Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A New Era Of American Populism

I trust AJ and Dr P. over VT- I only read negative criticisms about AJ and his media empire from VT that is why I concluded that is was a Democratic partisan operation after many months of ditching AJ over his alleged Israeli connections. I will humbly state that I feel that 9-11 was more then an Israeli initiated operation, infact I believe that is what a deep state operation that the entire cia knew about. I am not referring to some rogue factions of our intelligence apparatus. I am referring to most if not everybody within the cia knowing about this before it actually occurred and this also includes many media outlets. I am not claiming that I know exactly what happened the only thing I know for sure is that the official report is total bull shit and President Trump needs to do something about it. I never heard AJ criticize the guys at VT,  I believe that AJ is a very solid Patriot that will go down in the history books as a modern day hero. He is passionate about the slow kill programs (Vaccines) etc that have been waged against We The People. I never read on VT except for Dr Preston James  about this egregious assault against humanity itself. AJ has kept the Sandy Hook Investigation in the limelight and has many solid people like Roger Stone on his program who are all aggressively fighting the NWO. It would be naïve to primarily blame Israel and essentially use them as the fall guy for 9-11 and this is exactly what I see VT doing. That is why I feel that they may be dis info agents to some extent. What I read about President Trump as far as what he has alleged to have been involved with on the VT website has been somewhat disturbing to me. We should all be Americans and not have a particular partisan agenda. How anybody could want Hillary Clinton to become our President is also deeply disturbing to me. I really want President Trump to drain the swamp, I just don't want him to be like the previous Republican administration. I believe that all indications appear that he wont be. Dr P has the highest of all credibility and he respects AJ and what he has accomplished over the years as far as educating us about how the world really works. Inquiring people want to know why nobody assaults the character of Dr Steve P. and VT  just always seems to go after AJ and his Patriotic warriors? Dr P. is one of AJs Patriotic warriors but nobody ever seems to say anything negative about Dr P. because they cant. Dr P. and AJ combined with the new Trump administration will go down in the history books as a new era of American Populism, An American Renaissance. We have dinosaurs within our political system who are resistant to change. Nancy Pelosi a total partisan bureaucrat had criticism toward President Trumps pick for Supreme Court Judge. She stated that "It was well outside the mainstream of American political thought and that it was a hostile appointment." That is actually great news, outside of the mainstream because  that is exactly what we need.

Slow Kill Wars Waged Against We The People

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-fires-acting-attorney-general-who-defied-him/ar-AAmqA6q?li=BBnb7Kz  I still don't think this executive order makes any sense. President Trump needs to after real bad guys and we don't need uneducated Americans with hatred toward the Muslim people. I am tired of this, propaganda demagogue type knee jerk Republican moves. The Iraq war was the biggest disaster almost of all time and the Bush Chain gang listened to nobody who gave the right advice. The number of Republicans was a very high number, actual Vietnam war vets and many others. They were either forced out, they either resigned or were fired. The Bush chain gang were bullies and complete narcissists. They took advantage of the emotions of the American people and our vulnerability by getting hit by our own intelligence apparatus and they were able to do everything and anything they wanted without any real opposition. They then proceeded to loot Iraq and Afghanistan without any real care or concern about how many of our soldiers were sacrificed in the process. Depleted Uranium- Forced Vaccinations for our soldiers, IEDs, antidepressant programs where they are now offing themselves in massive droves, (20 plus suicides a day.) People need to go to jail for life over this bare minimum. Many of our soldiers are ruined for life over the toxic chemicals they faced in Gulf War 1 very similar to Agent Orange in Vietnam maybe even worse. So this AG was fired without really even giving her a chance to defend her position. That is why we really need Independent Potus positions. This just reminds me too much of the Bush Chain gang. Now we have vaccines that are unequivocally giving babies Autism- William Thompson and Andrew Wakefield have all of the evidence. Main stream media just carries on with all of their phony bs fake smiles like everything is ok. AJ stated that Meghan Kelly was reading off of her cue card stating that vaccinations were safe and effective. Slow kill wars are being initiated on the American people. The Muslims aren't the bad guys, ISIS- Israel Secret Intelligence Service being funded by our cia and many of these other frauds that took an oath to We The People. We need citizen grand juries set up by the American people if our elected officials don't start to do their job and proceed to go after the real criminals that are hurting not only this country but many others. We proceeded to turn Iraq into a wasteland that was much better off before we invaded. How do these bullies and thugs want to be remembered? Greedy Republicans that just fire or force anybody out that stand up to them or get in their way? 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Phony Fraud Fake

http://www.infowars.com/fake-tears-trump-mocks-chuck-schumers-crying/ What a clown Chuck Schumer is,, Fake tears pathetic just like Obummer and his phony false flag Sandy Hook tears. At least our new Potus has the courage to make big changes. Changes that are going to Make this country a Superpower filled with pride and job creation. All fake tears and pathetic politicians must be exposed for who and what they are- Crisis Actors who couldn't give two shits about anybody but themselves and their wallets and who ever is going to give them their next kickback. Also Obummer banned Iraq refugees in 2011 but the Democratic operatives aren't talking about that

Stealth Bomb

http://www.infowars.com/obama-bombed-5-of-7-countries-trump-banned-media-didnt-care/ It looks like Obummer bombed these countries in a stealth fashion and the media isn't reporting it.

Xenophobic Knee Jerk War Drum Beats

This Muslim ban doesn't make any sense. It is a bit too xenophobic in nature. Islam is a peaceful religion, the only thing this does is inflame the Jihadist and now they will use this as a recruitment propaganda tool. There are Jihadi bad guys out there but very few of them are coming in on airplanes. The official 9-11 investigation final report doesn't add up either but that doesn't mean that there aren't  radical ISIS types who want to start problems for the West. The only thing that makes sense as far as that goes is to put people on watch lists and infiltrate their inner circle with our humungous intelligence apparatus that was created as a direct result of 9-11. Working with overseas agencies M15 and M16 that we hopefully developed as a direct result of 9-11. If we haven't advanced in that regard after 15 plus years then there is no hope for us anyway so what difference does it make? By creating chaos and destabilization on the home front with a 90 day moratorium ban on Muslims doesn't build hearts and it definitely doesn't build minds. The 7 countries that are part of this ban do not even have a track record of having terrorists that have killed Americans stateside so why is this ban being initiated? It looks like Obummer bombed these countries so I want to know what else these countries have done? Have our soldiers and contractors been killed? If so then I don't care about the ban and it makes sense that  President Trump has initiated this temporary moratorium.  Islamic Jihad is a very small percentage compared to the Muslim- Islam religion. I don't like being treated like a terrorist when I travel by these Homeland Security people. I wouldn't want to travel during chaos and ridiculous scenarios that have been initiated by our intel apparatus to begin with. This entire situation is unsophisticated and doesn't make any sense. I think by treating Americans as potential terrorists the past 15 plus years should piss us off even more. Every time we travelled we had to be x-rayed with naked body scanners and take our shoes off what a f ing joke. Humiliated by a bunch of pedophile cia DHS clowns who are constitutionally incapable of telling the truth. I remember right after 9-11 these maphia thugs shook down one of my favorite artists Cat Stevens because of his Muslim ties. That should say it all about the state of affairs that these people initiated as a direct result of their 9-11 False Flag Stand down that terrorized the f out of me. So they can go all jump off of the TZ Bridge because that is where they all belong. Better yet make that the GW because I know some people that actually survived jumping off the TZ Bridge

