasn't been knocked out yet is because he knew how to use mind control on his own people. One of the men stated that even if one was a Seal it would be tough to retaliate to a superior officer like an Admiral. Hey Miscaviage I am standing right here scumbag I just called you out lets see what happens. I cant wait until Donald Trump (Drains The Swamp) of these Washington Beltway Bandit cia weasels that operate in a fashion very similar to Scientology. They do absolutely nothing except make shit up, create drama and spy on their own  people, push peoples buttons and even terrorize their own citizens.

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