Saturday, July 15, 2017

Females In War

The reason that females make the best pis and spies is because they can do many things that men sometimes cant, basically this means getting good intel. Especially good looking plants because they have been known to be the cause of more then one marriage's demise. If you need to know what your significant other is all about this is when its time to entice them with sexual entrapment. This is dirty but it happens every day. Women just know how to get the job done and this premise hold true on the battlefield as well. A few years ago I saw how some females were training for the spec ops simulation, this is when I knew that women could do just as much as the men in many cases. This argument has been going on for years, I used to feel differently but now I don't. That is why Cultural Support Teams  or (CST's) fit in quite well during Socom missions. The number one thing to get is intel and this is why females can and will be able to fill in the voids and gaps that men cant always close. That is because if you are a Ranger and you are busting down a door kicking ass and taking names a female will be able to put other females at ease thus bringing down defense mechanisms.                                                                                                                                 
    The knuckle dragging trigger puller days are becoming less and less with the GWOT- Humint and Sigint and females definitely have a place in the war zone. Whether its Wonder Woman or Jennifer Gardner's role in The Kingdom girls can kick down a few doors just like the men. I haven't met a female that would be able to take me out yet but I am sure I will one day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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