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Life On The Inside

Before we can talk about really making America great again we need to be able to talk about how we aren't that great. Sometimes the only difference between the cop and the criminal is the badge. This premise holds true for our Prison system and obviously the Gitmo and Abu Ghraib type scenarios that were initiated by the Bush Chain Gang. Lets take a look at the Stamford experiment. The results of this demonstrated that 1/3 of prison guards demonstrated genuine sadistic behavior. The other conclusion was very similar to the Milgram experiment where random participants off the street layed down and allowed dangerous and potentially lethal electric shock to individuals. The only thing we need is somebody in authority to give us the green light and then we learn what real human nature is all about. I was angry in jail and my mindset became almost one of a criminal. When you are on the inside the good guy bad guy mind set can disappear quickly look what happened to Donnie Brosco. Hypothetically If my fellow inmates were getting abused by the guards I would definitely be the  criminal on the inside that let the guards know that what they were doing was wrong. The word on the inside is that there are multiple bodies buried underneath some of those old school archaic maximum security prisons. What I am referring to is big old white country boys who routinely beat the living shit out of the black folks. I am talking about to either near death or many times even death itself. Jail is a rough environment, I got along with everybody but mostly the black folk I hung out with. I hear in some of those old school maximum security scenarios if you are white you must join the Clan or the white gang and separate yourself from the Latinos and Blacks. I don't like that rule because everybody should be able to do whatever the hell they want when they are locked up. I know that upstate is a lot easier time compared to where I was because if I was upstate in prison I would have been able to hang out in the yard and work out all day. I was told that upstate has inmates that are a lot more mature and squared away compared to the inmates that were at my facility. In other words more respectful and less boisterous and maladaptive in behavior patterns. The only thing I know is that people should be able to fight Mano A Mano with no weapon or ambush and without having ones posse joining in to gang up on one person because that is cowardice in its purest form. So is using a shank because this demonstrates the very reason you are where you are and chances are people like this will never get out and if they do it wont be for very long. The unwritten rule is that you are never supposed to tell anybody to shut the f up if they are being loud and disrespectful. I think that is a dumb rule because everybody should show respect that is why I told somebody to shut the f up and I was ready to throw hands if need be. Fights on the inside wouldn't last very long because the ECU Turtles would be there to break things up. The Turtles had me in ankle shanks that were making me bleed for a fight that I didn't even start. The CO had a bull shit report because  I doubt they had cameras in the shower, she had me in the written report as the aggressor. If they did have cameras it would clearly show that I didn't initiate anything. Friendly extortion is common place and so are nick names. Johnny Pencils- Bad News the list goes on. I had commissary, I liked everybody and would give out food to people. Lets face it there is a plethora of predators on the inside. I wasn't looking for protection because I know how to throw hands, I just genuinely liked most people, we talked a lot and showed mutual respect. I was training with somebody who I swear would be able to stand with Kimbo or Mike Tyson, the people on the inside are the real deal why do you think most of them were there. I was depressed as hell on the inside and I cried and read a lot but never cried in front of the inmates because that would show weakness. I wasn't sure if I was going upstate so I just basically tried to figure out ways how I would break out if possible. What if scenarios that had me thinking that Little Birds with Flash bangs where nobody got hurt and of course we would need help from some of the guards on the inside because this is how business is routinely conducted.

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Bush Chain Gang

Torture absolutely doesn't work so I don't know why President Trump stated this to David Muir. I hope it isn't because he is buds with the Bush Chain Gang meaning the Bush Cheney Gang. The Donald Rumsfeld types who stood up all day long and was well into the know about the multiple abuses that took place in Iraq. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques has never been proven to be effective. Infact it is barbaric and inhumane and only increased the very thing we were supposedly trying to prevent in the first place. I wanted to turn Iraq and Afghanistan into a parking lot after 9-11 because I couldn't get the image of Bin Laden out of my head and I was seeing red. The only sociopaths involved in all of this are the criminals who planned these wars to begin with. If you are going to plan multiple wars and then proceed to invade sovereign countries then at least do it the right way and don't act in the very manner you are trying to prevent us as Americans from becoming. I really don't think we have advanced past the stone age level ourselves as Americans and these wars have been a perfect example of this. Maybe the Army soldiers were so pissed off and that is why they went house to house to humiliate and beat on the fathers in front of his family. They were so angry because of our Goebells type propaganda campaign where everybody thought that these countries had ties to 9-11. So by humiliating the Patriarchs in their own home as occupiers certainly not as liberators this absolutely guaranteed that more of our guys would get killed. This created more insurgents which is what the Bush Chain gang wanted all along and that is exactly why these wars lasted as long as they did. I wasn't proud to be an American when I started to learn certain facts. Only bullies and cowards who cant fight their way out of a paper bag engage in the abuse and torture of another human being when it never has had any proven track record to begin with. Building Hearts and Minds is the only way to get intel however  it seemed that a lot of people that weren't really terrorists ended up in Gitmo. How do I know this? Maybe they were normal guys that we turned into insurgents by occupying their land and treating them like shit. If some Russian or Mossad operator came into my house and started to push me around and humiliate me in front of my wife and kids this would absolutely guarantee World War 3. How many Iraqi citizens were really bad guys? We turned them into bad guys and now many of our soldiers are dead and ruined for life. This isn't exactly the shock and awe campaign I was hoping President Trump was going to engage in. I was hoping that he would start off by dropping one truth bomb after another. The psychological warfare of torture and false confessions is sadistic and un American and what makes this even worse is that it doesn't even f ing work. These shrinks and Scientists came over here into our house after  WW 2 because of the Bush Regime and then proceeded to aggressively engage in war against We The People. These people are arrogant Eugenicists that have a deep seated hatred toward humanity. They are freaks liars bullies and cowards. At least Obummer was speaking out against the Torture campaign initiated by the Bush Chain Gang. A lot of good guys were manipulated by the Bush Chain gang and turned into stone cold killers instead of Counter Insurgent intel gathering building hearts and minds operators that they were always meant to be.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Branch- Task Force 129

