Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Civilian War Mongers And Special Interests So this Secret Service agent didn't want to take a bullet for our President? Nobody should take bullets for our Potus because their job is to make sure no bullets start flying in the first place. I am not really buying into that Reagan assassination attempt. How did the secret service drop the ball on that? Supposedly they had increased security measures that were moving up the chain of command right before Hinkley was able to almost assassinate our President Reagan. It always seems to be the same common theme. Dropped balls and missed opportunities of security protection. I read Oreilleys book but didn't see the tv special but I heard it was good. The only problem is that I don't believe Oreilleys version of history because I don't consider him an authority. I am not saying that I am either but I do the best I can from various sources. Seriously how did Ambassador Stevens not have enough security protection? Our civilian politicians have been the ones making decisions on life and death and it has been a common theme over the years and they always seem to end up getting more of our guys killed. President Trump knows this and has already made appropriate changes. Gen. Mad Dog Mattis would never get any of his guys killed like these civilians who engage in stand downs on a routine basis in an obvious attempt to get more of our guys killed. What a relief it is to now have a Potus who knew what the issues were many years ago. This secret service girl is entitled to her opinion that is what is all about forget about the Hatch Act. My question is why wouldn't she want to stand behind a Potus who is a Populist and who has already created more American jobs? I know for sure that he would never sacrifice one of our American soldiers lives for agenda driven special interests or for political gain. These civilian politicians who were getting their strings pulled the past three administrations have been abhorrent examples of getting our guys killed with little or no empathy. Obummer was a Drone junky and a lot of innocent civilians were killed this way. He engaged in more drone warfare then Bush by far. Obummer had a phony way about him but I would still make sure no bullets started to fly his way because that would be my job. The other day I stated that maybe the Bush regime wasn't so evil after all. I don't know it just seemed like Iraq was such an obvious quagmire. First it was the non existent WMDs. Why would our guys be ordered to drive around just to get blown up with no armor and little or no ROEs? Why did Bremer disband The Republican Guard essentially guaranteeing an insurgency by starving them to death? It kind of gets me sick because these civilian leaders come out of the warzones and then just write books. Like I just saw Cheney's book yesterday. He wants to educate us about American greatness. I would be more then a little pissed off if I was ruined for life by some roadside bomb that these civilian warmongers initiated years in advance. If you are going to go to war then listen to the leaders that have been there before and then go in with full force and ruthless aggression. Gen Mattis would have had the Iraq war over in a couple of months but of course he had to deal with the higher up civilian politicians. Gen Mattis knew all about counterinsurgency warfare that is what he had his Devil dogs all trained to do. Gen. Petraus never would have had to come to the rescue in Iraq if they just listened to the warrior monk Gen. Mattis to begin with.  

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