Thursday, June 30, 2016

Treason Just out of curiosity how does the number 1 intel guy and the most heroic whistle blower this country has ever seen have only 4,000 views on youtube? Are people that brain dead? A few years back I didn't know anything but I did have intellectual curiosity. I just figured if they killed JFK why wouldn't they do that to his son? I saw some intel online but I still had no idea who Stew Webb was or Tom Flacco for that matter. I just sensed that they knew what they were talking about and I took a risk by writing about it. I felt sick about the whole thing. Infact I felt more then a little sick especially the part where W and Hil witch were spotted on the ground before his plane took off. I am telling you that if this isn't enough for people to start a Revolution then nothing will. People like us aren't into research and going on and on with conspiracy theory bull shit because we already know what the truth is and we don't like pontificating. We want and need people to be executed for high treason pure and simple. When I started writing I wrote about the bailout and how Paulson, Bernanke and Geitner were hero's by bailing out the banks with their coerced 700 billon dollar Tarp plan against the will of We The People as well as many of the head sheds of these wall street firms. Frontline made these people look like real hero's but are they really? It states right here in Stews link that Al Gore was going to shoot down that bank law that Slick willy signed which essentially allowed the brokerage houses to act as casinos that were leveraging 10-1 on derivative money that was all printed out of thin air. I try to be fair and balanced and give people the benefit of the doubt but how can we when it is all in Stews article. The 08 mortgage scam was planned way in advance and Nancy Pelosi was fear mongering telling us that there would be Marshal Law in the streets if we didn't go along with it. How much money did these crime families steal with that mortgage scam bail out? Still to this day nobody has had cuffs put on them which is the only real way to send a message. A few small fry loan originators were locked up by the FBI but isn't that always the case. They stole trillions of dollars didn't they? So the senate seat was taken away from JFK junior because they assassinated him as well as  his wife and his wife's sister just so they could  leave room for you know who. What did she do as Senator? Universal Health care that she even admitted she knew nothing about. She did nothing these people have done absolutely nothing but start illegal wars, steal money rig markets and kill innocent people. Al Gore was our president wasn't he? Shouldn't we have a grand jury investigation for that reason alone?

Wag The Dog

After the Orlando shooting it took me a few days to think- Wag The Dog- I was indignant because Donald Trump was supposed to have taken the gloves off on Mon the day after the alleged mass shooting. He was all ready to speak the truth so this was perfect timing for the establishment. Wag The Dog wasn't that when slick Willy lobbed a few ineffective cruise duds at his cia asset Tim Osman to divert attention away from his shenanigans? It didn't take me long to realize that something wasn't right about 9-11. I remember Peter Jennings telling us how Islamic Jihad really hate the west and despise America and want to kill us all. He also stated that these Muslims were dirt poor angry and jealous. He had a map and was giving us a history lesson. A few years later I learned that these alleged hijackers were from middle to upper class backgrounds and they liked to do blow and hit strip clubs. So I was thinking who are these vicious enemies of America because I always study the enemy and I love to learn. I am telling you the amount of lies that were shoved down our throat for these wars are off the chain. WMDS the whole 9 yards. Think about it why were we sending our guys house to house in Iraq? Why were they driving around in unarmored Humvees that is what I want to know? Were we avenging these so called enemies of the US the ones who hit our towers? If Al Qaeda was the bad guys why were we going to Iraq where Al-Qaida didn't even exist? A few sof warriors went to Afghanistan but that was the Taliban not Al Qaeda. Supposedly the Taliban created a safe haven for Tim Osman and they really hated the west. Really we were arming them to fight against Russia in a proxy war Charlie's Wilsons War so were they really our enemy? I went on Frontline a little less then a year after Sandy Hook to learn and try to get inside the head of this Adam Lanza clown. It just didn't seem right however I respect Frontline that is where I received a lot of great intel. A few months later I listened to Dr P on Alex Jones to really learn about Adam Lanza. Recently I saw that Frontline was pushing stories about Isis. Basically the premise was how the FBI and CIA dropped the ball spotting the warning signs preventing the rise of Isis. So we have 17 highly classified intel agencies and everybody dropped the ball on Isis doesn't this sound familiar? I am still trying to figure out what they all do since they are all so shadowy and clandestine and many are tied to Nasa? The crisis actors they hire suck really bad I will tell you that straight out. just think what it would be like if we got rid of most of these spook houses and sent most of the workers to do pro Americana activities. Maybe revamp the justice department and get rid of all the stonewallers. The Libyan fiasco was another disaster. Have our leaders ever did anything right and why would our Secretary of State be involved with taking over countries? We came saw and he died right- wow what a great leader Hilary is

