Saturday, April 21, 2018

Rush To Judgement

So are you possibly rushing to judgment by making an inference that McCabe acted like a coward? Yes, I will give him the benefit of the doubt for now, everybody deserves their day in court. Also he apparently made a comment that if he goes down he is taking everybody with him so maybe he is doing this for the greater good. Do you think he may be a good agent, what about driving a Porsche? If that is true that shows possibly a big ego, in my early 20s I drove A Porsche  and this is maybe one of the reasons why I couldn't cut it as a devil dog down in Quantico- What about Mueller he is not only a devil dog, he is a war hero, its hard to believe that he is a black hat. Dr P stated that he might be working with our Potus to take out all of the bad guys. What about Comey?
  Its hard to believe that he would make a comment on a radio show that Hillary would be a better Potus because of her dedication to the rule of law. And that he doesn't do weasel moves when it looks like he clearly leaked classified info? I know it is bad really bad, one can only shake their head in derision "with the queen of the cartels sordid past however she is dedicated to the rule of law." We are officially living in the Twilight Zone. These actors, musicians and wanna be comedians also don't give any legitimate reason for their animus toward our Potus. Thomas Paine stated that Brennan was working with the KGB and this is what led to the dirty dossier. So who was really in collusion with Russia and all of their democratic party propaganda?

Friday, April 20, 2018

State Of The Nation So McCabe received a criminal referral from the IG a separate one from the recommendations from congress? Yes his lawyers stated that the standard for criminal referral was very low and that their would need to be a lot of pressure from the higher ups in the administration in order for this to turn into an indictment. However the referral came from the IG Inspector General, independent from the administration. So let me get this straight McCabe authorized a leak  to the WSJ that portrayed him as standing down from the Clinton Foundation investigation during the election, something that should have been just the opposite as the Deputy FBI Director. And then he proceeds to lie and blame other agents in the NY and Washington field offices for the leak that he authorized so he could then control the investigation. In essence he wanted to be portrayed as a coward in the public arena and then confirmed that he is one by lying about it. It is a sad state of affairs, our former FBI Director is the biggest joke of all time. What do you mean elaborate? He sounded incredulous and somewhat surprised when asked by a radio talk show host that it would appear that what the queen of the cartel did can be viewed as obstruction of justice. Not only does it appear to be obstruction of justice it also destruction of evidence? Her e-mails were under a congressional subpoena. His response was so weak and pathetic, this coming from the man who ran the entire Bureau. This is really bad-
  Does Comey even care that he is embarrassing himself and his other former fellow agents by acting with such nonchalance and hubris? I am telling you these secular progressives within the democratic party seem to live in their own dream world. The FBI and DOJ are political operatives and capital cronies and nothing more. They know every legal loophole and can string you along for years just by their legal wrangling alone. Not to mention threats both direct and indirect, this coming from people that are fundamental cowards. Anything or anything that threatens their game plan of dirty money and campaign contributions, they couldn't give two you know what's about the next generation. A lost generation with people dying all over the place from heroin overdoses, as long as they can keep up appearances and their pockets greased that is what matters and that is the name of the game. Lets look at Tony Podesta- Podesta Group- DC power couple- "calamitous collapse propelled by unexpected blows delivered by fate and made worse by hubris" WSJ 4-19 cover story- So if the DOJ is compromised as well how do we know that this isn't all smoke and mirrors meaning the latest criminal referral by Horrowitz?
   The difference is that this is being mentioned on international news, Sean Hannity what a breath of fresh air he is as well as his dedicated guests.  Some print media outlets like the WSJ are coming around as well. This means that the Justice Dept is going to be forced to do their job as much as they would rather keep the gravy train moving along. The Deputy AG Rosenstein is usurping the power of our AG according to Mark Levin, this is totally unacceptable. "If lies were music Comey would be Beethoven- Matt Gaetz" So why did Hillary need a secret server? That is obvious- Her capital cronies don't do a dam thing for national security. They use back door shady deals to grease their own pockets and they do this all over the world. All of the proceeds go into many peoples shell companies and then straight into the foundation. They are into disaster capitalism and ruining nations with chaos and destabilization just like they did to Iraq,  Afghanistan, Libya Syria, they want to get rid of Iran next- The destruction of 5 countries and make boatloads of money in however long it takes plan. Destroying nations and destroying servers these people don't do a f ing thing except destroy steal and lie.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Rogue FBI And DOJ

So what do you think about the WSJ op-ed yesterday about the new Feltian fraud Andrew McCabe? The Deputy FBI  director who appeared to be a poor excuse for a second in command FBI head shed? Its really bad, we have an AG who stands down and recuses himself for an investigation and possible prosecution that he was chosen to lead with. Recusals and stand down orders from our highest public officials, we have definitely hit an all time low. Why did Sessions recuse himself? I don't know maybe because he is not a real AG, that should be self explanatory. Our Potus never would have went along with the recommendation if he knew that he would recuse himself and show weakness as soon as he took over. This is what lead to many of their shenigans, a deep state web of subterfuge and deceit that we are now just hitting the tip of the iceberg with. There will be a treasure trove of more intel forthcoming much sooner rather then later.
   So what is McCabe's problem? He thought that it was the decent thing to do by leaking info to the press and then blaming other FBI agents for it. This way he could control the investigation very much like Matt Damon's sociopathic character in The Departed. Damon was the biggest slime ball of all time, he had no remorse when Captain Queenan was thrown off of the roof. I am telling you these feds are dirty and they are going to go down. Berating other agents in the Washington(told office head in DC to get his house in order) and NY field offices for the leak that he was responsible for what an arrogant and pathetic excuse for a fed especially for the second highest ranking member at the FBI. What else did he do? Lets see he authorized the leak to the WSJ and then denied it, what makes this even worse is how he wanted to be portrayed. What do you mean? He thought it would reflect positively on him if he were viewed as a fearless G-man who pushed back on investigating the Clinton Crime families money laundering operation during the election. Do you mean to tell me he was acting like that would be a badge of honor, how would have you handled it? If their was a leak it definitely wouldn't have been me that authorized it however I would proceed to make a public statement "We at the FBI are investigating and doing our job and have been all along, before during and will continue to do this long after the election because nobody is above the law especially Presidential candidates". Stand downs and partisan cowardice, all of our real FBI agents are embarrassed and humiliated by Comey and McCabe's actions.
  Comey and McCabe were completely compromised, in bed with the Clinton crime family. Their was another FBI director named Sessions during Bill Clintons tenure as Potus who got pushed around by his wife. It appears Comey was in that same category, was so excited to see Hillary win with his wife joining in on the bandwagon. There is no shame in expressing your opinion and it doesn't matter who one wanted to win however you cant interfere and try to influence the outcome of a Presidential election at every level especially when you are working at the FBI at the highest ranking positions.  Having candor and telling our Potus that the dirty dossier was nothing but dirt bought and paid for by his mentor the Queen of the democratic cartel would have been helpful. Do you think the FISA judge would have signed off on the warrant if he/she knew the info was unverified and was nothing more then bogus tabloid garbage created by a rogue private intel firm? If they weren't compromised themselves the Fisa judge would have thrown these dirty feds out of their office and then opened up his/her own investigation by reporting the info through their chain of command. The only problem is that when everybody is dirty who does one report that kind of thing to? The FBI and DOJ corrupt at the highest levels, the ones responsible for investigations are the criminals themselves who need to be investigated immediately  by a (SSC- Second Special Counsel.) These dirty feds need to be exposed, what they did is one of if not the biggest abuses of power in the history of our country.  

