Saturday, July 1, 2017

Marchman Act

Rising Star- Obama's new 1,400 page book that is way over the top. 1,400 pages, that is the longest and most prodigious book that I have ever seen. I don't know how many pages is War And Peace or the Bible?  I don't think they exceeded 500 to 600 pages so what is this all about? Seriously that is narcissism 101 but I know that he didn't write it. Its like in the rooms when you share anything over 3 to 5 minutes is usually ego and bs. Or when you are asked to speak one should keep it to under 30 minutes because lets face it nobody is that important. My first sponsor cut me off in meetings when I started going off on irrelevant tangents. The writing was on the wall relapse was right around the corner. The only time we should go into our war stories is when we are first asked to speak in early sobriety because we have no extensive recovery to share. Its like the fourth and fifth step it all needs to come out on paper and everybody needs to have a starting point. After that it should be about living in the solution. Its important to share not what others should do or to criticize what others aren't doing because that is self absorbed, pride and ego as well. I now share my experience and what I did to get sober and that's it. No dogmatic spiritual pedestals or wanna be grand poobahs because not only is that the antithesis of the programs principles its also a big turn off for the beginner. I had all of the answers when I came into the rooms and even when I relapsed I was still so full of pride that I hid behind the fact that I had over 20 years at one point. That meant nothing because obviously I did something wrong, 12 years and 3 rehabs, jail and 1 detox not so great. So when I came down to Fla to get sober from jail I didn't jump into the program so I just stayed dry therefore I still had untreated alcoholism. When I did go to meetings I would share about being co-dependent, anything to take the focus off of me getting better or starting all over from ground zero. After I left the sober house I stopped going to meetings all together so I more or less was a loaded weapon just waiting to use again. I believe that the recovery world is doing many things to do what is right. Sober World had some good articles, one was about the Marchman Act. It stated that extensive research has shown that involuntary court mandated treatment as being more effective then voluntary treatment. This is because the disease of denial is so strong  that most people are not going to willingly seek out help, even during an intervention. The article goes on to state that the Marchman Act is still underutilized and not widely understood by families and many treatment professionals. The criminal justice system does their best to sentence people to state mandated treatment facilities as opposed to staying in jail. Most of the probation officers are willing to go to any length to keep you out of jail if they know for sure that your primary issue is alcoholism or substance use disorder. The Marchaman Act makes a lot of sense because people don't have to get arrested to get court mandated, this should potentially save many lives. The only way one will go to jail is if they don't comply with the court order which is mandatory treatment so families combined with the courts are doing their best to give somebody the chance to develop a foundation. My feeling is that if somebody is shooting dope the chances are fairly high that they have the disease of addiction otherwise they wouldn't be sticking needles in their arm.  That's why they should go to treatment after their first od. If they somehow slipped through the cracks and don't really have the disease of addiction but were still shooting or sniffing dope the power to kill themselves still should be taken away from them in the beginning. People usually don't end up as  junkies if their life has always been peaches and cream and for that reason alone they would be able to benefit from a mandatory treatment program.. 

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