We have Frogmen under the water and Snipers on the roof. We have Advance Teams on the ground and Little Birds up in the air. Chad Furlong has a lot of potential that is why he is a candidate for Task Force 129 better known as (The Branch). This Task force is known for nursing wounded people back to health. People who more or less need a second chance in life. The only problem is that since his memory was blown out by ECT there needs to be many months of recovery. Recruiting people for the right reasons makes a lot more sense then some mind controlled mass shooters with a military background that end up shooting up airports. With a privatized black budget there is no shortage of training for recruits of (The Branch.) We are talking about a Team that has more funding then most  of the alphabets combined. People don't have to be rock stars or Tier 1 operators to be a member of this Task Force you just have to have heart. George Steinbrenner used to give wounded birds multiple chances because he saw a lot of potential. The same premise holds true for The Branch but in this particular case they are backed up by The US Constitution. Seasoned Vets have multiple deployments under their belt in the Military itself so by the time they end up in the Branch they really know what they are doing. The high speed low drag days are over for most of the seasoned operators, their bodies and minds are way too banged up. If somebody thinks that the NFL is like dog years for most then they really should learn what it has been like for these guys who have dedicated their life to God and Country low profile and way under the radar. No narcissistic personality disorder for these operators they are way too humble for this Hollywood type showmanship. I am not sure if NPD really exists but I know for sure that narcissism itself does that is why Narcissus drowned in the water by looking at his reflection. Most of the older guys in their late 30's-50'Ss do the recruiting and training. For example in one week they will go through anywhere between 3 to 5 thousand rounds just for training alone. The Branch builds people up for success rather then failure. In other words just because you may have a bad evolution or a bad day because you have problems at home doesn't mean you are thrown out or off the Team. As long as you suit up and show up and put your best foot forward. Most of the Team members are more then a little pissed off by the way our wars have been fought, they hate politics and they definitely hate politicians.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Civilian War Mongers And Special Interests

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/01/24/secret-service-agent-kerry-o-grady-social-media-posts/97015422/ So this Secret Service agent didn't want to take a bullet for our President? Nobody should take bullets for our Potus because their job is to make sure no bullets start flying in the first place. I am not really buying into that Reagan assassination attempt. How did the secret service drop the ball on that? Supposedly they had increased security measures that were moving up the chain of command right before Hinkley was able to almost assassinate our President Reagan. It always seems to be the same common theme. Dropped balls and missed opportunities of security protection. I read Oreilleys book but didn't see the tv special but I heard it was good. The only problem is that I don't believe Oreilleys version of history because I don't consider him an authority. I am not saying that I am either but I do the best I can from various sources. Seriously how did Ambassador Stevens not have enough security protection? Our civilian politicians have been the ones making decisions on life and death and it has been a common theme over the years and they always seem to end up getting more of our guys killed. President Trump knows this and has already made appropriate changes. Gen. Mad Dog Mattis would never get any of his guys killed like these civilians who engage in stand downs on a routine basis in an obvious attempt to get more of our guys killed. What a relief it is to now have a Potus who knew what the issues were many years ago. This secret service girl is entitled to her opinion that is what is all about forget about the Hatch Act. My question is why wouldn't she want to stand behind a Potus who is a Populist and who has already created more American jobs? I know for sure that he would never sacrifice one of our American soldiers lives for agenda driven special interests or for political gain. These civilian politicians who were getting their strings pulled the past three administrations have been abhorrent examples of getting our guys killed with little or no empathy. Obummer was a Drone junky and a lot of innocent civilians were killed this way. He engaged in more drone warfare then Bush by far. Obummer had a phony way about him but I would still make sure no bullets started to fly his way because that would be my job. The other day I stated that maybe the Bush regime wasn't so evil after all. I don't know it just seemed like Iraq was such an obvious quagmire. First it was the non existent WMDs. Why would our guys be ordered to drive around just to get blown up with no armor and little or no ROEs? Why did Bremer disband The Republican Guard essentially guaranteeing an insurgency by starving them to death? It kind of gets me sick because these civilian leaders come out of the warzones and then just write books. Like I just saw Cheney's book yesterday. He wants to educate us about American greatness. I would be more then a little pissed off if I was ruined for life by some roadside bomb that these civilian warmongers initiated years in advance. If you are going to go to war then listen to the leaders that have been there before and then go in with full force and ruthless aggression. Gen Mattis would have had the Iraq war over in a couple of months but of course he had to deal with the higher up civilian politicians. Gen Mattis knew all about counterinsurgency warfare that is what he had his Devil dogs all trained to do. Gen. Petraus never would have had to come to the rescue in Iraq if they just listened to the warrior monk Gen. Mattis to begin with.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Cartel Vs Cartel

http://www.naturalnews.com/052954_Big_Pharma_amphetamine_drugs_Adderall.html Adderall had me in places I never knew even existed. I am a drug seeker because I am alcoholic, the chances of me  not getting high again were slim to none unless I had a spiritual awakening via an intervention. As much as I wanted the concept of sobriety it was still in the rear view mirror thousands of miles away. Faith without works is dead. This means that no matter how much I preached the concepts of sobriety the truth is that I was either a dry drunk or binging out on some form of narcotic. Weed definitely isn't the answer for people like me, I justified this for holistic measures but the reality is that I just wanted to get stoned. Enough about my issues the truth is that Adderall is just a creation of the establishment and Ritalin shouldn't be given to kids. Seriously side effects of this legal meth are real and dangerous. Of course I used more then prescribed but long term use of this drug on a daily basis will change ones brain chemistry and not for the better. What I am saying is that I don't think ADD and ADHD are real disorders. We here alot about this but how much of this is really fact or fiction? Did we ever have ADD a few decades ago the way we supposedly have it now? The problem is that these big pharma criminals are playing God and taking advantage of peoples good and trusting nature. If some alien freak from who knows where is looking at his APA Manuel with his or her white coat on then it seems to be backed up by a lot of medical and scientific credibility. These string pullers are getting these shrinks and rehab facilities to do their dirty work. Maybe the reason people cant concentrate in this day in age is because we are being assaulted on every level. GMOs, TV vibes, dumb commercials and Bread And Circus. We have comedians that think they are funny by doing nothing except using f  bombs and by using sexual innuendos. Howard Stern and Dice Man don't really do it for me, maybe in very small doses but that's about it. Most of our issues come down to diet and exercise. I was a hyperactive kid, they considered giving me Ritalin. Hyperactive kids have a much higher tendency to develop alcoholism which is exactly what happened. I sought out Adderall a few years ago because I was still buying into the chemical imbalance depression alcoholism myth however the primary reason was that I was a dry drunk drug seeker looking to get my fix. How I justified a narcotic med shows how unsober I really was. I ended up in Zombie land. I put Adderall next to Xanax as far as drugs that will easily make one lose their mind. Its all downhill after the initial "chasing the dragon experience" Most addicts spend the rest of their miserable days chasing that initial high that they never seem to be able to quite get again. This is what's known as "chasing the dragon." I feel sorry for meth and crack addicts. Adderall was alcohol in a stimulant form so for me it was deadly. However what about the innocent kid who is told that he has ADD and the shrinks have his parents buy into it? The child's life will never be the same after this. If non narcotic psychotropics are hard to get off with many dangerous side effects what does this mean for narcotics like Ritalin and Adderall? So the establishment shipped in the crack cocaine in the 80s to dirty up the inner cities and to increase their money making arrest and incarceration rates but they also destroyed many cities and ruined countless lives. Today they are drugging up our youth with narcotic meds, legal meth for non existent ailments and forced inoculations that cause Autism. So why was I still depressed when I sought out Zoloft in my mid 30s when I was still running marathons and eating ok? Its because I had environmental epi genetic issues combined with real life situations and I was no longer seeking spiritual relief from the rooms. The last thing I ever needed was an anti depressant. There should be a lot more transparency and informed consent involved when it comes to any med. If the GPs aren't educating their patients about this then they are not doing their job. Why don't we  stop the bs and make all of the drugs legal in all 50 states- ie cocaine, weed, heroin? Take away the Black Market and start multiple wars. Cartel vs Cartel. Lets see how these black market cartels stand up to our fire breathing demon chasers with god on their side and firepower that would make most peoples head spin.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Must Not Acquit