New Guttenberg Press

There is nothing better then yesterdays news especially when the information is legit and verified. What's even better is todays news that we can read about today. The New Guttenberg Press- Dr Preston James published by Moon Rock Books- We can read about how relevant the internet has been in uncovering various issues. The reason why yesterdays news is so relevant today is because there is a plethora of information that isn't being covered anywhere except by a few select individuals. Lets take at look at (The Big Autism Cover Up by Anne Dachel)
   Andrew Wakefield a dedicated doctor was interviewed by two establishment puppets, one of them has since been fired. They kept interrupting and discrediting his relevant findings. One would think the main stream media wouldn't have professional obstructer's with a bias agenda however the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Bernie Goldberg Bias- The people working at these various news outlets are paid to cover things up. What are they trying to cover up? Cooper cited British Medical Journal that labeled Wakefield an elaborate fraud. One alleged impartial investigative reporter named Deer backed Coopers stance. What if Deer was being funded by British Big Pharma crime syndicates? "The media is supposed to be the voice of the people-"pp 33. Network news is officially in the sewer, instead of unverified and salacious they are talking about pee gate prostitutes and porn stars. "Cooper reminiscent of a tabloid reporter"pp51- Instead of chem trails and con jobs they talk about strip club feature Stormy, this is not acceptable but its now officially over for them. Comeys taint team book,  Our Feds have hit a new all time low and big changes are finally  on the horizon. Alex Jones is a HEB (highly evolved being) because real men shed tears. Infowars has been covering just about every major corruption story with verified intel since before we were even hit on 9-11. Infowars- Real investigative journalism with stories that are so egregious and powerful they are almost hard to believe that is until we realize that they are all true. I have come to realize why other investigative journalists have said bad things about Jones- That is because he is the real deal and if you are on the front lines and the tip of the spear you are always going to have the competition try to take you down.
   "When history eventually tells the whole story, it will undoubtedly rank as one of the biggest health and news media scandals of our time-" Sharyl Attkison- in reference to vaccine side effects including Autism links- She wrote Stonewalled- The rogue operatives in the Obama administration and possibly others exfiltrated data from her computer and had her surveilled.  Capital cover up cronies and pathetic hack jobs. Rogue criminal elements with illegal cartels and off shore criminal transnational affiliations and corporate interests need to keep their greedy paws off of real investigative journalists. These rogue operatives have gone above and beyond the pale of what is acceptable and now they are going to be finally exposed in the national spotlight for all to witness.   

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Lyin Comey

What do you think about Lyin Comey? I feel that Lyin Comey and Andrew McCabe should ride off into the sun sight in shame and embarrassment for their actions as the two head sheds of our nations premier law enforcement agency. At least it is supposed to be unfortunately it has been contaminated at the very top. Instead of book tours and sorry excuses these two should have willingly turned in their badge and their gun with their tail between their legs. Unfortunately they are political pundits and not real leos that's why they probably didn't even carry. I know, Comey is more then likely a gun grabber, how pathetic is that coming form the former head shed of the FBI. We are in some sorry times, who do you think was FBI Director during Sandy Hook? I am telling you this is really bad, the field office in New Haven is totally full of you know what.
  Imagine that we live in a world where the two former head sheds of the FBI were political pundits and gun grabbing zealots, how much worse can you get then that? How refreshing it is to have a President who Tweets out the truth, that is one of the only places we can get it. The problem is that when most people hear FBI warrant and raid they assume that the feds are the good guys and that the people getting served are supposed to be intimidated and even act guilty before being proven innocent. The feds especially the FBI have been getting away with this kind of thing since their inception and they  have always been a dysfunctional organization. They have been involved with every major false flag shooting, they are beyond corrupt just ask Jonathan Reich. If I was part of the rank and file I would be so happy to testify about what these higher ups have been involved with. Not only that the Office Of Special responsibility which is the FBIs IAB requested McCabe be fired. It wasn't political, he lacked candor just like Lyin Comey who leaked and perjured himself under oath.
  What else is on your mind. Lets see unlike Sgt Pepper where it was 20 years ago today it was 33 years ago today the last time I drank a beer. That was my sobriety date for many years. I am pretty sure it was the late Paul Newman's stash on my way to Hazels Den better known as Hazelden. 33 very interesting are you a Free Mason? I don't know I heard one has to watch out for Free Masons and Knights of Malta. The Black Pope as well the list is supposedly long and sinister. That is of course if you believe in superstitions and that evil is not an illusion. It all seems to be an illusion and its all a matter of how one views things.  In a world full of many blessings it is much better to believe that the world is a great place and that the people that do things that are unacceptable aren't evil they are just misguided that's all.
    What else- What do you think about our Potus pardoning Scooter Libby? It makes sense he was probably just the fall guy anyway, they all knew their was no WMDs way in advance. I don't think that was an illusion. We have to ask the soldiers how they feel about being lied to and manipulated, its all in a days work for the American War Machine. Things have to change, if you are going to declare war without giving congress consent the intel has to be verified and 100% legit. Unlike the Fisa warrant and just about everything else our elected officials have done thus far with our tax dollars. What about this Syrian war, is the intel legit and verified? We need to ask Thomas Paine and Dr Steve P. they aren't going to bs us like many others. Either way its not going to be a long drawn out campaign just a few precision based surgical strikes. The other issue is that these people are allowed to lie to us according to the Crime Line- In 1996 they passed a you are allowed to bs us clause. The American War Machine has always been able to get away with anything and everything they wanted to with total and complete impunity, especially the rogue zealots and higher ups at the FBI and DOJ. How pathetic is that we have war crimes and rogue zealots covering tracks for Uranium 1 and much more and it seems that our AG is only interested in  cracking down on weed and prostitutes.   