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Stew Web and Tom Heneghan make a great team, Glen Cannady is involved with the truth warriors as well. Stew stated that the 2000 election was completely stolen by W and associates. Al Gore was supposed to be our president, it turns out that Al Gore isn't such a bad guy after all. I know that this is old news for most people but shouldn't we still be upset about this? Think about it we cant even have an honest election for our Commander in Chief. How are they coming up with these state by state polls that is what I want to know. Nobody asked me whos side I was on so how are they getting this info- electronic voting? The establishments cons, tricks, deceptions and treachery must come to an end once and for all. What happens if Hilary gets indicted by the FBI she will just get a pardon from Obummer? These people are so blatant with their disregard for our constitution. I saw Al Gore sit down with that space guy Neil Disgrace and they talked about the Cosmos and all that. When are these people going to come out of the closet and say sorry but we are all scams and the earth is not an oblate spheroid after all and we never went to the moon? It really got bad when they founded Nasa. These Free Masons went crazy with their spins, deceit, black magic, Walt Disney and pedophilia. Stew Webb basically stated that it is basically over for the establishment. In other words if they try to rig another election that will not work. Let us be grateful for the many unsung hero's that are working behind the scenes and have been for quite some time. Stew talked about how his Oklahoma city story about McVeigh really being alive hitting the newsstands the day before 9-11.They then proceeded to do a  rear end bump on his car to shake him up. I am not going to state who they killed over the story but it was the long time girlfriend of a well known newscaster. He also mentioned that he was 1 of  13 out of 28 whistleblowers that survived an Anthrax attack in the 90s. I do believe that Stew Webb is the man that Americans need to rally around because with the kind of intel he has in his possession this can open up billions of dollars worth of class action federal lawsuits, even trillions yes that is trillions of dollars worth of lawsuits filed by "We The people"- The other thing that was mentioned is how low class and despicable these people are. They are rich beyond the ability for most people to comprehend however they are really weasels and lowlifes. Money cant and will never buy class. Think about it, anybody who murders somebody do they have any class? I am not talking about warriors and soldiers that went overseas that is a completely different scenario then silencing whistle blowers, ie- basic mobster tactics. That is why I will never have respect for the mob because unless you are in a self defense scenario or in theaters of operation just doing your job how can you justify murder? There is no statute of limitation for murder. That clown Larry Nichols sounds like a real weasel. Apparently he was conning little old ladies out of money when he already admitted to Stews doctor that he never had surgery. A lot of these so called whistle blowers are really cia that are still working for these heinous low life crime families. They are ugly on the inside and out. You can see what kind of negative karma they project. It is written all over their face. The eyes are the window of the soul.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Stew Webb Patriot- Tip Of The Spear

Stew Webb is the real leader of this Revolution. I listened to his intel report on 6-5-16 and he absolutely rocked my world. He kept dropping one truth bomb after another. I actually couldn't keep up that is how powerful it was. Stew Webb is the real deal somebody that I have been seeking since day 1. He is no fan of AJ although I like Jones a lot I cant help it I really do. My feeling is that AJ may have Mossad backing him but they are pro American factions of Israeli intel that is my gut feeling. AJ has put a tremendous amount of intel on the table and for that alone he deserves 5 stars. I heard him on his show speaking against the Jewish mob and all mobs for that matter. He wants us to be independent and free thinkers he never ever stated that he just wants us to drink the AJ cool aide. He is humble in my opinion and has Dr P and Roger Stone on how much better can one get that that? He is 100% behind Donald Trump and all patriots are rallying behind our next commander in chief. AJ doesn't go all out because he cant but he gets our curiosity up enough to do our own due diligence. If he is getting paid by a big money handler then that is fine by me because his intel is awesome. That said I love Stew Webb that man has 9 lives and he is the tip of the spear for US Intel. Stew has so many documents in his possession that he has been trying to get into an honest judges hands it is truly mind blowing. Stew Webb can singlehandedly put these crime families away for the rest of their lives in a system that wasn't completely corrupted. Patriots need to rally behind Stew Webb because his name is going to be remembered for many years to come. He basically stated that there is a very good chance that shit may go sideways in this revolution as far as violence is concerned. Stew Webb needs a bigger platform and he needs to be able to get his message shouted at the rooftops across our earth. He stated that Tim McVeigh is still alive and that 9-11 wasn't taken down by micro nukes but rather by (Death Ray Area 52). Stew Webb has real sources that are legit so please all Patriots we need to find a way to get Stew Webb into main stream media. These cockroaches have tried to kill him so many times. It looks like he may be able to sue with an accident recreation scene that was conducted by a pi. I feel bad for Stew because he is a humble warrior and is all physically banged up by these assassination attempts. He stated that he could have sold out years ago but declined. What can be worse then being married to an Illuminati family with a wife who made Linda Blair look like a saint. Donald Trump please find a way to keep Stew Webb safe because if these cockroaches try to do anything to him that will definitely spark the war, either way his intel will be preserved and they know this. There is no statute of limitations for these kind of crimes. Most people don't have a clue of the kind of criminality Stew Web has been dealing with. It goes way above and beyond the scope of most peoples ability to comprehend. It would be safe to say to the uninitiated they wont have a clue and would have no way to process the kind of information he puts out on a daily basis. That is where cognitive dissonance comes into play. Ignorance is bliss all is well and more then likely they would dismiss his claims as conspiratorial. Welcome to main stream media where all of the phony smiles come into play. We need to spark this revolution by getting Stew Webb some air time someway and somehow I cant wait. 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Positive Signs

