Monday, July 24, 2017

Theft By Deception Jim Fetzer should sue Amazon for Theft By Deception- By banning his book they are hindering his ability to make a living. How can he sell his book if it's banned? Fetzer presents so much solid and smoking gun evidence that one would have to either be brain dead or on the cias payroll to refute his position. He presents it in a way that is easy to understand and in black and white terms. Fraud vitiates everything. He has professionals that verify information such as the fraudulent death certificate of Noah Pozner. A democratic agenda driven scam where people profited off of propaganda based lies and deception. D rated crisis actors with phony grief and tears. There are so many weird people that are directly and indirectly affiliated with these charlatans. They are actors and con artists that are paid to be agent provocateurs. I believe that with the combination of Jim Fezer's and Wolgang Halbig's information this should be enough to break this case wide open. That is of course until somebody starts to ask a few questions about it. One must  keep asking questions because James Tracey is already out of a job because of these people. There are many people that are accessories before and after the fact. Misprision of Felony, Fraud and Theft by Deception.  I can see a class action lawsuit sometime in the near future. Real investigators never stop asking questions. The SHES shooting has a laundry list of fraudulent based crimes that are quite high including Jonathan Reich's false arrest.    

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