Friday, April 13, 2018

Sign Of The Times

So what are you grateful for this am? I am grateful for the air that we breath and for living in the land of the free and home of the brave. What do you think about Luke Harding's book (Collusion Dirty money, secret dealings how Russia helped our Potus win?) I was very interested in delving into it and then I read that there was no smoking gun. I don't begrudge a man for trying to make a few dollars by selling a book based on pure hypotheticals.
  That is the one thing that is positive about our country right now at least they aren't making up smoking gun crimes or trying to plant and even planting evidence like they have many times in the past. That is why their is still a lot of hope left. Dr P stated that Mueller and Rosenstein need to be fired and it should have been done a long time ago. Alan Dershowiz said that one must look at having a right to something or doing something that is right that is an interesting analogy. I have empathy for people that work at CNN and MSNBC because I am sure many of them don't respect themselves for not being allowed to be a real investigative journalist. We have one real journalist in the main stream news and that is Hannity, he is on fire and is going all the way. Just think about how many people would love to land a coveted job at CNN or MSNBC national news and an international spotlight,  I am certain the applicant list is off the chart. Considering how much competition there is how would anybody say no to a job description that is nothing more then tabloid rag yellow journalism and pure propaganda. Does anybody really care about their radical leftist faux liberal political ideology, we want the facts and nothing more. Hannity is the only real gum shoe out there and he is doing a great job. The other thing that is a sign of the times is that many of these people are not their true authentic selves, they are paid political pundits who are completely different people behind the scenes. Actors, Operation Mockingbird and sell outs but this is understandable considering how much money is at stake. Lets take a look at Oreilly, he had a ghost writer stand behind the Warren Commission. Seriously how many books were written about JFK about his personal life and the so called real inside story geopolitically, everything except the most important issue, what really happened during the crime of that century. So what does that really say, we have a lot of fluff writers like this Collusion book that will never get anywhere with the hearts and minds of we the people.
   Two programs are  going to take the entire house of cards down (Hannity/Judge Jeanine,) it is not a question of if but rather when. Of course there are many people in the alternative media Alex Jones Infowars and American Intel Media that have been on the front lines for far longer then most that is for sure. What do you think about the Sober Home operator that was arrested on federal charges as well as state? Not only was he ripping off the insurance companies with bogus samples he was robbing sober homes where the clients actually lived? That is a sign of the times, opportunists that are more then likely drug addicts themselves. There is a fine line between being a criminal and a drug addict. You can be clean but still act like an inveterate drug addict, I know this from first hand experience. Sobriety is the name of the game and its about progress not perfection. I believe that a Smart Recovery program would help the recidivism rate for prison inmates. Locking people up and throwing away the key never worked and it never will. Unless people really change on the inside they won't have a chance on the outside. It comes down to ones thinking and how they relate to the world-  cbt, dbt rebt and everything else in between.
  What do you think about aim4truths articles about Vanguard and Bain Capital being a criminal enterprise and Mitt Romney being a corrupt Bush son? Our Potus recently signed an executive order which will enable the real crime fighters of the FBI to go after them. Off shore money laundering of drug money, some people deserve to have the key thrown away on them. An EO which will  corner crimes committed all across our plane how refreshing is that.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

FBI DOJ Witch Hunt

Mueller's special counsel are using low level mission creep tactics that are not acceptable for we the people. Banana Republic witch hunts where they are into slow walking documents. Joe di Genova stated on Hannity that the grand jury are using terrorist tactics- (in terrorem-) in an attempt to intimidate. The Trump Train doesn't get intimidated however violating the attorney client privilege and raids and break ins by the FBI is going above and beyond the pale. The entire investigation is a charade and we should be upset because they are wasting so much time and effort on it. Stormy Daniels and Access Hollywood- confidential information is none of the FBIs business especially since their entire investigation is contaminated to begin with. They aren't setting a good example, and Comey's book is supposed to go in the fiction category not non fiction according to Greg Jarrett. Weaponize DOJ and FBI, they should comply with what many people are saying which is turn over requested documents and stop wasting time. The Trump Train must continue on with its scorched earth policy- The only way to get documents is to threaten impeachment and contempt charges. Why don't they do their job and stop wasting time on ridiculous witch hunts, this is a total and complete abuse of power. President Trump is who we elected and we don't like it when rogue zealots that have already violated multiple felony statutes are trying to take him down and make his life and lawyers life more difficult.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