The establishment only knows one way to play and that is dirty. Brexit is a good sign that this may be the beginning of the end for the NWO scam. I have been watching Jeanne Piro, I am a fan, I respect her. The establishment hires crooked mud slingers like Lee Atwatter who make up egregious lies and sell their soul to Lucifer only to die a few years later with bad Karma and tremendous guilt. Think about old man Bush that guy is so diabolical, imagine what would happen to you if you didn't get him elected? That is the difference, the establishment lies, cheats, steals and murders to get elected. Real men like Roger Stone just tell the truth. They get real facts and they just put them on the table by writing books and going on Alex Jones. Donald Trump will get elected because he is going to continue to unleash truth bombs. I am telling you that once these truth bombs start resonating during election time anybody that votes Democrat is not doing this country a favor. What I am saying is that life long democrats need to abandon their party just out of sheer principle alone. I am happy with Fox News because they have people like Judge Jeanne Pirro. We need some people on main stream media to start talking about geo engineering. I know somebody whos kidneys just shut down because of Lithium toxicity. This is the shit that they are spraying in our skies so how can this be healthy for anybody? Seriously we need some real facts about this and they need to be put on the table. Just watch What In The World Are They Spraying on youtube to find out more about this.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Secret Service Intel The real Hilary is dangerous says a former secret service officer. I also was checking out a witness on youtube(-worldphilosopher101) to the Gabby Gifford alleged shooting. This man stated that he doesn't think it was a real shooting because there was no bullet holes or blood anywhere and that it seemed completely staged. There are other investigative journalists that I respect that 100% don't believe that the Gabby Gifford shooting was legitimate. So what does this all mean? It means that she is faking her speech impediment and is culpable of aiding and abetting in a major RICO crime. She also happens to be best buds with Hilary and Gabbys husband is the world famous astronaut. Does anybody still believe a word that comes out of Nasa anymore? There is no statute of limitations for this type of fraud. In a perfect world Donald Trump will change the world as we knew it with a completely revamped Justice Department. I don't know about anybody else but when somebody supposedly got shot shouldn't it be real? I remember how I felt after that Gifford shooting, I just got out of rehab. It shook me up a little bit but isn't that the intent with these fraudulent terrorists? This also means that all of the NASA based natgeosat highly classified intel agencies are fraudulent. So what do they really do then that is what I want to know? If they are dedicating themselves to full time cgi spies and lies the only other thing they are probably doing is spying on innocent people.  

Sandy Hook Con Jobs

So what did these satanic freaks do in reference to the Sandy Hook scam? Jonathon Reich has a 100k bond right now but he wasn't supposed to be arrested to begin with. That was a false arrest, that is what the Ct. state trooper signed off on ie- "that there was no crime committed thus no further investigation was needed" So why was Jonathon jerked around 10 times going back and fourth to court and why does he have legal fees that exceed well over 50k? Why does he have any legal fees at all, because although he wasn't supposed to be arrested to begin with this was a community court issue where in most cases lawyers are not even needed? Apparently Jonathon was asking questions about a little girls picture that was stolen illegally from a woman's flickr  account. These freaks actually used this woman's daughters pic and tried to pass it off as a little child that was murdered in the SHES school shooting how disgusting is that? Let me tell you something if these freak show cia pedophiles and politicians stole my kids pic from cyber space and used it in a propaganda based fraudulent false flag heads would be rolling to the end of time because this goes way beyond the pale of sinister sickness. I am telling you that there would be convoys rolling down the streets in Newtown and there would be a lot of operators with real weapons drawn on these satanic perverts. The state of CT. took away my glock for bs reasons but I am still bringing one to defend myself. Nothing is more pure then an all out firefight to prove your point because these people are so sick and disturbed that this is probably the only way they would ever get the message. Wolfgang has the governor not telling the truth on video by playing dumb and he is also doing a great job trying to get these bureaucrats to swear under oath. He needs to get them in federal court and there needs to be  major and multiple class action lawsuits filed against these frauds. This is going to be-  We The People who are going to launch the lawsuits because this is major fraud of epic proportions. NDAA act or not there were so many fragrant violations of the rule of law in that SHEs false flag school shooting where no children really died. Wolfgang has 2 ct state troopers who provided him with smoking gun evidence of up to 12 Ct. state troopers that signed false affidavits, that is evidence of a crime thus the reason for the words smoking gun. The Newtown police chief told Wolf that he needs to announce himself next time he passes through Newtown. What kind of bully mobster comment is that? That is the line Josh Brolin used against Russell Crowe in American Gangster. These juiceheads are gangsters with no integrity. We have to take the power away from the criminals and get all of the gun owners in this country and all of the other Patriots far and wide to be involved in all of these lawsuits. It will be like launching a cruise missile with the words painted on it- "Welcome to America you diabolical establishment scumbags" 

