Monday, July 10, 2017

Spirit Of America

When Uncle Sam comes knocking at the door it is very hard to tell a warrior to not join the cause for the greater good especially if one is Born Fighting. The Cats In The Cradle song reminds me of James Webb and his father as well as  his own son. James dad was working on some top secret programs when he told his son that Vietnam was going to be an unwinnable war and didnt want him to go. Fast forward 30 plus years to his own sons situation in Iraq. Not that much was different because the real warriors knew what they were up against. That is because the Scots- Irish are the first ones to show up when the war drum beats start thier battle rythym cadence. The Civil War was a perfect example of a fight against the establishment. It was a manipulation the same way that all of our wars have been. It wasnt about slavery either because the Union held onto thier slaves after the Emancipation Proclamation. The Scots- Irish wariiors of the South were the direct decendants of William Wallaces various clans. Wallace fought the way special ops soldiers fight, no bull shit with rank or arrogance, if you could brawl and fight the way that guerilla warriors do then one could stand next to him. Rank, titles money and all of the status things in life were for the aristrocrats or the noble elites. The Vietnam War was filled up and fueled up with crazed Devil Dogs who volunteered, not that many Americans overall seemed to have been drafted. Marines were born to fight as well, if I am not mistaken Webbs son was Force Recon. The USMC is the progeny of Wallace, Robert The Bruce, Confederates  and many of the other hard core leaders over the years. So after everything the Establishment put our warriors through in Vietanam how did they then have the audacity to do the same thing again in Iraq? So the rebels were provoked by the North and they made up some bs about slavery. They were fighting for their rights and to protect thier honor. The higher ups convinced them that this was a war of independence the same way that the Revolutionary War was. I dont think that the Civil War was neccessary either because lets face it when you are killing kin vs kin you allready lost the moral high ground. Thou Shalt Not Kill especially on ones  home turf. That is how deceitful and manipulative the establishment is. They know that they can create divide and conquer scenarios and that this is when the real warriors will always show up. So the elites created a war in Vietnam and then proceeded to repudiate the warriors when they came back home. James Webb was dis respected and looked down upon by the acacademic types that the establishment created as well. At Georgetown Law his professor had him do a final paper that was a mockery of his service and even used his name in it. The arrogance of these people, and they were allowed to get away with this? Webb stated that if these people acted that way after WW-2 they would have been hunted down and lyched by American Patriot groups. Gen. MacArthurs father was part of this tribal Chieftans clan during the Civil War and won the Medal Of Honor. Also the elites now are creating bs about the rebel soldiers and the Confederate Flag and how we no longer should honor their service and sacrifice. That is a direct insult to Robert E Lee himself. They are making up more stories and creating another divide and conquer scenario about the Rebels being racist and still seem to bring up the slavery issue. A very small percentage of the populace even owned slaves during the Civil War. The last page of Born Fighting sums up who the Scots- Irish are- "Who are we? We are the molten core at the very center of the unbridled, raw, rebellious spirit of America. We helped build this nation, from the bottom up. We face the world on our feet and not on our knees. We were born fighting. And if the cause is right we will never retreat."

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