White Hats With Wings

So you are getting your intel from super spooks with super natural powers? Are they able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Yes and much more. The word spook is a pejorative term, that needs to be replaced with white hats with wings. Who are you referring to? The spiritual beings that have a glass bead game that  helps people feel at peace and ease while we learn about serious geo political events. That would be Thomas Paine and Betsy Ross at American Intel Media.
  I find it interesting how the DOJ cant respond to a subpoena requesting two simple pages of unredacted documents but can immediately come out with some bogus warrant that has the FBI raid Potus Trumps personal lawyers office. Invasion of privacy, this is a total and complete insult to the criminal justice system. What are they going to try to find with Stormy Daniels what a waste of time. It makes them all look like rank amateurs that should be mocked and ridiculed for their low level dirty tactics. The FBI and special counsels in general should be going after real bad guys, our Potus and his associates are not included in this. It is really embarrassing for them, witch hunts with a bogus and contaminated investigation. As time moves on I feel more comfortable stating this. It took ten years for the DOJ to respond to Holders Fast and Furious fiasco conveniently just past the statute of limitations, this cant be the case for the latest request. The FBI responded to Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch stating that it is going to take 3 years to provide communication requests between the two love birds that had an agenda with an insurance policy how ridiculous is that, not acceptable. What did Thomas Paine state about Syria? He said that it was the greater Israel Project bankers, warlords false flags the usual. He along with Betsy stated that the Queen is not really our friend and that we should pray that Bibi goes to jail. Judge Jeanine along with Mark Meadows stated that Rod Rosenstein should get impeached. Thomas stated that our AG is corrupt and was involved with covering some tracks for the Uranium 1 scandal as well. I trust Devin Nunes, he had a very solid recent interview with Laura Ingraham about the current state of affairs.
    Deputy AG Rosenstein needs to be held in contempt with intent to impeach pure and simple. Christopher Wray FBI needs to be held in contempt according to Joe di Genova. The Trump Train must go scorched earth now because the rogue special counsel are going above and beyond their original mandate. The entire investigation/ mandate is in question because of the two page document that is being stonewalled by the DOJ to prove how and why the investigation was initially opened up. A two tier justice system that uses manipulation and weaponized intelligence, propaganda. Also a 42 year old former Sheriff Deputy who questioned the agenda of the gun grabbers in Broward County was found dead under mysterious circumstances. I saw a recent picture of him, of perfect health both mentally and physically.

How The World Works

Is the anti depressant situation as serious as you are making it out to be? Its time to snap out of your coma and look at the big picture. Their is no empirical proof that these meds ever worked because they are placebos with no track record of clinical efficacy. That is a huge statement right there so when one ads in that there is plenty of scientific evidence to back what these drugs do to people when trying to get off of them this should answer the question. Dr Tom Stockman a psychiatrist from east London didn't fully believe how horrific it was until he went through it himself. Micro tapering months and months of pure agony, this from a man that was supposed to have all of the answers for his own clients.
  There is no training program or large funded studies to help anybody deal with this conundrum of epic proportions. It is wrecking such havoc in peoples lives that many doctors just keep the client on these meds interminably because they know the perils involved. The other issue becomes mix and matching other drugs to counter the effect of the initial drug that people should have never have been on in the first place. Brain zaps, nausea dizziness confusion, high recurrence rates of narcotic medication, does this sound like these drugs are actually helping people? We are creating a zombie nation and big pharma is one of the major perpetrators. So let me get this straight these drugs don't work and they never worked because they are placebos that make people feel better sometimes psychologically (the power of the mind) while they are  irrevocably ruining tens of millions of people that try to  wean off or cease altogether. Many think about suicide and act out in aberrant ways that are completely out of character while they proceed  to  turn into catatonic vegetables? That about sums it up now you are catching on to how the world really works.
  Narcotic meds like Xanax and Adavan are causing long term brain damage, to successfully taper off of these drugs once on them for an extended period of time can take years. This is another epidemic that is being sidetracked by the opiate situation. I saw enough interviews with people to know the truth of it and when this is combined with my own personal experience big changes need to be made. These huge companies have zero liability and this needs to end. Humans natural state of homeostasis was never meant to be messed with like it has.

Monday, April 9, 2018

The Placebo Effect

What do you think about the New York Times article- (The Murky Perils of Quitting Antidepressants After Years Of Use?) I am somewhat impressed and relieved that the print media is starting to tell the truth based on all of the relevant facts. The article clearly demonstrated  how dangerous it is to withdraw from anti depressant medication. Nausea, brain zaps, it didn't mention suicide and homicide ideation however that is a big one. (Dr Allen Frances a Professor emeritus Duke Univ) "Usually there's improvement, and often it's based on the passage of time or placebo effect"pp17. He was referring to patients that are first put on these antidepressants. Most people are put on these drugs without clear symptoms of clinical depression.
  We have a tremendous problem right now as far as Big Pharma is concerned. Negligent, greedy and unscrupulous doctors who have their hooks so deeply  entrenched in the medical community. What they are doing in the drug rehabilitation community is also a crime of epic proportions. The drug lines at some of these drug rehab facilities are off the chart. RN's that write scripts in many cases without a real doctor MD that ever sees the client. I prefer to use the term client rather then patient. Patient is a pejorative term that is giving these white coats way too much power. Advanced degrees and board certified, most of the clients never should have been on these medications to begin with. Dr Kelly Brogran is triple board certified and she lays out the clear and present danger. I know first hand what these drugs do to people. It completely disturbs the brains homeostasis, we were never meant to be on these kind of drugs even short term. Addicts who have drug seeking behavior to begin with, Seroquel, Gabapentin, the list is long and deleterious. Seroquel is an elephant tranquilizer why would a RN or doctor prescribe this to somebody especially a child off label? They cause severe withdrawal symptoms and put people in catatonic states. These people are aiding and abetting in the massive recurrence rates and deaths od's of many young adults that are doing the Fla rehab shuffle. Getting off of these drugs as clearly demonstrated in the Times article is in many cases just as serious as trying to get off narcotic medication. If one combines this with all of the lawsuits of families who's loved ones acted out in aberrant behavior patterns and committed suicide either on these meds are once off them one can see the writing on the wall.
   They shouldn't be regulated they need to be completely abolished, they are nothing more then placebos that have done a lot more harm then good. It is truly amazing what kind of placebo effect these sinister drugs have. If this is in conjunction with psychosomatic and subliminal messages that come from society in general that "maybe we have a brain disease or chemical imbalance and aren't quite right in the head" this creates a naked and afraid effect when one is either weaning off or abruptly ceasing  the medication. This effect is quite severe and when this is also combined with the real withdrawal effects that  take place the outcome is in many cases not a very positive one. Anxiety and depression are only symptoms in most cases created by epi genetic or environmental factors. Fraud vitiates everything, doctors and huge companies have been getting way too rich for far too long doing a lot more harm then good. If racketeering is so prevalent as demonstrated by Insys and many more companies just like it then what does one think the chances are of this going on across the board with the actual drugs themselves? I am certain that there will be many people that will swear under oath how Zoloft etc.. saved their miserable life but one must take into consideration the big picture or the placebo effect. If the doctors are either misinformed or they are in it for the buck and they take no prisoners what does this really say? It says a lot, they are either dumb and or are playing dumb and they are unscrupulous and greedy on top of all of this which makes it even worse.
    The big issue is that there is a double edge sword created by these mad scientists. If somebody wants to kill themselves or somebody else while on these meds they blame the meds or some form of negligence. If one is off of these drugs and have once been on them and have a history of psychiatric issues and then act out they say look see he/she should have been on their meds and that is why they went postal. That is why the solution to this conundrum is to get rid of all of these drugs all together. Humans have never had more symptoms of anxiety and depression and this is due to the mad scientists.