Emperors Kings And Queens

I was watching the Mark Levin show on youtube. He had Peter Schweizer on talking about his book Clinton Cash. Peter stated that when he was on main stream media talking to George Stephanopoulos he was basically told that his book doesn't mean that much because it doesn't prove that a crime was committed. What kind of establishment comment was that? What does that really mean that a crime wasn't committed? He is an investigative journalist not a law enforcement official. Speaking of which last time I checked money laundering with Nigerian crime families is  a crime so where are our law enforcement officials? What do our politicians really do? Get rich by making us poor lying and laughing all the way to the bank. I am indignant because there aren't any jobs out there. They lie about that as well. Unemployment is more like 25-30% not under 10%. What do politicians really do? They start wars by blaming somebody else for what they really initiated and then make believe they really care and then pose as the savior. Ambassador Stevens is dead now and he was asking for increased security. A lot of other great men were killed in Benghazi but what difference does it make? Getting rich by getting our guys killed with stand downs, lies and cowardice. When are all of our politicians going to resign out of principle alone? Now its more Islamic Jihad fearmonging. The only thing I know is that the Clinton crime family is in the same league as the Bush crime family so how is somebody like this even allowed to run for president can somebody please explain this to me?  Alex Jones said that Hilary Clinton has her hooks in Fast and Furious as well. Using benevolent looking charities and using that as cover for personal illicit foreign espionage activity sounds criminal to me so I will ask this again where are the FBI Agents that swore an oath to this country? It is amazing how big we have allowed these politicians heads to get? They act like emperors, kings and queens, completely disregarding the laws us common folk have to live by. I would lose sleep for the rest of my life if I got one of my guys killed, these sociopaths do this routinely and actually get off on it. She is a satanic gun grabbing fraud and witch can anybody else besides me connect some of these dots? She hired mobster pis to threaten and harass her husbands rape victims. As if these women weren't suffering enough she made sure they kept zip locked mouths. Now she makes believe she is a woman's rape advocate and that they deserve to be believed how sick is this? She had this thug pi kill one of these victims cats but this doesn't include all of her Arkansides. How is somebody like this even allowed to run for president can somebody please explain this to me? 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Overdose Crisis All of the illegal dope that is being shipped in from Afghanistan by cia. I don't think that is where the fentanyl is coming from however. Its more like dealers stateside that are trying to cut corners by buying pharmaceutical grade fentanyl and then cutting it up and then passing it off as heroin. Either way it is killing a lot of people and these families have to wait 4 to 6 months for toxicology tests wtf is that all about? What more can one expect by the most corrupt state in the union. Gov Malloy best buds w/ Obummer and Holder do you think they really care? How much extra are they getting paid by making sure that this dope gets in safely from the ports? Where are the real Patriots in our country that can actually do something about this? Maybe start a war and destroy all of the dope coming in illegally from Afghanistan for starters?.Sicario great movie Hollywood got it right for a change. They showed how the world really works with their cia chaos and destabilization operation in Mexico. I don't see anything really changing because 3/4 of the politicians would be arrested if they really cracked down with a real civil shadow drug war. In other words if you want to take down the RKM drug cartel taking out the drug supply lines would send a message but it really wouldn't do anything. That is because the only real way to take down a major drug cartel is by seizing the pernicious usury and obliterating all of their money laundering channels. Dr Preston James stated that most of the wall street banks would crumble in a matter of days if we brought in the heavy hitters to go after these people. That is why DEA  focusses on all of the stash spots where they keep the money not confiscating the dope because that is really an exercise in futility. I know that there is a lot of fire breathing demon chasers out there that would love to get involved in this fight. Michael Levine has been talking about this for years. Let us follow the advise of the very few real leaders we have left out there. We have to completely decriminalize the drug trade with the users who are getting charged with major felonies just to feed their habit. That is only making them feel worse about themselves and increasing the recidivism rate. Big pharma has to get involved to some extent by making it legal to be a drug addict. Only temporally however because the patients need to get off all of the methadone and suboxone. This is a racketeering operation in itself can anybody else connect all of these dots? Dr Blum stated that they cant be on these opiate maintenance tapers. That is only a dopamine antagonist and a lot of the addicts are still getting really high this way. They need a dopamine agonist that means holistic amino acid therapy for their Reward Deficiency Syndrome. This is only after they trip on Ibogaine to rewire their brain chemistry. They shouldn't be on these opiate taper maintenance programs for very long if at all. Post acute withdrawl is very severe that is why Ibogaine should be administered right away. This program will see such a decrease of habitual rehab offenders because its mostly brain chemistry and emotional triggers that send people back to self medicating. Imagine a heroin addict going to treatment only once and actually getting sober? That is what everybody's goal should be, speaking from personal experience this disease is hellacious and takes no prisoners. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Deception And Cover Maybe the author of this article should do a little due diligence on some of these conspiracy theories that Alex Jones has on his show. The New York Times is a dying newspaper and that came directly from Donald Trump. I want a president who will share intel with us because lets face it National security has been nothing but a cover for major abuse and criminality. Our interests as American citizens have been coming in last place as it does in  most totalitarian regimes. I don't like that, infact that gets me more then a little upset. So when is print media going to start showing a little more respect for so called conspiracy theories on the Alex Jones show?Even better maybe show some intellectual curiosity and start researching for yourself that way you can try and discover cointelpro limited hangout news sources  and everything else one is supposed to know about as an investigative journalist. Right now the only thing we have are deception and cover operations coming from print media. This means the author of this New Yorker magazine article is complicit in many things that may not have the best interest of  we the people. That is another reason we need Donald Trump in the White House. I don't like it when subversive politicians farm out all of the good stateside jobs and run stand downs at the border. I don't respect phony tears coming from our commander in chief and I will never fully trust somebody whos real name is not his Potus name. I heard that he may even be a Saudi plant either way I never would want to hang out with him. That goes for most phony false flag politicians. I didn't really like it to say the least when I discovered that people like Alex Jones were right on the money. Now that I know for certain it is my responsibility as a solid citizen to do something about it because I don't want a future like this for we the people of future generations   

