Saturday, July 8, 2017

Journey Not A Destination

The first thing one must do is admit that their is a problem and then address this issue head on. That is what the recovery world is doing by attempting to clean this mess up. In a program of rigorous honesty there is nothing worse then unscrupulous individuals that engage in act of deceptive marketing. We have an opiate crisis and peoples lives are on the line, these shysters have to go. They either have to be regulated out of business or put in jail. There is so much money being made in this gold rush that many places are being opened up as pure profit centers as their number one motive. This is why many places have their client piss in a cup and have it sent to the lab three times a week. In an environment that has 24/7 techs and supervision there is no valid reason to send anybody's piss to the lab and have them do a multi pronged 50 panel analysis on a regular basis. Labs are important and necessary however especially when one isn't using them as a pure profit center but still needs to find out if somebody is getting high or not specifically with substances that don't register with a regular 7 panel drug test. The Fla Legislature has created a series of new laws that make bait and switch internet marketing a felony. If blatant fraudulent marketing is involved where a person makes a materially false or misleading statement knowingly and willfully this will now be categorized as a felony. There are web marketers that advertise in various states with the full intent of leading somebody down into the swamp pit of South Fla. If parents aren't educated about what real recovery entails this is how many of our 20 something addicts are now ending up dead. Recovery is a journey and not a destination, this means that sober homes need to start to marketing all of the positive aspects of how a sober living community can help people to get and stay sober. This is why FARR is a great program because their recovery  house recommendation  is based off of the California model of Sober Living which has been around for many years, since the inception of AA itself which is over 80 years. Sobriety isn't a race but rather it's a way of life. This is why one can effectively live in one of these communities for an extended period of time and then proceed to become part of the solution rather then the problem. Most of the people are in the business for the right reasons because they care and they take it personally when they see slime balls hinder the chances of one getting sober. As the business gets cleaned up real marketing will take place where one can track recovery rates the way that rehabs try to do. The best thing a sober home can do is test regularly because you are giving the client the best chance to acknowledge the severity of their illness. If one cant stay clean in a sober house this should be red flag 101. This is why labs are very important to test for synthetic and over the counter drugs. Kratom etc.. Now Deadly Adulterants are coming into play. Mark Gold MD explains in the new Sober World how drug dealers are now making their own heroin and carfentanil with clandestine labs. A lot of these pills are counterfeit but still get you high and can and will kill you because they are being laced with fentanyl analogues. One gram of pure fentanyl can be cut into 7,000 doses for street sale. The Mexican Cartels have figured out that fentanyl analogues is much less expensive to produce with their own labs and when the demand to get high is still going to be very strong their will always be an angle to exploit this.  K-9's and police officers that have been passively exposed to fentanyl and carfentanil have od'd.  Mark Gold goes on to explain how Bath Salts and Synthetic weed have come back into play as well. Many people end up in the er's tripping their brains out from synthetic weed, it states right on the package that it is not fit for human consumption. These deadly synthetic adulterants are now being laced with many of the drugs so now addicts more then ever aren't going to  know exactly what they are  getting. A lot of times this is part of the rush for the addict, the deadly game of playing with their own life. Molly is a perfect example of this- MDMA- and whatever else that is in that drug seems to work quite well especially during Raves. I own mysoberteam but if somebody called me up I wouldn't try to lure them down here first and foremost. One must always do what is in the best interest of the client. Many people got sober by going to their local AA with no rehab detox etc or without any geographic changes. The only thing you have to do is change everything but don't make any major changes within the first year. I would recommend that people don't come down here, but if they do and want to get sober their will be a lot of positive encouragement and support.. 

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