Follow The Smoking Guns

After reading the latest CNN  article about gloom and doom for our Potus as well as what Dan Rather had to say in his interview its seems tough not to get sidetracked. What did Rather have to say? He compared nationalism and patriotism and basically had some viewpoints that we never had a President state that the press is the enemy of we the people. We have a President that is telling us the truth for the first time maybe ever, how refreshing is that. Establishment press, dinosaurs like Rather cant even acknowledge what is being said. That is how he will be remembered. Reading off a teleprompter while towing the party line. A real investigative journalist holds nothing back and goes all out without fear of reprisal or repudiation. These old school establishment  republicans and democrats aren't going to last that long. There is an old saying "follow the smoking guns" What does that mean? Look where there is evidence of crimes that were committed that should tell us everything that we need to know.
   What do you think about the Fentanyl Scandal?  I give The Palm Beach Post a lot of credit for their exhaustive investigative reporting teams. Its really bad, racketeering corruption, this is one of the biggest cases yet. Titanic greed, corporate greed speaking doctor whores, this is a perfect example of what Big Pharma corruption is all about. A drug that was meant only for breakthrough cancer pain that was being prescribed off label in a way that is so unscrupulous it would make most peoples head spin. It is not a surprise for me, boiler rooms where they set up telemarketers that lie to insurance companies about patients that are supposed to have cancer not to mention contributing to the massive opiate epidemic. This is a tremendous scandal and this is only one company Insys. This is the damage that one company has created can one imagine what the entire industry has created collectively? This one company has wrecked this  much havoc with massive payoffs and corruption on such deep levels this is what they all stand for. People need to get indicted and sentenced its that simple. People already have but only the smaller fries. Not enough people get involved and that is why they are able to lawyer up and slither away. Now this company is in the business of synthetic weed when they should have been closed down and sentenced to prison years ago. If one company is involved with this much racketeering how much do you think the industry in general creates? Boiler room sleaze ball tactics and playing with peoples lives. The name of the racketeering game was to continually up the dosage of the most potent opiate out there where the sales reps were strippers and Publix cashiers. They even coined the slogan "Start them high and hope they don't die"

Saturday, April 7, 2018

New Strategy On Drug Epidemic

(What do you think about The Dark Side Of Enlightenment, ie-op ed WSJ) It was alot to absorb, some of these writers are extremely smart, ie-knowledgeable about history and Mr Hazony is one of them. History is open for interpretation anyway right? Lets take a look at the most important political truth of this generation- You cant have both Enlightenment and skepticism. You have to choose. I say why choose we all have free will, the 5 th agreement is Be Skeptical but learn to listen. The problem we have is all of these divide and conquer tactics. I have learned a great deal from more then one HEB. The basic premise is that we are all united as one in a universal and divine creative intelligence and the new age of enlightenment is proving this. We now have Scientific evidence of some very amazing things and Philosophy is a part of all of this. Merging science, technology philosophy, spirituality, geopolitical viewpoints all into one is what the new age of enlightenment is all about. It works, our old age of enlightenment didn't work because it was about divide and conquer choose sides I am right you are wrong etc..
  We now know that evolution doesn't hold up under critical scrutiny and neither does survival of the fittest. This is what has caused all of our wars, death and destruction, misery poverty ad infinitum. That is why charging exorbitant rates for a rare commodity in our capitalist society doesn't hold weight either in a society with HEB. That means that the pit on wall street and our cut throat oligarchs don't fit that well either into a pure evolution of consciousness environment. People are happiest in a communal setting leading simple lives in the immaterial and this is where the new age of enlightenment is taking us. You had some harsh words for Sean Brennan and Hillary's propensity for communism does that mean that you are a hypocrite? You have communist views for humanity? No I am still a capitalist at heart, besides their view on communism is not beneficial to society. Communism in their form is completely backward because they are backward. People that are millionaires many times over that are trying to increase their net worth by creating major constitutional crimes while trying to make other people slaves of the system Cloward and Piven style. This never worked and it never will. How many people did these primitive communist regimes murder with genocide. A Utopian society  has the best of both worlds where there is no lack and nobody ever gets killed, this means that war in its present form must get abolished because that is primitive. It can happen much sooner then 30 years, it can happen today. That means world wide nuclear disarmament and a peaceful world, can this really be a reality? Yes but we have many high crimes and misdemeanors that need to get adjudicated first.
    Is it true that Sessions supported state legislation seeking to punish a second drug trafficking conviction including weed with a mandatory minimum death sentence as Alabama's AG? I  don't know why don't we ask Snopes George Soros Color Revolution of bs and hypocrisy. If this is true then that is really backward and primitive. Are you serious, sentencing people to harsh sentences for drugs that these criminals are bringing in. How much money are they making off of rogue cia drug runs and then shares in private and public prison systems? They are in it for the buck, they know very little about rehabilitation otherwise they wouldn't be abiding by draconian incarceration programs. People don't thrive in those environment's, these cia frauds have ruined countless generation's of families with their money making schemes. All under the phony guise of just say no and get tough on drugs. People aren't that dumb anymore so they better start with another strategy because what they are doing now isn't working.