http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-01-20-trumps-attack-on-big-pharma-lost-the-drug-industry-about-25-billion-in-20-minutes.html If the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit then you must not Acquit. The APA is bogus, they have had about as much transparency as our last Administration. They basically sat around and threw darts at the board to come up with names for all of these so called mental health disorders. Their diagnostic Manuel  is based off of tests that are pure quack or junk Science. This means that there is no medical or Scientific testing procedure to legitimize whatever rabbit they decide to pull out of their hat. They prescribe drugs off label for conditions when the primary condition it is supposed to help with never had any proven track record. They cover their tracks legally by mentioning the risks involved but seriously how could anything that produces these kind of side effects be even legal to prescribe in the first place? Let me tell you something by fraudulently labeling 60% of addicts with comorbid or dual diagnosis this is just aiding in abetting in the facilitation of the clients downfall. What I am saying is that these addicts abuse the shit out of these psychotropic drugs like Wellburtin and Gabapentin because when taken in large enough doses it produces similar effects to ones narcotic of choice ie- Heroin, Cocaine, Adderall, Xanax etc.. This is one of the main contributors to the high recidivism rate. So these facilities are enabling in the clients addiction where ones life is at stake. Last time I checked a lot of people were dropping dead from overdoses. Suboxone should only be administered for a very short period of time if at all. The APA is a crack pot organization, there is no way human beings have as many disorders as they are claiming we have. I am going to go one step further and say mental illness is really few and far between meaning that it may not ever existed at all. I hate to burst the bubble of Dr Huang from Law And Order SVU and Criminal Minds BAU because these are my two favorite shows. Most of these mass shootings are a creation of the cia itself therefore what ever ailments these so called mentally ill assailants had is just a creation of Hollywood fiction. Main stream media just goes along with it because they all have mouths to feed, it is all an incestuous relationship. This means that the Manifestos and Adam Lanzas of this world are  just a continuation of the big pharma agenda. People are really not that violent, this is not that difficult to understand. So there you have it everything is a scam. The gun lobbyists in bed with these people who use statistics from cia Hollywood fantasies in an attempt to push more psychotropic drugs down our throat. And then they have the audacity to label us as mentally unstable if we question the veracity of cartoons based off of 90 pound photo shop weaklings with 100% kill rates and shot out glass windows that no LEO officer would ever be able to fit through. This means that all of these so called evil people in this world really aren't that evil. I don't even think the Bush regime is all that evil anymore. I think that all of that satanic bs was just a creation of the fiction writers in the alternative media. Until I see evidence with my own eyes I am quite skeptical of many of these so called truths that ever came from some people in the alternative media. I admired and respected Alex Jones all along so I am staying with his intel.  

Saturday, January 21, 2017

These Shrinks Need To Go To Jail

http://www.cchr.org/documentaries/the-hidden-enemy.html#autoplay The covert operation of these military suicides. Suicide in our veterans are at epidemic proportions. It looks like these suicides are taking place not because of the horrors of war but rather because the criminal establishment has doped up our veterans with these psychotropics. 85% of these people didn't see combat and over 50% weren't even deployed. Most of our soldiers weren't in direct combat but that doesn't mean that they don't have real symptoms of depression, anxiety and ptsd. However these drugs are making them off themselves I know it because these psychiatrists are diabolical scumbags and they need to be taken out. I know what these drugs do because I have felt them first hand. There needs to be a mass awakening and Donald Trump needs to put a lot of people in jail. The marketing of these psychotropics is off the chart. People don't have a chance once they get on these meds. It totally and completely disrupts our brains homeostasis. It is causing the very chemical imbalance it is fraudulently attempting to help. When people go off of these meds it causes severe withdrawals, Zoloft for example causes zapping in the brain surges. When people have these symptoms it appears that this is the evidence that we  need the drug even more or at the very least another pychotropic that will make us  feel better since we all have a chemical balance of depression, the biggest bull shit scam going. So these withdrawal symptoms appear to demonstrate that we  never should have "went off our meds." What it is really is that our brain is telling us that we never should have been on these meds to begin with. I came out of rehab in 2011 and became very depressed. I was no longer on the Seroquel that I was dosing myself out with at night to help me deal with the f ed up situation I got myself into to begin with. I started to steal it from somebody's cabinet because my brain was totally screwed up. That made me seek out Stratera something I never tried before and that only made me feel suicidal wtf something I never felt before. I am a total alcoholic but is there any wonder why I ended up getting a DWI only 10 weeks after rehab? Our brains tell us what we need to know don't trust these criminal shrinks, most of them are not even Americans. Now they are taking out our Veterans because of the side effects of these psychotropic drugs. This is not because of the so called (mental illnesses or behavioral disorders) these soldiers allegedly have or because of the carnage that they saw but rather because of the suicide ideation these criminal shrinks and their meds even tell us that they have on their labels.  

This American Carnage Stops

Donald Trump would never allow those establishment criminals get away with rigging the market in 2008 that basically set up a depression by design scenario. I watched The Big Short and read the book. (Synthetic CDOs- collateralized debt obligations.) The book and movie made it seem that only a few people saw it coming. The string pullers more then likely had this planned way in advance. The rough around the edges loan guys sold these liar loans to the gullible and it was all set up for failure in the very beginning. Adjustable rate mortgages where everybody got bought that would not be noticed until the housing market started to collapse. These small fry loan originators were nothing compared to the establishment types who made a killing at the expense of the little guy. If I were screwed over by these people I would want to burn the country down just like (Enron- Burn Baby Burn.) Seriously how many little guys lost everything in 2008? What the book and movie didn't talk about was how the Illuminati Robber Barron's made off like bandits during that debacle. If there ever was a Skull And Bone type operation that would be it in spades. So these loans were garbage (toxic traunches) and the credit agencies were getting paid to rate them as Triple A solid. They were all backed, signed sealed and delivered by The Fannie Maes, Freddie Macs and the AIGs of this world.. Fraud is sustainable when there is 10 to 1 and 20 to 1 leverage involved.  Greed is good money is power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The end of the movie had a snippet that mentioned that they now meaning in 2017 just relabel these CDO"s with a different name. Money is a drug synthetic CDOs took more people out then the synthetic heroin on the streets today. "This American Carnage Stops." Donald Trump is going to put out all of these fires, he knows exactly where they are and it starts with Draining The Swamp in Washington DC- Off shore criminal cartels that put the middle class and America on the back burner. I couldn't believe that they didn't lock up any criminals after the Dust Bowl That Almost Was. Instead they ended up getting Golden Parachutes worth almost as much money as they stole. This kind of fraud is not difficult to prove in a court of law that is not corrupted. This is the Maphia in its finest form- Extortion- Racketeering- Threats of Marshal Law if the brokerage houses didn't go along with it (A 700 billion dollar Tarp cash infusion). There is a case to be made that Paulson Geitner and Bernanke really were hero's. There was no operating capital, all liquidly was frozen, if there ever was reason to panic it would be Sept 2008. Maybe without the 700 billion dollar infusion for starters didn't happen we would all  be the Joads from The Grapes Of Wrath. (The establishment makes money the old fashion way they steal it.)

