Saturday, January 21, 2017

This American Carnage Stops

Donald Trump would never allow those establishment criminals get away with rigging the market in 2008 that basically set up a depression by design scenario. I watched The Big Short and read the book. (Synthetic CDOs- collateralized debt obligations.) The book and movie made it seem that only a few people saw it coming. The string pullers more then likely had this planned way in advance. The rough around the edges loan guys sold these liar loans to the gullible and it was all set up for failure in the very beginning. Adjustable rate mortgages where everybody got bought that would not be noticed until the housing market started to collapse. These small fry loan originators were nothing compared to the establishment types who made a killing at the expense of the little guy. If I were screwed over by these people I would want to burn the country down just like (Enron- Burn Baby Burn.) Seriously how many little guys lost everything in 2008? What the book and movie didn't talk about was how the Illuminati Robber Barron's made off like bandits during that debacle. If there ever was a Skull And Bone type operation that would be it in spades. So these loans were garbage (toxic traunches) and the credit agencies were getting paid to rate them as Triple A solid. They were all backed, signed sealed and delivered by The Fannie Maes, Freddie Macs and the AIGs of this world.. Fraud is sustainable when there is 10 to 1 and 20 to 1 leverage involved.  Greed is good money is power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The end of the movie had a snippet that mentioned that they now meaning in 2017 just relabel these CDO"s with a different name. Money is a drug synthetic CDOs took more people out then the synthetic heroin on the streets today. "This American Carnage Stops." Donald Trump is going to put out all of these fires, he knows exactly where they are and it starts with Draining The Swamp in Washington DC- Off shore criminal cartels that put the middle class and America on the back burner. I couldn't believe that they didn't lock up any criminals after the Dust Bowl That Almost Was. Instead they ended up getting Golden Parachutes worth almost as much money as they stole. This kind of fraud is not difficult to prove in a court of law that is not corrupted. This is the Maphia in its finest form- Extortion- Racketeering- Threats of Marshal Law if the brokerage houses didn't go along with it (A 700 billion dollar Tarp cash infusion). There is a case to be made that Paulson Geitner and Bernanke really were hero's. There was no operating capital, all liquidly was frozen, if there ever was reason to panic it would be Sept 2008. Maybe without the 700 billion dollar infusion for starters didn't happen we would all  be the Joads from The Grapes Of Wrath. (The establishment makes money the old fashion way they steal it.)

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