(Highly Evolved Being HEB)

What did you think about Full Disclosure with Douglas Gabriel aka Thomas Paine? He is what is known as a HEB (highly evolved being) It is rare where one finds somebody with such high intellect, self awareness and genuine humility all wrapped into one. Add a sense of humor on top of that and he definitely is one of the new founding fathers. He isn't into war and is not fueled up with ego either. What do you think about Drug Firms reacting to county Opiate lawsuit? Do you think these companies knew that the opiates were highly addictive? Does 2 plus 2 equal 4? Look what they did with big tobacco- The Scientists put chemicals inside the cigarettes to make them even more addictive.
  The problem is just like tobacco which has killed millions once people are addicted the vicious cycle begins. They have mad Scientists running things, they had this planned out decades ago some would say centuries. So let me get this straight they put chem trails in the air emf in our pcs gmos in our food poisonous vaccines the list goes on?
   Are we to believe that there isn't some kind of conspiracy? That is why the Trump Train was elected, he and many others are  going to take on these malevolent forces. What do you think about Jimmy Kimmel making fun of our Potus elects wife accent? These comedians are horrible, they aren't even funny, I don't even consider them to be comedians. Once they realize that nobody is laughing and the ratings continue to move precipitously downward they may want to find another profession. I saw that Kimmel skit, their is canned laughter placed just like in our sit coms- ie-fake. I also don't believe the Nielsen Ratings- How is it that Rachel Madow had higher viewership then Hannity's program last month? I don't believe that for one  second. Who do you think is/was funny? Leno, Carson a few others, these network comedians and their political vitriol is not doing them any favors that is for sure. Its classless, our Potus is working overtime to make America great so I take it personally when people viciously take shots at his family under the fraudulent guise of trying to be funny. I bought into these people right after the election, Chris Mathews but shortly thereafter came to my senses. They are frauds- Mueller's witch hunt- 30 FBI agents, many federal prosecutors for a bogus investigation that never should have been opened up in the first place, It has no criminal predicate. Kimmel does not come across as a stand up individual so he may not  apologize for his insults, but he should.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Spy School

So what are you grateful for this am? I am grateful for the air that we breath and for the ability to write without full censorship. I am also grateful for libraries because they are a vehicle for future advancement in the immaterial. What else? I am grateful for American Intel Media and their Anonymous Patriots. Thomas Paine stated that Obamas library was fueled with dirty money. Are you 100% certain American Intel Media is legit and they aren't partisan toward the Trump Train? Of course they are on the Trump Train because they stand behind the rule of law. How impressive it was to view a crime line dating back to 1993.
  This is when IBM Eclipse pilfered Leaders Tech Intellectual Property and used it for their own selfish gains. Stealing trade secrets, source code and intellectual property- A huge Antitrust case that never made it to the main stream news. An enormous legal battle where Michael Mckibbon spent more money on legal fees then he spent on start up costs for Leader Tech. Stealing intellectual property under the phony guise of National Security, it looks like the Patent attorney Leon Chandler needs to be placed under oath. Zucktown looks as if he is just a card board cut out who knows nothing about source code. It looks as if Silicon Valley hijacked Leader Techs brainchild and then proceeded to weaponize it against we the people. Electromagnetic frequencies that mess up peoples brains and not the good kind that people are supposed to have. And then illegal spying, in essence fb is nothing more then cia and nsa. Selling peoples profile information and having India mettle in the election with a marketing plan for the Corrupiticrats in the Democratic Party.
    Let me explain how easy it was for the powers that be and the men behind the curtain to recruit Mr Zucktown. (Spy School- Daniel Golden) "If somebody is a dork who calls people dumb f uckers for trusting him, is socially awkward and didn't even do that well in his Ivy League School he was easy prey. He was a typical lost opportunist in college with many students just like him that would have easily taken his place. Spy School- "Its easy for somebody trained in the art of manipulation to steer somebody in the direction that they were already inclined to go. Or help to convince them this is what they intended all along"( xv111 intro) We  have Transnational globalists who have infiltrated upper levels of academia, this is Hillary's FBI, The capital crownies who use intel agents to do their dirty work. China- how many Chinese do we have coming in who try to steal our ideas that are trained by our own intel community? Alex Jones states that the Clinton cronies have been in bed with the communist Chinese all along. Science and Technology Theft- Foreign Espionage at American Universities at least 300 Billion per year. 50-80% from China. The very openness of our American Universities makes us easy prey especially when we have Corrupiticrats at the top who help them do this  meaning our own fbi, cia and 17 intel agencies. Zucktown spying on Americans and then selling our profiles without consent and having Communist China steal our intellectual property. China wants to eat our lunch and take us all down. And then we have the Senior Executive Service who is helping them do this.
   Thomas Paine stated that the SES program got off the ground heavily during the Carter Administration and Spy School confirms this. One of the chapters is called The Chinese are Coming- This is when Carter started cozying up to massive student exchange programs. One just has to look at the ethnicities that dominate our best schools. Chinese, India, and then our own intel apparatus recruits Zucktown to try to make us all brain dead while spying on us and then selling our personal profiles content without our consent.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Rule Of Law

