Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Rolexes Are For Posers Only

If coffee is for closers only Rolexes are for posers only. Marcus Lemonis worked a business deal with some poser that had his own home made ice cream truck business. The business had potential otherwise Marcus wouldn't have shown up. This guy was so far off the mark, he had no proof of concept, he had no concept whatsoever. He was also clean 19 years which tells me that he needs to work on his sobriety. That is because there is a big difference between being clean vs. being sober.     
    This guy was about to put his own parents in the poor house with his grandiose ideas. At least he was humble enough to call up Marcus Lemonis in an attempt to straighten his operation out. The only problem is that he didn't listen and was still so full of pride which tells me that he really isn't sober. I know what it feels like to go broke after dot-com visions of prestige and success. I was living out of my $1.000 car, I know how easy it is to lose everything. That is another thing, this guy paid $125,000 for his ice cream truck. One needs connections, Marcus bought an equivalent truck for around 75k. Just because something is less money doesn't necessarily mean that there will be any sacrifice in the quality. In business especially in the used car business the sell is actually in the buy. I wasn't a very good buyer especially left to my own volition. If you buy something right then one can sleep soundly at night.
     So this guy still wanted to do his own thing and had no enthusiasm or fire in his belly. You cant give somebody something that they don't inherently have regardless of how much you try to help. That is the difference between winners and losers and that is the difference sometimes between living and dying. If this guy keeps going south he is going to be out on the street after he takes out his own families entire retirement savings. Marcus pulled out anyway, it's a losing battle. This guy paid himself 100k a year when his company was losing money all over the place and then he didn't even show up to work for his own truck. If you don't know what its like to get your hands dirty in your own business then you should have quit a long time ago. Then he showed up late on his first real day on the job. Marcus took him up north to show him how he helped turn a company from nothing into over 10 million dollars per year in sales and this guy was still not motivated. To be a wanna be poser with a Rolex and not a real closer in your own business is not very impressive. That is the difference between being clean vs being sober. If one is sober this means that they are humble and grateful and actually get out of the drivers seat, especially when they are literally in the process of crashing and burning. Also nobody should ever think about pitching a franchise concept until their own mom and pop is singing like a well oiled machine. Who wants to buy into a loser with no proof of concept or no proven track record of  success?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
     The reason why pro athletes go broke is because they are too full of ego and pride. Not humble,
 they are used to being one of the best in their chosen profession but that doesn't necessarily translate into dollars and cents in the business world. The only thing they would have to do is nothing and then they wouldn't go broke. Regardless of how much one tells them they still aren't going to listen because their ego tells them that they need their name in the middle of things. Whether its a loser restaurant chain or a Lenny Dykstra type car wash they want their name in bright lights big city instead of just a boring mutual fund. Their is no glitz and glamor in boring mutual funds but that is exactly where their money needed to be.                                                                                                                                                             

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