Rehab Fraud And Vaccine Intel Dr. Wakefield

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Beyond The Influence

Beyond The Influence Understanding And Defeating Alcoholism- Katherine Ketcham and William Asbury. This was a great book that makes it clear that alcoholism is primarily a genetic and physiological disease. It was thoroughly documented from many credible sources. It clearly states that psychosocial and environmental conditions are contributing factors as well.  My only critique is that they didn't talk about what dry drunk or binge alcoholism was all about. Also they talked about alcoholism at various stages ie- early, middle and late stages as if that was the only way alcoholism worked. It appeared that they made it apparent that this takes many years. The Big Book makes it clear that there are many types of alcoholics. I went through the stages right off the bat at 15-16 years old. I was drinking Southern Comfort straight out of the bottle and smoking weed every day. The combination of drugs and alcohol puts the disease on a fast track which completely negates any type of long and drawn out process for the majority of people in this day and age. This acceleration and progression puts people either in graves or rehabs at early ages. Dr. Kenneth Blum was cited many times in this book. This book is very helpful in corroborating my theories of the Comorbid or Dual Diagnosis scam. 'There is no evidence that people who later go on to develop severe alcohol and drug problems are more likely then others in the general population to have had severe depressions, severe anxiety conditions, or psychotic conditions prior to the development of their alcohol and drug disorders"(psychiatrist Marc Schuckit p-81) This is a complex issue that is why dry drunk alcoholism must be addressed. In other words people who stop going to meetings or people who are alcoholics that never drank at all in many cases end up either in jails, institutions or being homeless. Its not so much as the complete abstinence of meetings but rather the abolishment of a daily reprieve or a spiritual way of life which (must) include a lot of true humility. For me I had symptoms of depression when I repudiated the program and my story is the common theme for many alcoholics who end up relapsing. It is because we have an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind. We don't have more character defects then the average person its just that our defects and resentments will kill us because we are completely powerless over alcohol in any form. For me it is the emotional triggers that put me in ugly places. So what about the argument that we must be mentally ill because we continue to do the same thing and expect different results? Why would I use alcohol in any form when my life has had an ongoing pattern of substance use disorder? It is because I have a shortage of dopamine d2 receptors and people like me end up using drugs or relapsing at the absolute worst possible times. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction are one in the same that is why people who stick needles in their arm should feel welcome in the rooms. Addicts should not be given any meds during treatment. This is creating more problems, in fact this is enabling the illness and it is counterproductive to the long term goal. So when are people supposed to get off meds after they get out of rehab when real life pressures increase and they never should have been on them to begin with? This is creating a huge market for this industry and it appears to be fraudulent with many money based incentives. I don't care if wanna bes want to become millionaires but not when its disrupting the chance of peoples chances of obtaining long term sobriety. ("The bottom line is that SSRIs should never be considered a standard part of alcoholism treatment. One should wait 6-12 months to see if these problems disappear as the  body heals itself and balance is restored" p-177.) This book was the year 2000, here we are in 2017 and Dr Kelly Brogran has now blown the cover off of these meds as being nothing more then placebos that do more harm then good. We need a spiritual and holistic solution. We need Integrative Medicine, Alternative Therapies- Exercise, Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Yoga, Vitamins, Herbs and Amino Acids. Depression and anxiety symptoms in many cases come from our gut and diet more so then our brain. Spiritual is the name of the game. Carl Yung wrote a letter to Bill W in 1961 talking about the importance of a spiritual solution. (Spiritus contra Spiritum)- spirit against spirits- We must develop a stronger craving for a spiritual way of life to fight against the thirst for spirits. Bill stated that "We must find some spiritual basis for living, else we die" 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Farcical Fake News And Bread And Circus

https://theintercept.com/2017/01/11/the-deep-state-goes-to-war-with-president-elect-using-unverified-claims-as-dems-cheer/ Farcical- That is a good word to describe these Democratic operatives. I sometimes feel that I am living in a cartoon the way these mudslingers operate. Some of these people try to make it appear that they really want to take out the Deep State, these operatives are the most obvious ones of all. Seriously it jut discredits everything that they ever accomplished or attempted to accomplish by making believe they are out to get real bad guys. A few months ago I read that Mr. Don Lemon CNN basically stated that Hillary wasn't laughing about getting that child rapist off. Really, I listened to the tape and I beg to differ. She appeared to be almost bragging that as a defense lawyer she was able to accomplish this. So there you have it who really is the fake news? It is all  going to come crashing down eventually. We live in Dystopian bubble I must admit. I couldn't believe that when I was watching some college football game recently, I don't remember who was even playing but there was a grown man crying in the stands because his team was down or about to lose. Are you kidding me doesn't that say it all? Bread And Circus- Take your vaccines and meds to accomplish the chemical lobotomies all set up for the masses way in advance don't worry everything will be fine. Sit on the couch, drink your beer and cry when your team loses. I have cried a bunch of times but never over Bread And Circus. I cried when our country got hit on 9-11, I cried when my gf cheated on me and put me through the wringer, and I cried during some bs emotional lability scenario with that devil drug Xanax. Mr. Lucifer itself, Mr. Xanie bar, it  makes people cry for little or no reason and people appear to become emotionally unstable and black out and lose their mind that is why the shrinks love to prescribe it. I also cried when I was struggling in early sobriety. I deeply cried when my dog got taken out. My tears are real unlike many of our cia Manchurian candidates that try to pass themselves off as real leaders. I am not trying to pass judgment but Mr. Bread And Circus was set up by design a long time ago. The kind of mind controlled Automaton way beyond repair, just a hapless victim of the world that we currently live in.     

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Obummer Fraud Leaving Office

http://www.infowars.com/trump-press-secretary-alternative-mediabloggers-to-become-part-of-press-corps/ Obummer is a fraud. He states that both Trump and Clinton were the two most unpopular candidates in history and there is a lot of cynicism out there. This is just a perfect example of how cut outs for the establishment don't and never had the pulse of "We The People". Infact Obummer is so far off the mark that I lost interest in thinking that he was a powerful leader a long time ago. For starters he was on the Hillary was horrible bandwagon as her opponent 8 years ago but all of the sudden he backs her for this past election. I know that there are a lot of people that are excited right now for Trump as our Potus. This means that Obummer is a fraud- He stated that the most challenging and emotional part of his tenure was dealing with the Sandy Hook tragedy with all of his phony false flag tears? Seriously is our country that much of a f ing joke? We have a cut out from who knows where with a birth certificate of questionable origin making statements how emotionally upset he was for an event that never even happened. He knows this and so does everybody else with one half of a brain. That basically means that we had an imposter plant who was our head shed Potus for the past 8 years. I am tired of these mind control Manchurian Candidates. Demonizing others and trying to make them look unstable or mentally ill for questioning the veracity of an event with no real forensic evidence is unscrupulous. Let me tell you something Alex Jones stated that the Sandy Hook official report has more holes in it then Swiss cheese. I used to make donuts and I stated that it had more holes in it then the donuts that I made. So basically that is what we had running the show cia based Manchurian Candidate actors with phony false flag tears and questionable birth certificates leaving office. Millions of dollars was fraudulently siphoned off for that Sandy Hook scam with criminal charities for starters. This is the tip of the spear  that may take the entire house of cards down when Donald Trump eventually starts to ask real questions. There is a reason why Jonathon Reich is locked up 1984 in 2017. Wolfgang Halbig is still waiting for answers for legitimate FOIA requests. This is the central point of their entire agenda of mental health awareness and big pharma kickbacks. So there you have it Obummer is the cutout for the Military Medical Petro Pharma  Banking Cartel. I never heard him ask any questions about vaccine safety either. So was our Potus really out for "We The People" inquiring people want to know?    