Joe di Genova called Rod Rosenstein a coward, a disgrace and a shameful embarrassment. An abomination along with Robert Mueller's witch hunt where so far they were only able to sentence a lawyer to 30 days. di Genova stated that they may be trying to set up Pres Trump with a perjury trap and Alan Dershowitz agreed with di Genova. It is a really bad sign when people that know what they are talking about use this kind of verbiage. What does this mean? It means that they have substance to back them up. Why do we have a Deputy Attorney General that is a coward and an embarrassment? We have many brave military personal and first responders that have the highest amount of integrity and courage however we have a Deputy Attorney General that appears to be a shameful embarrassment. I don't feel good about this because when we lose faith and trust in sworn elected officials this is not a sign of upward progress. Our Attorney Generals haven't lived up to our standards to say the least. The Holder/Obama era was an abomination. Loretta Lynch who calls major crimes "just a matter" We need to find a way to get rid off all shameful embarrassments to our constitutional Republic. Political Pundits with an agenda who have done absolutely nothing except make a mockery of our criminal justice system. The same system that they expect everybody else to abide by while they make up their own rules along the way.
   Congress should start to listen to people who know what they are talking about. Jason Chaeffetz 10 things Congress should do but wont. Why not they work for all of us so why wont they?  These political pundits and self aggrandizers need to start listening to we the people. We have one news network Fox that is doing a great job and this has nothing to do with being slanted to the right. Republican means abiding by our constitutional Republic and abiding by the rule of law.                        I don't trust Larry Nichols with my money nor my life but do I consider him a trusted source? I consider Alex Jones to be a trusted source. Nichols stated that our former Presidential candidate was a hard core member of the communist party in the 70's. Where would we be if these Stasi zealots along with Sean Brennan were successful with their coup de tet? Brennan- Muslim Brotherhood. I like Kevin O'Leary now because he tells the truth and doesn't sugarcoat. He says that capitalism is light and socialism is dark. He says that his fellow shark tank mates should burn in hell for not telling the brutal truth to the aspiring entrepreneurs.
  How are they helping these people if they don't tell them the truth? Everybody wants to hit home runs but how many people actually have the talent? The Sharks need to make money, it seems that O'Leary is the only one telling them that their idea and business plan really sucks. That is why O'Leary said- "Tears by you nothing. At the end of the day the market is a brutal place. Nobody gives a f about your dog. In todays global economic climate you are competing against people in Mumbai and Shanghai who want to eat your lunch"  

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Plenary Indulgence

"If you believe in the noises in the world rather then the silences of your soul you will be lost"-pp551-
Some people have a moral compass and others don't. What irks me is holier then thou appearing NYPD that set up a sting for suspecting Johns. Tabloid rag journalism at the NY Post along the same lines as Stormy Daniels. I would find it hard to believe that a cop never paid for a woman or at the very least went to a strip club. It is normal to like and want to be with women, it is actually not so normal to arrest people for this. A dirty cop is somebody who shakes down established places of so called ill repute in exchange for sex. They wont make any arrests as long as they can keep seeing the girls. This is old news, however I am making a moral judgment on shaming Johns and aiding and abetting tabloid rag journalism in our print media. Client number 9 never should have been arrested, he was more then likely going after real bad guys. Prostitution is illegal just as drugs are because the capitalists need to control the entire market just like they did in the bootlegging days. I used to not enjoy watching those old episodes of Cops where they were setting up low level stings for Johns and prostitutes. What makes this even worse is when I heard of Johns that were publically shamed ie-using their names in the newspaper. Plenary Indulgences and institutions who claim to have the moral high ground with fear and shame being used as a weapon need to be abolished. For a couple of extra shekels they might be able to keep us out of purgatory  

In It For The Buck- No Prisoners

Rod Rosenstein- DOJ (intentionally vague to mislead.) A few weeks ago I asked my gut if I trusted Alan Dershowitz and the answer was no. He had some good points however  it really doesn't matter if I trust him or not because the law is the law. He stated that what Hillary did before the election wasn't a crime is this really true? Basically what I believe he was saying was that what she did is definitely a crime for everybody else but just not for her. Its all about selective prosecution in the land of the unfree and home of the slaves. Destruction of evidence, mishandling of classified information, Exoneration before investigation this is dereliction of duty. How can you write an exoneration letter before an official investigation ever took place? This is called not doing your job, many more people need to be fired and to be placed under oath. The hypocritical faux liberal Democrats are all about laws and rules for everybody else just not for them. The Dreamers need to keep Dreaming while we secure our borders and build a wall. As it stands now we have a Banana Republic because of these globalists that we have had in the preceding administrations. We have an out of control opiate epidemic with 65k people dying each year so why would or should we have open borders? People are ok with dope and gangs coming in from all different angles? MAT medication assisted therapy is not the answer either.
  Here is what the problem is. There was/is never anything wrong with us. We don't need meds to mess up our brains homeostasis even more. This is just a continuation of an addiction. How many years did we have methadone clinics? It all started with the Harrison Narcotics Tax act in 1914 in essence which created another opiate epidemic many years later.. 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 5. Money grubbers now get kickbacks from Congress and Big Pharma for massive Suboxone clinics which in reality do more harm then good. They just opened up JFK hospital for a massive drug maintenance  program, these clinics are going to start to open up all over the place now. If one is a hard core dope addict then Suboxone for a couple of weeks tops. The first question needs to be so when do you plan on getting off of all meds? If society is placing subliminal messages that there is something inherently wrong with us then the answer may be never, especially when we have drug seeking behavior to begin with. How is this helping somebody to feel good about themselves and their future as far as empowerment and sobriety is concerned? Do we know more then the doctors, the answer is self evident. The doctors who advocate long term MAT are either misinformed or are in it for the buck and they take no prisoners. They are trying to say that one cant get high off of Suboxone, these people don't do a dam thing except lie. Suboxone is a major player as far as people dealing and getting high, just like Methadone is/was. Once they get it from the med clinics, it is also coming into jails and prisons illegally and unregulated all over the place. This is what drug addicts/dealers seek if they cant get real dope. If  addicts don't mind still being a slave to the man and the state while others  get rich off of their misery while perpetuating their addiction then more power to them 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Outside Confines Of The Swamp