Thursday, June 23, 2016

33 Sandy Hook Questions 33 Unanswered questions about the SHES shooting. I do believe that it was Kelly from Oklohoma that questioned the biohazard scene not Sofia Smallstorm but I could be mistaken. There are a lot of courageous investigative journalists out there that deserve a lot of respect. These 33 questions are one of the best that I have ever seen. How can these people actually pull of a hoax like this? Unfortunately it may be legal according to some propaganda state run Orwellian NDAA act? Whatever it takes for the masses to get behind a movement, in this particular case the gun grabbing scam. Hitler had Goebells for his propaganda machine so this shouldn't be too much of a surprise. It doesn't really matter because not only are these people untouchable they also believe they are doing the right thing for our country. Have they know shame for manipulating our emotions and causing international grief? Most people still feel sorry for these criminals how pathetic is that?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Bad Karma VT Dr Kevin Barett I am not a fan of this article. You usually have a lot of great intel specifically on false flags but I am insulted by this insinuation in reference to Donald Trump. I am still trying to figure out why Fetzer and Stew Webb were blown out of the door at  VT because they both seem like very solid and patriotic warriors? Stew Webb cant wait to get into a legal court of law with intel he has to present to a fair and balanced jury. I cant seem to avoid a sense of a left wing slant in reference to VT but maybe I am imagining things? Not that left or right makes any difference at all at this stage in the game. How can Donald Trump be judged so early on in the game? In other words we cant expect him to deviate too far off the reservation until he gets into office as our Commander in Chief, that will be the game changer. He already insinuated some very positive things and like a commenter down below stated one should watch the Trump Over The Years to learn more about him. He is a Nationalist and I really don't think he is a zio puppet to me that is another insulting and a pejorative headline by another VT writer. The only person that I know for sure 100% that is a real truther is myself that is why I have been cautiously optimistic about all VT articles as of late. I can understand that Mr Trump  may be open for criticism due to his indignation about the Iran deal which was actually good not bad for our National security. That is why one  needs to present this intel to Mr Trump by writing respectful articles to  him not horrible ones insinuating that he is a traitor that should be headed for war crimes because that is an insult to me. Just like our present Commander in Chief who supposedly didn't know anything about 9-11 being an inside job until he started to read Vt articles. The same premise should be presented to Donald Trump because he is very intelligent and is a businessman first and foremost, definitely not a career politician. He cares deeply about our country, so please Kevin Barett please show more respect toward Donald Trump. Actually I believe that Donald Trump is a patriot first and foremost and to me that is a lot more impressive then his superior business acumen. 

Security Sell Outs

It is a very bad situation when our security guards are being paid 10 dollars and hour and they have to pay money out of their own pocket to advance their career. Let me put it this way I have a lot of respect for the security field. The only people that are making any money in this field  are the dhs, fbi and cia guys who are stealing it by their stand down false flags. That is an insult to me because this is supposed to be a pure and noble profession-The pay outs for Sandy Hook where nobody really died was quite pathetic to say the least. We need to raise the hourly wage of all security guards and actually pay for their training. That means paying for their ammo when they go to the range. Armed guards should be making at least 50 dollars and hour and unarmed 30 bare minimum. That moron who said that he wanted to assassinate Trump should be locked up with no bail but something doesn't add up about the story. First of all he looks like an MK Ultra wanna be. He looks totally fake. Supposedly he never went to the range before and then he goes the day before and then shoots rounds down range. How could that really be? Unless he had some instructor help him at the range the story isn't true. Firing a 9 mill without instruction is nearly impossible. It is very hard to learn how to jam mags let alone firing a weapon that takes an all day course bare minimum. I am so glad that Alex Jones was ranting about Oreilly. I made a decision to watch that guy for the first time in many years last night and I fell asleep right away. He hasn't changed still talking about lone wolf jihads just like his sell out Kennedy book where Oswald was a straight shooter. He is so boring, I learned more from Alex Jones in 1 hour then I ever did watching Oreillys bs spin zone

God Help Us This is a great article very thorough and refreshing. It deserves 5 stars along with most of the articles on www.memoryholeblog. My only critique is that many leos are trained in first responder and are fully medic capable. That is why in many places leos are the first ones on the scene with medic bag in hand. That is also why psd details overseas put a high priority on getting a medic for their teams who is also highly capable of taking out the bad guy. They are considered invaluable and can usually find a job over an operator who may not be trained in first responder medic capable. Speaking of jobs it is so great to see Donald Trump unleash truth bombs. God help us if you know who becomes our Commander in Chief. I cant even write the name that is how much it pains me. How is somebody like that even allowed to run for president? Stand Downs in Benghazi, creating chaos and destabilization in Libya, cover and harassment ops for her husband I cant even write anymore because I may get sick. I am an independent so this has nothing to do with being partisan. We need Donald Trump in the White house because he loves our country and is not into back door off line gun and drug running Arkanside operations. He will get rid of the special interest off shore private e-mail server criminal cartel money laundering scams. He will bring great stateside jobs that we can be proud of because right now I am being refused for even busser positions in restaurants. I am not lazy so nobody can use that bs scam against me either. Donald Trump has empathy toward our warriors who have been ruined for life by these cowardly special interest neo cons.When was the last time we had a president who you knew actually cared about the people? This Orlando fiasco is a joke, it was a total false flag stand down that was planned way in advance. OK lets look at it this way- There were warnings about ISIS for a long time now so that means that their should have been at least one armed guard at the club right? Not some insulting 9 dollar an hour job security guard either. I am talking about a highly trained warrior that could have taken that clown out in one shot. That means dhs cia and fbi have to stop stealing money and we need to hire private security operators and pay them $500 a day to protect all of our soft targets. Why didn't they have that because main stream media has ben telling us that the bad guys from ISIS have been planning bad things on our soil for a while now? We need to get rid of all back stabbing mendacious gun grabbing politicians and bureaucrats. This also includes all special interest off shore greed mongers who have proven time and time again that they put their own selfish money grubbing schemes over the needs of we the people of the United States of America. I also want to see real forensic evidence in reference to the Orlando shooting  