Saturday, January 14, 2017

First In- And Banking Cartel Kingpins

 First In-(An Insiders Account Of How The cia Spearheaded The War On Terrorism.- Gary C Schroen) wrote a good book on how the cia went into Afghanistan right after 9-11. The only problem is that my jingoism went out of the window a long time ago. My question is how many of our elite operators died looking for BinLaden? I don't really care if you lie but not when innocent people get killed. Dr P. stated that this bogey man myth died of Marfan Syndrome two months after 9-11. This  basically means that the entire GWOT is a fraud. Seriously how many of our guys died because of this bs and how many Seals were taken out 3 months after Bin Laden was allegedly taken out in 2011? 22 Seals for starters including their k-9. So what was the US really doing over there trying to find a bad guy that was offered a protected haven? They say he slipped into Pakistan, the only thing I know is that the  puzzles of this picture seem to fit quite clearly. Dr Horriwitz www.waronthepeople  named these clowns the Military Medical Petro Pharma Banking Cartel. That seems to cover all of the angles. So in Vietnam the dope was shipped back to the USA in body bags and coffins right around the same time Methadone maintenance was initiated. There was a non existent opiate epidemic up until that point because of the tax act that John Giordano talked about in his article that essentially wiped out this problem in the early 1900s. Fast forward 50 years and now we have a lot of dope  pharmaceutical grade (Fentanyl) allegedly coming in from China. It would be safe to say that we are protecting drug and lithium profits in Afghanistan and a lot of heroin is coming in to the USA from various channels. Quite convenient to initiate a massive MAT Medication Assistant Treatment operation with Suboxone the same way they brought in Methodone 50 years ago during the Vietnam War. I don't care if people make billions of dollars  but not when war is being waged on my people. John Giordano stated that the opiate epidemic would essentially cease to exist  with Ibogaine however  they are only increasing their big pharma frontal assault on We The People. JFK Hospital is now taking the overdoses with their new MAT plan fully operational. It is better then leaving the addict on the street or letting them out of the ER just to do it all over again I suppose. My chiro told me what kind of poisons they have been putting in these vaccines over the years seriously are you kidding me? We are supposed to just lay down and take this shit from these criminals? Allegedly In Cal people can no longer opt out of forced inoculation due to religious or spiritual beliefs and now rates of ill health have increased in our children.  If these criminals want a war then they came to the right place. Donald Trump just hired RFK Junior in reference to the vaccine situation so maybe there is some hope after all. I don't want awareness I want ruthless aggression and for these people to go where they were supposed to be a long time ago. We have layed down and rolled over for this long and let these degenerate mobsters with no soul  get away with egregious crimes against humanity. The entire Psychiatric field is a farce. Has anybody noticed the increase in bi-polar med commercials as of late? They used to do pycho surgeries or lobotomies on people in an attempt to cure their mental illness. The entire model goes along with this country's sadistic agenda of torture, the same way they treated the Gitmo prisoners. Archaic stone age tactics that do nothing but demean and torture people that are more then likely innocent. The people at the top running these cartels are the ones that are mentally ill but they cant hide forever. There is a new sheriff in town and big changes are coming, changes of shock and awe and thunderous roars of stars and stripes. There has been no clinically proven efficacy or track record of success for anti depressants or vaccines. I know that meds have helped some people for the better however the entire business model is one of false diagnosis and over prescribing with peoples well being and health coming in at a distant second. I am referring to adverse reactions of suicide ideation for starters to meds that were prescribed for depression and anxiety. Essentially this means that they should have skull and bones poison labels printed on them making it clear that they are really poison and not meant for human consumption. I am tired of these frauds. Now big articles in the paper about how this Ft Lauderdale shooter missed the boat on mental health help. When are these people going to take their own advise and get the mental health help they desperately need for their own lies and for the egregious fraud and deception they knowingly and willingly are participating in?

Friday, January 13, 2017

Mainstream Media Clowns

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trumps-6-am-tweetstorm-lashes-out-at-intel-clinton/ar-AAlPMDO?li=BBnb7Kz I will be the first to admit that I don't have all of the answers but I do the best I can with the information that is provided. My feeling is that we have a bunch of political hack jobs that are indignant that Donald Trump is going to be our Potus. Buzzsaw a credible source my gut tells me no. This alleged Russian con job hack job became more obvious to me when I saw this clown on Tucker Carlson the other night. I respect Tucker, he stood his ground with this clown and appears to be a credible journalist. I was just hoping that he would have lambasted this clown who made a comment "So you don't think that BBC is a credible outlet is that what you are saying Tucker something to that effect?" I was hoping that Tucker would have said "No I don't because I was standing next to Alex Jones a while back and watched building 7 implode into smithereens and the BBC reporter stated that it was already down when it was still clearly visible in the background.. How could that happen? So no I don't think that BBC has any credibility whatsoever and neither does Buzzsaw". If there was ever a definition of a clown it would be this guy that went up  against Tucker Carlson. I find it tough to watch Oreilly, he makes it too obvious to me that he is just a cut out for the establishment. Last week he was upset because California made it a law that underage prostitutes wouldn't be arrested. Why would he be upset about this why should they be arrested? Let me tell you something I would have respect for Oreilly if he started to wage war against the upper level operations that are behind these types of crimes. Most of these girls are victims of Human Trafficking so the ringleaders need to be taken down and the girls need to go to therapy, what a waste of time watching Oreilly is. There is enough intel out there whether 100% confirmed or not I am not sure but if it is coming from all directions in the alternative media then it would be safe to say that there are many pedophile rings that are operational today and they are being covered up. How come nobody in main stream media is talking about this and how war needs to be waged against this filth? So we have 17 intel agencies that were created as a result of 9-11s inside job and lets not forget The Dept Of Homeland Security and nobody can wage war or find out where these pedophile rings are and blow them up and then proceed to burn them down? I am beginning to think that some of these so called alternative media 100% intel verified sources are nothing more then democratic operatives and just an extension of tabloid journalism. The hypocrisy of criticizing others for being what they actually appear to be is not what one would call ethical journalism. The other reason that they created these 17 intel agencies was to confuse everybody even more. Just take a look at that Buzzsaw piece. It went to James Comey Mr. FBI and then to Clapper Mr. DNI and so on. If it came from the cia itself it would definitely be credible right? So how does one determine what is verified intel since everybody is a criminal? At least a few years back there was one head shed JE Hoover even though he was compromised. I respected  his G Men standard where everybody had to be crisp and clean Supermen types to be an FBI Agent. When are we going to blow up and burn down the freaks pedophiles and perverts and then proceed to smoke them out from under their underground tunnels that is what I want to know?.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Scientology And Beltway Bandit Cowards