What do you think of the appointment of John Huber to investigate lawmakers complaints at the DOJ and FBI? Also what is your feedback on the op-ed article in the WSJ about how special counsels are a bad idea that plague American political life and that it is a dreadful idea? Lets put it this way when they are politicized and when they are witch hunts they are a dreadful idea. Why are we talking about politics when we should be talking about violating felony statutes and criminal acts conducted by the highest ranking members of the FBI where most other people would have been handcuffed a long time ago. A Second Special Counsel is needed especially in this particular case. We are tired of this we need justice. William Binny had a weapon pointed directly at his head by the FBI, what did he do wrong expose illegal corruption ie- spying?  He was humiliated in his own home by these Stasi zealots, the secret police who have been operating way above the law for way too long now. Special Counsels are a waste of time and an embarrassment when they are conducted by Mueller and company because they never had a legitimate basis to convene. What a waste of time and tax payers money and then he has a pit-bull Andrew Weissmann to try to dig up dirt and ruin people like they did to General Flynn and Paul Manafort. Illegal Unmasking of American citizens- threats, felony leaks to the press and then lying under oath. Arrogance, hubris above the law Waffen SS Senior Executive Service Members- Out of control public officials- We need an independent Second Special Counsel immediately that is conducted outside of the confines of the swamps of DC its that simple. We know what Comey and McCabe did- Greg Jarett listed many felony statutes that were violated and the WSJ plays dumb about it all. According to American Intel Media- Huber is part of the SES- Sessions doesn't have my trust. Our Potus needs to take direct action on this. Exoneration before investigation, FISA warrants that were obtained under false and fraudulent pretense. Conflict of interest employees working at the FBI seemingly in a sexual relationship attempting to cozy up to the FISA judge. Instead of law enforcement officials working for what should be the best of the best we have pathetic and disgraceful political pundits with an agenda. Usurp power attempted coup de tet,  a direct assault and attempt to sabotage the electorate process. We have a former Presidential candidate who is still living in a delusional dream world. 
    Instead of accepting responsibility for why she wasn't elected she is still traumatized and still cant seem to figure it all out. They did the best they could to rig the election but that was never going to work. She cant relate to us so instead she finger points and blames, typical mentally unstable behavior. A class act would accept defeat humbly and gracefully without criticizing the heart and soul of America, the working class, the people who have been abused and robbed from by these political grandstanders that are into disaster capitalism, influence peddling and money laundering. Communism is never going to work in America, Sean Brennon, former head of the cia voted for a Communist for President. Its all about class warfare, they wanted peasants at the bottom while they continued to rape plunder and pillage the masses on a global scale. We now have many future generations of families that are grateful that we finally have a real President. He is one of us, he is going to pretty much guarantee a successful future. Real wealth, abundance and prosperity with the right people that are eventually going to end up behind bars. The economy is on fire right now and he is still just getting warmed up.    

Monday, April 2, 2018

American Heist

Show me the money, show me the corruption New York Times in reference to Potus Trump- Put up or shut up because this is getting ridiculous. Investigation witch hunts built from pernicious usury and fruit from the poisonous tree. Our role models in the criminal justice system seem to be the most corrupt of them all. Do you mean to tell me that the real scammers are the ones within the DOJ and The FBI? 
   That is how it looks, The Gang of 8 on the seventh floor and many more- Wafen SS and SES, career politicians who make the rules just to make money off of them. Like give me an example? Make believe that you are trying to clamp down on injustice and corruption even though you were the one that created it. Lets take a look at the Bail Bondsman accused of exploiting poor clients. Extortion- Racketeering, the king makers created a system where people were guaranteed to get caught up in the criminal justice system just so people could make money and exploit people in weak vulnerable positions. Isn't that the capitalist system? It would be much better to have a rich person that goes into politics as opposed to a person that goes into politics to get rich. The problem is I am talking about politics and the criminal justice system as if they were one in the same because they currently are and it shouldn't be this way. This is the biggest problem of all.
  What do you think about Dave Aronberg's pit-bull subordinate at the State Attorney's Office? What do you mean I have no idea? He was creating a Glen Gary Glen Ross type environment with the lawyers who are working serious felony cases. He was upping the pressure and apparently intimidating his subordinates. Chest puffed out the entire 9 yards. That isn't good because these lawyers are serious people who need positive reinforcement, they would much rather benefit from an interdependent how can I be of service to make your life easier as opposed to a pressure cooker environment. Is this pit-bull getting commission for volume is that what's it all about? I don't think so its state run but maybe  bonuses play a part. Ask them for feedback to make the world a better place and how one can help them with their strenuous caseloads. This would be  much more productive then a bait and switch road side high way used car sales store environment in the swamps of Jersey, not far from the dirty swamp of Washington DC. One is just guaranteed high turnover and disgruntled employees when one has horrible management which appears to be in most places. Many of these lawyers have enough talent to branch off on their own with their own private firm. That way they can be the pit-bull breathing down others peoples back. No, a good manager doesn't have high turnover its that simple. People are actually happy when they are treated like a human being, it has nothing to do with money in most cases.
    What do you think about the Owner Of Sham rehabs jailed? This degenerate from Boynton Beach bilking the insurance companies and getting kickbacks for referrals when people relapse? The industry needs to be cleaned up and it is slowly but surely. The press needs to stop writing slanted articles about our Potus inferring  how corrupt he is without any substantive evidence. This is a big can of worms that they are wittingly opening up. So far there is a plethora of felony statutes that were violated by officials at the highest levels of the DOJ and the FBI- Their house of cards needs to be exposed. The Heist- We have massive corruption by public officials and it all trickles down from the top. We have two former Potus's, Slick Willy repealed Sarbanes Oxley in 1999 to open up a legal gambling casino on Wall street. Then we have Obama who repealed Smith- Mundt to enforce the NDAA Act of 2012 to seemingly make false flag school shootings and propaganda legal. These are people making bucket loads of cash off of laws that they purposely repealed. Can they be charged under RICO? If it is legal how can Obama be charged under Rico? The FBI is so corrupt, they plan all of these fraudulent scams and have the press go along with it. We have a Potus that is trying to straighten things out, that is why they are still trying to bury him.   

Divine Dichotomy

1 drink is too many 1,000 is not enough. When one is in a perpetual state of fear and lack the end results are not promising. (Divine Dichotomy)- "One is always grumbling, angry, thrashing about vainly seeking "justice" or earnestly trying to reconcile opposing forces which were never meant to be reconciled, but which by the very nature of the tension between them produce exactly the desired effect" pp-512  (Two Seemingly contradictory truths existing simintanously in the same place)