Friday, January 27, 2017

The Bush Chain Gang

Torture absolutely doesn't work so I don't know why President Trump stated this to David Muir. I hope it isn't because he is buds with the Bush Chain Gang meaning the Bush Cheney Gang. The Donald Rumsfeld types who stood up all day long and was well into the know about the multiple abuses that took place in Iraq. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques has never been proven to be effective. Infact it is barbaric and inhumane and only increased the very thing we were supposedly trying to prevent in the first place. I wanted to turn Iraq and Afghanistan into a parking lot after 9-11 because I couldn't get the image of Bin Laden out of my head and I was seeing red. The only sociopaths involved in all of this are the criminals who planned these wars to begin with. If you are going to plan multiple wars and then proceed to invade sovereign countries then at least do it the right way and don't act in the very manner you are trying to prevent us as Americans from becoming. I really don't think we have advanced past the stone age level ourselves as Americans and these wars have been a perfect example of this. Maybe the Army soldiers were so pissed off and that is why they went house to house to humiliate and beat on the fathers in front of his family. They were so angry because of our Goebells type propaganda campaign where everybody thought that these countries had ties to 9-11. So by humiliating the Patriarchs in their own home as occupiers certainly not as liberators this absolutely guaranteed that more of our guys would get killed. This created more insurgents which is what the Bush Chain gang wanted all along and that is exactly why these wars lasted as long as they did. I wasn't proud to be an American when I started to learn certain facts. Only bullies and cowards who cant fight their way out of a paper bag engage in the abuse and torture of another human being when it never has had any proven track record to begin with. Building Hearts and Minds is the only way to get intel however  it seemed that a lot of people that weren't really terrorists ended up in Gitmo. How do I know this? Maybe they were normal guys that we turned into insurgents by occupying their land and treating them like shit. If some Russian or Mossad operator came into my house and started to push me around and humiliate me in front of my wife and kids this would absolutely guarantee World War 3. How many Iraqi citizens were really bad guys? We turned them into bad guys and now many of our soldiers are dead and ruined for life. This isn't exactly the shock and awe campaign I was hoping President Trump was going to engage in. I was hoping that he would start off by dropping one truth bomb after another. The psychological warfare of torture and false confessions is sadistic and un American and what makes this even worse is that it doesn't even f ing work. These shrinks and Scientists came over here into our house after  WW 2 because of the Bush Regime and then proceeded to aggressively engage in war against We The People. These people are arrogant Eugenicists that have a deep seated hatred toward humanity. They are freaks liars bullies and cowards. At least Obummer was speaking out against the Torture campaign initiated by the Bush Chain Gang. A lot of good guys were manipulated by the Bush Chain gang and turned into stone cold killers instead of Counter Insurgent intel gathering building hearts and minds operators that they were always meant to be.

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