http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/recaps/the-newest-allegations-from-%E2%80%98remini-scientology%E2%80%99/ar-BBy95wj?li=BBnb7Kz Not condoning extensive psychotropic use is the only thing I agree with Scientology on. I am surprised that they aren't into the lobotomies and electric shock therapy because they are way beyond strange. Hubbard was best buds with all of those Satanists like Aleister Crowley etc.. I am calling Tom Cruise out and want to know what he has to say about his mentor David Miscaviage and how he physically beats on his own people? What a pathetic coward. He just wants to show people who is boss. How about We The People decide to burn down his Church of Satan? Apparently these clowns hide behind religious loopholes so this basically makes them immune from any type of civil or criminal liability. What does Tom Cruise and John Travolta have to say about pillaging peoples money with some Pyramid scam that appears to be much worse then Herbal Life? Taking advantage of peoples basic goodness by  using mind control tactics and continued intimidation and manipulation to keep them inside this cult is the height of narcissistic and diabolical behavior. I don't know that much about how Scientology's Narconon rehab program operates but without digging too deep about this it would be safe to say that they don't drug out their clients. If that really is the case then that is the only thing that keeps me from wanting to burn down this cult today. Instead I will wait until tomorrow. What could be more refreshing then taking down cowards that make believe they are the Pope and who physically abuse their own people? Cowards like David Miscaviage usually never deal with problems on their own that is why I don't expect a phone call from him. They usually have minions that do all of their dirty work. Anybody that cant come at somebody head on Mano A Mano with no weapon or ambush is a slime ball and weasel. Instead people like this and within  the cia harass people in other ways ie--behind their back using dishonor and deceit. Of course they would never admit to how cowardly and pathetic they are because they will always just hide behind Plausible Denial. Usually these type of cowards and bullies cant fight their way out of a paper bag. That is what I want to know if David Miscaviage can really fight? The only reason he hasn't been knocked out yet is because he knew how to use mind control on his own people. One of the men stated that even if one was a Seal it would be tough to retaliate to a superior officer like an Admiral. Hey Miscaviage I am standing right here scumbag I just called you out lets see what happens. I cant wait until Donald Trump (Drains The Swamp) of these Washington Beltway Bandit cia weasels that operate in a fashion very similar to Scientology. They do absolutely nothing except make shit up, create drama and spy on their own  people, push peoples buttons and even terrorize their own citizens.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Codependent No More And Beyond Codependency

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Melony Beattie is well known and respected in the recovery world. Reading this book brought me back to my Hazelden days when everybody was chemically dependent.1985 was a long time ago and the field of recovery has expanded in many great ways. What is co-dependence? It is being maladaptive in life and love. It is basically being screwed up within the family dynamic or even outside the family unit whether alcoholism is present or not. Melony defines it as "a person who has let someone else's behavior affect him or her, and is obsessed with controlling other peoples behavior." My name is Stephen and I am a co-dependent, chemically dependent cross  addicted alcoholic and drug addict and of course I have Reward Deficiency Syndrome. No wonder I don't have a job or a gf. However it is all one in the same for the most part. The 12 steps of recovery can  take care of all of these ills. If you mix in some solid therapy on top of  hitting meetings daily and praying every morning then this can be the best of both worlds. I was a one chip wonder when I came into the rooms  at 16 years old. I was humble but not humble enough. The second step basically states that unless one has true humility or something close to it the second step will be  hard to grasp. I am humble today because I know what being in jail, institutions and what being homeless feels like, it sucks real bad. The longer I stayed away from the rooms the easier it was for me to become a caretaker and to have all of the answers for somebody else's issues. That was co-dependence in its finest form and it was the devil in disguise. It was the perfect storm for me to not take a look or take care of  myself anymore. My motives were pure and noble but that doesn't mean that I wasn't totally f ed up and completely away from sobriety  and what recovery is supposed to be all about. I thought I was strong and that I would never succumb to a weakness of basically becoming a pathetic caretaker. It didn't help that during this time I was benzoed out and didn't even know what planet I was on for the most part. I have been co-dependent my entire life and this was way before my Xanax, Weed and Vicodin binges. I kept finding excuses to self medicate after I stopped being actively involved in Recovery Unity And Service but I never stopped acknowledging my alcoholism. Weed, Vicodin, Xanax and Adderall was ok for me though because that was for my depression. I felt like dying when I was fully drugged out and worried about somebody else's alcoholism at the same time, this was still a perfect excuse for me to not look or take care of myself. It is a great book and I can relate to all of it. I never knew what the Secret was, I saw the book and knew it was on Oprah but it is the real deal. Being humble and grateful is the name of the game. I have strong opinions but that doesn't mean that I am not grateful and humble. I don't know if I have the Promises yet but I know that I am a lot less angry and resentful then I was 16 months ago. The only way to get the Secret is to continue to be of service and to be grateful for the simplest of things. I had a lot of rage over the years because I knew that I f ed up by turning my back on the program and was very angry for getting myself into that situation. I was too proud and full of the egoic mind to humbly walk back into the rooms and to start all over. I went back but I never kept it up and I definitely didn't start all over at square one. If I had reasons why I stopped attending meetings or practicing the daily reprieve then they must have been valid ones so why would I go back to something that I already fully rejected? Pride kills a lot of alcoholics. Its cunning baffling and powerful. The majority of people who are exposed to the program don't make it and end up in ugly places so  for that reason alone this makes me grateful for at least one more day of sobriety.     