Sunday, June 19, 2016

False Flag So this actor had a a gig where he played a club patron called Orlando- Shooting Up- Is that a coincidence or is he clairvoyant? These people really do tell everybody what they are about to do.The only problem is that cia is running low on crisis actor talent. These people were bad to say the least. What about that one heavy set guy with the hat, he overplayed his hand because I saw him coming from miles away. I want to launch a few FOIA requests and see what happens. I wonder if they will send more then a few cops over to threaten me like they did to Wolfgang? I find this entire scenario highly suspicious. I want to see real forensic evidence. Apparantly a highly astute researcher has discovered that these world renownd doctors had no reviews on google and a digital footprint that is quite Spartan. The contractor this Jihadi worked for G4S specializes in crisis acting,isn't that a little suspicious?There is a really great video on memory hole from Black Rabbit I believe that shows that the chief medical examiner was just recently brought in and he also happens to have a film background. There are many great researches out there that poke holes in these "official stories"It isn't that difficult to detect fake grief however. Bad acting, no real tears, the usual.    

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Double Agent Pharma Troll What an article, actually this was more like a dissertation on the big Pharma Racketeering operation. There are two major loopholes. The first is overturning the Jacobson vs Mass. ruling, then its getting rid of the vaccine courts. There was a Pakistani Vaccination massacre in 2012. It appears that the Taliban took their anger out on the UN criminals. The Taliban believe in a spiritual source of existence above and beyond the greed mongers on Wall street who are making billions protecting this racket. It appears that the Taliban almost had the heroin wiped out before we came in to expand the operation post 9-11. Since then a lot of money has been made in the drug trade and a lot of people have lost their life. The New York Times is supposed to look out for We the People. They are liberals and are expected to have journalistic integrity. This is what they have to say about people who are indignant toward these criminals- "Antivaccinationists are a familiar species of crank who's arguments are absurdly fallacious." I don't know about anybody else but if my kid was ruined for life by some vaccine heads would need to roll. If they keep pushing their arrogant genocide agenda we may see something along the lines of mass protests because it no longer is a secret. The evidence is on the table, Dr Horrowitz and Andrew Wakefield have a lot of courage. We have a major Racketeering operation going on at every level. The media and wall street are covering for this vaccination agenda, they are pushing this at levels that are only increasing substantially. People are going to remember the writers who continue to cover for these people and this is what they are going to be remembered for for their rest of their career. Donald Trump stated that the New York Times is a dying newspaper. Maybe the writers should start getting on the right side of humanity because as of now they are pseudo intellectuals and are as phony as a 4 dollar bill. They are as sneaky and fraudulent as the counterfeit currency our money is printed with. What can be worse- A fake and greedy predator who makes believe that they are so much smarter then everybody else and that they really care and are out for the greater good? These Pharma trolls are pathetic as well. Apparently they did a horrible job of trying to infiltrate the doctors and their supporters. Extortion, threats, slander, libel it is all too familiar with these cowards. One day their house of cards built off of pernicious usury and counterfeit currency will come crumbling down. In the interim the state better run for the hills with their demented vaccination promotion    

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Donald Trump is right political correctness is something that wont get us very far. The only thing I know for certain is that the Extortion 17 family members were humiliated by some kind of Muslim tradition burial and they were cremated without their permission. WTF is that all about? Can somebody please explain this to me how and why this happened? If I lost a son on a mission like that I would be seeing red. Heads would need to roll at every level because that mission doesn't add up. What were they doing in a Chinook? Why were their bodies cremated? This is an outrage because those are the best and brightest warriors in this world. Why did top brass have conflicting stories that didn't match when explaining to the families what happened? Even top brass couldn't keep their story straight. Let me tell you something this would never happen if somebody like Donald Trump was our Commander in Chief I stake my life on it. Burying our guys according to some Muslim tradition our American warriors are you kidding me. I am still trying to figure out when their will be blowback on the Pat Tillman death. Alex Jones specifically stated what happened to him,this should make everybody get sick to thier stomach. Seriously when these less then human creatures have to stoop to that level to perpetuate their phony hoax war heads definitely need to roll for that reason alone. I hate these criminals, I cant wait until their is a major uprising by- We The People- An (Insurrection)      

