Friday, July 14, 2017

Tell It To The Judge

I am jumping back on the Trump Train A train bandwagon, his Attorney General means business especially with this Opiate Fraud Federal crackdown. 1.3 billion dollars, 50 doctors and 412 people were arrested in the largest health care fraud bust in our nations history. I believe that Sessions has a game plan and that there is a method to the madness. Meaning that even if the Affordable Care Act gets overhauled and there is less money for treatment that may not be such a bad thing.
   The reason the industry got so corrupted was probably because of Obama Care to begin with.  The system got gamed because everybody was allowed to go to treatment multiple times over and this is when the sharks came into swim. I believe that whatever is coming down the pipeline will be better to help fight the Opiate epidemic. Especially when the Feds start helping the Task Force out more with  massive insurance fraud investigations. Snyders lawyer stated that his client wasn't one of the bad guys in the industry (tell it to the  judge) This isn't a game because people suffer immeasurably with the disease of addiction and as a former addict himself he should show some humility and contrition. In other words when the judge slams down his/her gavel to tell him what his fate is hopefully remorse and empathy will be real and sincere. There is nothing worse then when people act like victims when accused of serious crimes, this is when the juries usually show no mercy. That is a long ways away  but in the interim the Feds are stepping up their game in a big way to prove that they are in this for real.                                                                                                                                                          A good defense attorney always tries to make his client look like the good guy so maybe I am jumping the gun on Snyder? Not really because their appears to be a plethora of smoking gun evidence to substantiate that his rehab operations were fraudulent and full of sin. A good lawyer exploits every loophole and angle in the book to get their client off the hook. Some state that is why they cant stand the system but they are just doing their job. There is a chance that their client may be a good guy and that is why they do what they do.  I would only want to be a prosecuting attorney and in one of my other 9 lives this is what I was.  I wouldn't want to represent somebody that was sleazy especially if they had money because many times this makes it even worse. They just hide behind their dollars and cents while the little guys end up doing all of the time. It's good that they are upping the penalties for dealing fentanal, they also need to increase the penalty for anybody that gets caught dealing within a ceratin geographic limit of a sober  home or rehab. This is capitalism 101 but it is also predatory behavior. The street dealers in Delray seem to be complaining that they are the ones getting busted while the white addicts seem to get a free pass. If one is a drug addict their is no free pass involved in this. Chasing dragons is a form of hell all in itself and anybody who has this affliction knows exactly what I am referring to. Especially if one has already been to treatment because that is when the seed gets planted. From that day forward it usually isn't peaches and cream.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .                                                                                                                                                                                             attorney ood e                                                                          

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