Monday, July 3, 2017

State Of War

State Of War- James Risen- It was an ok book, I want to read something that cuts to the truth more like American War Machine, I will do this soon. (The Secret History Of The CIA And The Bush Administration) State Of War was a decent book  but Risen made it sound like there was a chance that we took over Afghanistan for reasons that didn't 100% have to do with Opium proceeds. Its a Narco state, it had nothing to do with protecting America from the Bin Ladens of this world. Infact Bin Laden was on the cias payroll, there is a lot of dope coming in and that is why we went in. I am convinced that many of these authors have cover from the cia and that they get the green light to write books that are critical but not overly so. In other words this book talked about the non existent WMD's, Curve Ball, domestic spying programs, non legit intel and Slam Dunk but it doesn't cut all the way to the chase the way that Michael Levine does. Their is a lot of money being made with this opiate crisis so the higher ups had many valid reasons to invade Afghanistan. So basically they claimed incompetence in Iraq and used that as a valid excuse to state why Afghanistan was never kept under control and that is why they need to continue to have the longest war in history. Does anybody really believe that we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan to make America safe from bad guys or that we had  to give these countries a dose of our freedom and democracy? We got a dose all right of some pure high grade heroin and its killing a lot of our people so these criminals have blood on their hands. Someday in the not too distant future these people are going to be held accountable for their actions and this list includes all of the top military officers who green light what is going on with their huge kickbacks. In the interim we need more realistic books, ones that don't have cia cover that make these people look like just incompetent liars not the hard core predators and capitalists because that is who they really and truly are. They knew exactly what they were doing, the plan all along was chaos and destabilization, so when reading this book I was somewhat amused by how they made it sound like the higher ups wanted to stabilize certain regions and were very perplexed by how things seemingly got out of control. When you start out with lies then it becomes  just a snowball effect, it will never end up well. So in our world of chaos and destabilization if you fabricate intel and guarantee that wmds will be found with Slam Dunk but then fall very short of this then what happens? You end up getting a Presidential Medal Of Freedom- Only In America

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