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Holistic Solutions

There are some very disturbing things going on in our country. People are od ing and committing suicide all over the place. The problem is that the suicide rate has increased exponentially in the past ten years. That is because big Pharma has been prescribing anti depressants at levels that we have never seen before. 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 5. In other words people are going in with real but relatively mild epi genetic or environmental issues in their life and are then being prescribed heavy meds as if they had a severe mental illness. I read some more about this and it is quite disheartening. What I didn't know is that these non narcotic psychotropic meds that are frequently prescribed for depression are really addictive. In other words they have physiological withdrawal symptoms and take a long time to get off of. In essence people are getting much worse by these meds, this appears to be the case. Its the big pharma system not individual doctors per se. How can one explain somebody going in with mild depression and anxiety and then shortly thereafter completely going off the charts with suicide ideation with no preceding history of this? This is followed by an interminable nightmare battle with these drugs. Now I know that even these non narcotic meds are far from innocuous. Talk therapy and support groups is the real solution for people with these issues. There is no question in my mind that there is a huge racketeering operation going on and its not going away any time soon. Unnecessary and poisonous vaccines combined with the overprescribing of medication have legitimate smoking gun evidence on the table right now. Just out of curiosity do these criminals feel guilty about shipping in all of this deadly heroin because a lot of people are losing their life over this, its never been this bad. Just today I found out about 2 people that died. The big problem is when there is a period of abstinence and then a relapse. This has been leading to a lot of deaths. One of the main obstacles is that post acute withdrawal on opiates is hell on earth so it sometimes doesn't matter if somebody looks like they are doing well up until the relapse. That is why Ibogaine should be mandatory for all addicts and alcoholics. This actually rewires the brain and actually adjusts it to a pre addictive state. It sounds too good to be true however it appears to be legit. I am sure it would work great for cigarettes as well. The entire scenario has to do with how psychiatrists are trained. The schools are all in bed with big pharma.It becomes a cult like training operation. They are all trained to prescribe meds first and foremost. Look what they did with Adam Lanzas pych profile what more needs to be said?     

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

SSG Infiltration What a grand slam article by Dr Preston James. What a relief it is to have go to articles to find out what is really going on. How much does Fox News pay these so called security experts to give their two cents? Like the cool aide junket guy who just got back from Israel? What great intel was uncovered by reading the MK Ultra training document.I learned that the Scientology cult is closely linked with MK- In other words Hubbard believed in the concept of clean teams like the one the cia used during the Jim Jones scenario. I had no idea that cult was a cia MK Ultra operation. All of these lowlifes came over to the US from the Nazi regime. Lets see Tom Cruise seemed like he was a good guy in Valkyrie doing his best to take Hitler out but is this how he really feels in real world? Scientology is so innocuous I know I must be imagining things. I also learned that Mark Lane was a cia stooge. That makes sense because they more then likely wouldn't have allowed a real intel professional to come out only a few years after the JFK assassination. He would have been taken out if he were for real or at the very least heavily neutralized. Only the select few good guys know if Jim Garrison was for real or not? I also learned a few tid bits about the MLK RFK assassinations and how Mark Lane ran a cover distraction op with the Jim Jones cool aide. I don't think we will ever have the ability to have real investigations by We The People because the ssg is here to stay. First you have local state and federal law enforcement, then the Attorney General of the Justice Dept.Next comes our President and then the ssg who sit way above our Potus.The ssg  pulls the strings. They have double and triple agents on both sides and every other side one can imagine. The guy who may look legit who is out for our greater good actually has spooks everywhere to confuse everybody. It is their form of entertainment lets face it they get off on it. Look what they put Wolfgang through already and that is just one false flag. Imagine trying to go after all of them talk about an exercise in futility.   

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Newtown- Spooktown USA

I was listening to a podcast with Prof James Tracy and Dr P last week. They covered a lot of ground it was quite interesting. I cant believe James Tracy was fired what did he do wrong? Dr P stated that Sandy Hook is a scam and that there was no ptsd with the Newtown PD. If there is no ptsd with the Newtown pd then why was the chief quoted in the Greenwich times that his guys had ptsd and he was concerned that they would off themselves? Dr P also stated that Yale University fabricated a psychological profile on a non existent Adam Lanza with Azbergeres. Can anybody see that big Pharma may have their hooks in all of this? I was wondering who they may choose to reenact the crisis actors when they air an episode on Investigation Discovery on the Sandy Hook school shooting? I am sure that they will be better then David Wheeler, Robbie Parker and Gene Rosen. Lets see choosing actors to play actors while reenacting an alleged tragedy I do believe that we have hit a new low in our theater of the absurd. I do believe our commander in chief had a few phony crocodile tears as well. I am still waiting to read what the official cause of death was for the Westorpt police officer who just so happened to be on the Newtown Pd board. Also I found it to be a little suspicious that the Ct Major crimes squad investigated the alleged suicide of the Milford police officer last year. That man had no reason to commit suicide from all appearances. He did hold a charity run for the alleged victims in the Sandy Hook scam. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

OGA Sleight of hand, black magic, mocking, Lucifarians like to mock and they usually tell you what they are about to. I am far from an expert on these clowns however I have been able to pick up a few tid bits here and there. The only thing I know is that Dr P had a link in his blog this morning that knocked my socks off. It had to do with the criminal gangsters that sentenced Leo Wanta to prison on bogus trumped up charges. OGA- That stands for Other Gangster Agencies- I cant wait to buy Roger Stones book Clintons War on Women. I heard a few tid bits during one of his interviews and I couldn't believe my ears. What amazing  intel, I really hope that it can break into the main stream media. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Torture Scam

I checked out an episode on Forensic Files and they had the Chris Porco case who attempted to murder both of his parents in 2004. His mother lived but it was especially heinous because he used a firemans axe. This led me to the web because in only 30 jammed packed minutes they focused more on the forensic evidence aspect as opposed to criminology. Prof Frank Perri stated the police failed to obtain any valuable information because they possibly didn't take into consideration his probable psychopathy. The professor continued on stating that they should have used a non confrontational approach instead of appealing to emotions. This is an example I am using for enhanced interrogation being a waste of time because its concept is based of a sociopathic mindset of a hardened terrorist. The pros basically use the term psychopath and sociopath interchangeably however the one main difference appears to be that psychopaths are more organized, maybe one that would try to plan the  perfect crime. Both are incapable of remorse or empathy that would be the major difference between a criminal act conducted by a psychotic. I was ashamed to be an American due to the criminal acts of our government. Have they no shame for what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan? Now we also have geo engineering that appears to be giving older folks Alzheimer's. Spraying Aluminum- Barium and Lithium into our skies does this sound healthy to anybody out there? Chem Trail flu symptoms do you think these criminals really care? I cant wait until Donald Trump becomes president.         