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

DNA Antidepressant Medication Test

http://www.nbcnews.com/health/mental-health/new-psychiatric-dna-testing-unproven-ground-n437781 The latest in junk science news is a DNA cotton swab test that is supposed to analyze an individuals genes. Basically one is alleged to have different metabolizers and the results of these tests supposedly tell doctors what antidepressant medication appear to not interfere with a patients genetic profile. I do believe compulsive disorders combined with major symptoms  of-( bipolar, ocd, bpd and schizophrenia etc. exist. however I also believe that most of these so called mental illnesses have been manufactured. It appears to me that addicts are getting a comorbid diagnosis without bi polar present in many cases. In other words they are using the depression as a stand alone combined with the substance use disorder as the excuse to label people mentally ill or dual diagnosed. In other cases they are labeling addicts bi-polar without a history of real manic depression. Does anybody have any idea how much money is involved in this scam? Take a look at lab blood tests and how much money insurance companies are  kicking back for starters. Just out of curiosity how will they know what anti depressant to prescribe because they all have different side effects for each individual? Supposedly this new cotton swab DNA test eliminates the needle in the haystack type prescription guessing game. Kelly Brogan MD has already burst the bubble on all of this by stating that these anti depressants are nothing more then placebos. I see Dr Amen on his infomercials, it looks good what he is coming out with Spect scan technology but how much of this is really legit? Can you do a Spect scan on somebody's brain to tell if they are mentally ill or to see if they have a propensity toward drug addiction? Inquiring people want to know? Everybody has life's emotions which include ups and downs but that doesn't mean that 60% of newly sober addicts have comorbid conditions. Social Anxiety Disorder for shyness Paxil to the rescue the entire junk science psychiatric treatment model is a scam. Alcoholics/Drug Addicts have an allergy to alcohol in any form and the symptoms are typically anxiety and depression when left untreated. We don't have a mental illness of depression that is leading us to self medicate due to a chemical imbalance. We have a disease condition where the symptoms are depression and  anxiety as well as  being restless irritable and discontent. We have a physical allergy of the body and a mental obsession of the mind. We cant stop self medicating once we pick up alcohol in any form and this also includes during episodic binge scenarios. Let me tell you something these antidepressants make people restless irritable and discontent.  Bipolar or manic depression is different then straight out depression. Hypomania- ups and downs combined with severe lows of depression however this doesn't mean that just because a girl in high school has hyper sexuality that she has bi-polar or manic depression. The symptoms of depression are serious, I know because I have had this in a severe form. The new treatment model is to have people medicated for life  with no end game in sight and a new cotton swab dna test to the rescue. If people had real psychotherapy which includes 12 step based DBT and CBT real genetic and epigenetic symptoms would diminish significantly if not go away entirely. I took Strattera after rehab in 2011 and basically felt like offing myself. Is there any wonder why these meds talk about suicide ideation on their labels? These drugs are leading to suicide not the other way around. These people need to go to jail pure and simple. There has been an exponential increase in bi-polar diagnosis in young children where did this actually come from inquiring people want to know? They are getting away with this and we the people are letting them. Dr Blum stated that alcoholics have a shortage of dopamine d2 receptors which also leads to a higher chance of developing ptsd but does that mean we need anti depressants, mood stabilizers and anxiolytics to treat this? These psychiatrists do not do any real therapy, patients sit down and within 15 minutes they are writing prescriptions. Non Narcotic or not these drugs are dangerous and hell on earth to come off of. This junk science technology has already ruined hundreds of thousands if not millions of peoples lives. There is no legit test to tell what drug works on patients because none of them do. Nuero/bio feedback for depression and anxiety makes a lot of sense and so does a hyperbaric chamber. We cant let the inmates run the asylum lets be honest. The inmates are the eugenicists that run the junk science quack fields of psychiatry and mental health that have infected and corrupted the ranks of all General PR actioners MDs who prescribe these meds on a routine basis. My feeling is that the dark world and block box of Wall Street has its roots hooked into this major marketing scam. In other words these Quant models that lead to the implosion of 08 were extremely complex and understood by a select few ie- the quant geniuses. The same premise holds true for Big Pharma and how they have their hooks into the field of Dual Diagnosis and  the so called addiction and recovery world. If one takes a look at the big picture it isn't too difficult to see that the emperor has no clothes. I am not stating that I am even that smart but I know how these people operate. Hopefully sooner rather then later their entire house of cards will come crumbling down. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Broken Hearts And Broken Dreams

 Chad Furlong was born and raised in the heartland of Ohio, high school football country. He was a fullback with  full ride offers to none other then Ohio State and many other Div 1 schools. He would rather stay in state even though his upbringing was horrible. Active Alcoholic, mentally and   psychically abusive dad and a mom who stood by the carnage as well. Stockholm Syndrome combined with co-dependency is quite common these days. Chad was banged up by his senior year with 2 concussions and a knee that was already blown out. Some old school coaches think by beating on their players during  practice and doing full contact Oklahoma drills at 6 am day after day that this makes them tougher and better players. He didn't tear it up his senior year mostly due to his injuries as well as his apprehension of getting another concussion. He also had to deal with an alleged rape charge. It was one of those don't stop situations where the girl didn't even remember herself because she was so drunk but had her friend convince her to press charges. Chad was willing to swear under oath that it was consensual but he still had to go through the wringer. He was also prescribed a myriad of prescription drugs over the years-Adderall and Vyvance. for his ADD or at  least that is what they told him he had. The only Div 1 school that took a chance on him was UNLV, the other schools didn't want to deal with the headaches to go along with  the bad press. Chad had a tremendous amount of potential however he suffered another concussion during training camp and exacerbated his bad knee and essentially lost his scholarship. His entire life was football and being a warrior but  then his dreams came crashing down in an instant. Chad  was a binge alcoholic to go along with his Adderall medication so this wasn't a pretty picture because he had a lot of emotional triggers due to his dysfunctional upbringing. He now had no way to afford school, his  dad was a factory worker caught up with his own alcoholism demons. He didn't have many options  but staying in school didn't seem like a viable one. He had his sights on an NFL career after college but if football didn't work out then what was the use of school? He decided to enlist in the USMC but was circumvented by a recruiter that was willing to take a shot at getting him into Ranger school. The recruiter wasn't too happy about the rape charge combined with his  prescription Adderall use but ultimately green lighted it. Warriors were only  supposed to use drugs after they  get back from war. The recruiter said "do you want to be a Devil Dog but with better gear and cooler schools combined with an unlimited budget? A lot of high speed warrior training to go along with longer deployments to take out bad guys? " This sales pitch worked quite well so before long Chad was off to Ranger school after boot camp. AIT, Airborne school and one full deployment.The only problem was that  he couldn't swim that well and was afraid of heights. He became  an attrition casualty to go along with most of his warrior comrades. Nothing  seemed to be working out for Chad, to add insult to injury he had to go back to a regular Army unit until he could give Ranger school another shot however they weren't so  sure they wanted him back. He did well in the train up but when the actual training started he had mental and physical blocks. To make a long story short he was given  a less then Honorable Discharge in between alcoholic binge outbursts of  physical violence. Chad floated from one jail to the next in between stints of detox. His family took the position of tough love, if he wanted help he would reach out. His dad basically had a friend tell him that even though he never knew of  anybody that tried AA  that stayed sober one was supposed to reach out for help. Also this meant that if his kid had alcoholism then he would  be forced to at least acknowledge his own so he wasn't too interested in doing this. Chads life became a nightmare. These state run facilities would diagnosis him with bi-polar with anti social tendencies to go along with alcoholism. One drunken night he was  Backer Acted  and sent  to a new psychiatric facility subsidized by the state. This one had a medical director that was very interested in ECT or electric shock therapy to treat bi  polar depression combined with violent tendencies in  alcoholics. In fact  this became the primary method of treating what are known as constitutionally incapable or incorrigible cases. With no emergency contact to intervene Chads brain was blown out, they must have charged his head with too many electrodes. He had no memory from that day forward and basically stayed a ward of the state. After his dad died of an alcohol induced brain hemorrhage a friend of  Chads  mom  told  her that she needed to do a professional intervention on her son to get him into the program. She didn't even know where her son was, it was years Chad was now 29 years old. It was too late Chad mind was shot, day late dollar short. Alcoholics have built in forgetters however  I don't advise ECT or full contact drills in  practice every  day to make players tougher and game ready. I definitely don't advise waiting for an alcoholic to  reach out for help either, lets just look at the Chad Furlong story as an example.