Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Cartel Vs Cartel

http://www.naturalnews.com/052954_Big_Pharma_amphetamine_drugs_Adderall.html Adderall had me in places I never knew even existed. I am a drug seeker because I am alcoholic, the chances of me  not getting high again were slim to none unless I had a spiritual awakening via an intervention. As much as I wanted the concept of sobriety it was still in the rear view mirror thousands of miles away. Faith without works is dead. This means that no matter how much I preached the concepts of sobriety the truth is that I was either a dry drunk or binging out on some form of narcotic. Weed definitely isn't the answer for people like me, I justified this for holistic measures but the reality is that I just wanted to get stoned. Enough about my issues the truth is that Adderall is just a creation of the establishment and Ritalin shouldn't be given to kids. Seriously side effects of this legal meth are real and dangerous. Of course I used more then prescribed but long term use of this drug on a daily basis will change ones brain chemistry and not for the better. What I am saying is that I don't think ADD and ADHD are real disorders. We here alot about this but how much of this is really fact or fiction? Did we ever have ADD a few decades ago the way we supposedly have it now? The problem is that these big pharma criminals are playing God and taking advantage of peoples good and trusting nature. If some alien freak from who knows where is looking at his APA Manuel with his or her white coat on then it seems to be backed up by a lot of medical and scientific credibility. These string pullers are getting these shrinks and rehab facilities to do their dirty work. Maybe the reason people cant concentrate in this day in age is because we are being assaulted on every level. GMOs, TV vibes, dumb commercials and Bread And Circus. We have comedians that think they are funny by doing nothing except using f  bombs and by using sexual innuendos. Howard Stern and Dice Man don't really do it for me, maybe in very small doses but that's about it. Most of our issues come down to diet and exercise. I was a hyperactive kid, they considered giving me Ritalin. Hyperactive kids have a much higher tendency to develop alcoholism which is exactly what happened. I sought out Adderall a few years ago because I was still buying into the chemical imbalance depression alcoholism myth however the primary reason was that I was a dry drunk drug seeker looking to get my fix. How I justified a narcotic med shows how unsober I really was. I ended up in Zombie land. I put Adderall next to Xanax as far as drugs that will easily make one lose their mind. Its all downhill after the initial "chasing the dragon experience" Most addicts spend the rest of their miserable days chasing that initial high that they never seem to be able to quite get again. This is what's known as "chasing the dragon." I feel sorry for meth and crack addicts. Adderall was alcohol in a stimulant form so for me it was deadly. However what about the innocent kid who is told that he has ADD and the shrinks have his parents buy into it? The child's life will never be the same after this. If non narcotic psychotropics are hard to get off with many dangerous side effects what does this mean for narcotics like Ritalin and Adderall? So the establishment shipped in the crack cocaine in the 80s to dirty up the inner cities and to increase their money making arrest and incarceration rates but they also destroyed many cities and ruined countless lives. Today they are drugging up our youth with narcotic meds, legal meth for non existent ailments and forced inoculations that cause Autism. So why was I still depressed when I sought out Zoloft in my mid 30s when I was still running marathons and eating ok? Its because I had environmental epi genetic issues combined with real life situations and I was no longer seeking spiritual relief from the rooms. The last thing I ever needed was an anti depressant. There should be a lot more transparency and informed consent involved when it comes to any med. If the GPs aren't educating their patients about this then they are not doing their job. Why don't we  stop the bs and make all of the drugs legal in all 50 states- ie cocaine, weed, heroin? Take away the Black Market and start multiple wars. Cartel vs Cartel. Lets see how these black market cartels stand up to our fire breathing demon chasers with god on their side and firepower that would make most peoples head spin.

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