Iraq War Fraud

The Iraq War was a fraud. One of the best books that I ever read was Fiasco by Tom Ricks. He was on the ground and received intel from all ranks from pfc all the way up to the multiple stared Generals. He even had the inside details from many of the higher ups in Washington. If I were to add my own opinion into the mix I would state that the higher ups knew they were getting our country into a no win quagmire but they just didn't care. In other words they were incompetent on purpose only to play dumb later. That is the signature of these string pullers it truly is disturbing. They knew it would last at least 10 years, it didn't matter how many of our soldiers got blown up by ieds with unarmored Humvees. As far as they were concerned why would they want a blitzkrieg comparable to the first gulf war when they could initiate their classic chaos and destabilization plan? It doesn't really matter how many lies they had to tell to invade because they knew their would never be any consequences for the higher ups because there never are. What a scam enhanced interrogation techniques are as well. Afghanistan is another scam. How many of our brave soldiers are now ruined for life because of these sociopathic frauds?    

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wage War On Big Pharma We have a bad situation going on in this country as well as many others. It appears that Big Pharma is a criminal cartel. It looks like vaccines are intentionally causing Autism. In other words a premeditated mass scale operation. If this turns out to be true then many people need to go to jail. However what does one do when these cartels are immune from prosecution due to the Vaccine court? William Thompson already came out as a whistleblower and Dr. Andrew Wakefield was on Alex Jones telling it the way it is. Prof Doom essentially breaks it down by stating that the Nagalese protein is being intentionally injected during the vaccination process this apparently is what is causing Autism. This is what is blocking the bodies natural production of GCMAF- therefore preventing the immune system from doing its job. Doctors are apparently dead now because they were treating thier patients by obtaining GCMAF illegally overseas treating cancer and in many cases reversing Autism. A lot of holistic doctors are no longer around, this in itself should be quite disturbing for most normal people. If this doesn't get you upset then I don't want you on my team. Now the Free Mason WHO wants to wage war in 33 countries with their vaccine agenda. 33 is the Occult number the same way the UN flat earth map is divided into 33 sections. Thomas Friedman wrote the World is Flat, it is a great book, now I know what he means. I just thought he was talking about globalization and competition with China and India. He is a smart guy I also read From Beirut to Jerusalem. I am convinced that even Manic Depression/Bipolar is manufactured or at the very least highly exacerbated. If anybody has an ill big pharma has a pill or vaccine for it. I don't think Neil Degrasse Tyson is a fan of man with his space war and vaccine promo 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Dr P. as VP

Donald Trump needs Dr P. as VP- This dynamic duo will make America great again. They will also put some bad guys in places they should have been a long time ago. It is refreshing to see the energy the Donald is creating. I read his book in 2012 and was very impressed. I respect Alex Jones and Roger Stone, the inside baseball is tough to find elsewhere. I didn't even know who Roger Stone was but he is very impressive and will also help Donald make it to the next level. Dr P will clean house and stand up to capital cronyism and the establishment- how inspiring is that?
 The Donald is going to straighten out free trade and bring jobs back to this country. He speaks truth that is why he isn't a politician, he even brought up the Vince Foster Arkancide. We need him in the white house, when was the last time we heard a politician speaking the truth? He is for the American people and gets along better with the working class folk then the Blue Bloods. He resonates on a visceral level, if I was part of the establishment I be up in  a tizzy. He is strong and nobody is better at negotiating deals. He doesn't back down, apparently Trump U was legit and these people are just trying to dig up unjust dirt. That is why he wants to take it to trial. He wants the best for this country, we need to stand behind the Donald and make sure he becomes our next commander in chief.  

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Sun Scam I woke up yesterday morning for a run and even at 7:30 I got hammered by the tropical heat. Al Gore may be right global warming may be real but are we really supposed to believe the sun is 93 million miles away? I used to just like mostly everybody else because I didn't think about it all that much. I wasn't really into the cosmos or any type of  hero worship of the Nasa gods. Tom Hanks Apollo 13 didn't do anything  for me. I must admit it all had too much of a phony aura to it, definitely Hollywood. One small step for man 1 giant step for mankind equals fake. Apparently the Satanists derive their power from the sun, ie- Lucifarians that is their hero worship. Think about it does the sun really look that far away? Geocentricgnostic has it pegged at around 4,000 miles away. I don't care what the Lucifarians do I just want to know what they are doing with their black hole Nasa budget? I always wanted to be a private eye and I know for sure that some feds and local leos have a lot of open cold cases they could use some help with. A larger budget means more man power who knows maybe they would be able to put some dna together. As much as I am a privacy advocate I feel that everybody should have their dna on file not just convicted felons, that doesn't make too much sense.How many cold cases are out there that are unsolved just because the perp  has never committed a felony? And then we have the huge bureaucratic backlogs where some homicide detectives have to wait forever just to get dna results back from the lab. That is because Nasas black hole budget of cgis spies and lies comes first.