Friday, July 28, 2017

Joe Blow The Movie Star

Addictions vs Behavioral Addictions or Disorders? Behavioral addictions don't involve eating, drinking, injecting or smoking. This is complex and it's always been very hard for me to grasp. In other words when somebody is a bulimic how can you tell them not to eat anymore? Obsessions are thoughts that a person can't stop having where as compulsions are behaviors a person can't stop enacting.
   So what does one do when somebody is addicted to gaming? In the book a student got hooked and went to reSTART the worlds first gaming and internet treatment center. There are old sayings- You don't go to a hoar house to play the piano, you don't hit up the bars and crack houses all the time to just drink iced tea. However like bulimia and the internet how is one supposed to abstain from food and the web? The answer lies in treating the underlying issues instead of just all out avoidance. When this student went back to school it seemed obvious to me that he was going to have a binge because it didn't appear that he was doing any follow up therapy. That is why psychotropics in my humble opinion do more harm then good. They are supposed to give somebody's brain the dopamine surges they allegedly lack but end up screwing up our brains beyond repair in many cases. That is because we need the psychotherapy to address the underlying issues so we can attempt to deal with life on life's terms.
   So now Ambilify has apparently been making people become compulsive gamblers? So let me get this straight a drug that is supposed to mitigate addictions and compulsions is now known for causing the very problems they were intended to alleviate? Welcome to Big Pharmas world of smoke and mirrors where nothing makes any sense. So who becomes an addict and who doesn't? Maia Szalavitz, a writer and expert on addiction explains this on page-74- "If I kidnap you, tie you down and shoot you up with heroin for two months, I can create physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms- but only if you go out and use after I free you will you actually become an addict" I agree with this, it's mostly biological and genetic. The Alcoholic gene- Dopamine d2 receptor.
   What about the 11th Tradition where it talks about anonymity? I believe that somebody can blow their own cover all they want as long as they don't blow anybody else's. It's not ok to assume that your bud will be ok with you blowing their cover. I have made mistakes over the years, I was wrong and I now promptly admit it. What about press radio and films? Now the next edition of the Big Book will have internet? So let me put this out there- How is Joe Blow off the street any different from Joe Blow the Movie Star? Just because they may be in the public eye they aren't supposed to break their anonymity? That is putting them up on a grand pooh bah pedestal isn't it?  So maybe the movie star should blow their own cover by stating that the program works if you work it but that is up to them and nobody else. If Joe Blow the movie star blows their own cover and toots their own horn but then ends up drunk then maybe somebody else should say Joe Blow the movie star was an egomaniac, not humble and a narcissist or didn't practice the principles, maybe he was screwing his sponsees wife and stealing their money and that's why he got drunk.

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