Monday, July 10, 2017

Task Force Crackdown

Informants played a role that led to 28 arrests in the drug recovery Task Force crack down. I have a lot of respect for Dave Aronberg because he calls a spade a spade. He stated that the business is a straight out scam where unscrupulous operators are taking advantage of loopholes and laws specifically meant for the very people that they are supposed to be protecting. The Sun Sentinel  has pics of the mug shots of the 28 people arrested, many of these people look like straight out thugs. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are because sometimes looks can be deceiving. Some of these Fla mug shots are along the same lines as Roy Cohn, I saw that guys mugshot he looks like a gangster and a thug, maybe that is because he is. Descendants of the Bugsy Siegel Meyer Lansky crowd where skimming is not allowed just ask Joe Pesci about that. Deniro and Sharon Stone in Casino, this is the mobster crowd that runs Las Vegas. These people are still hooked into our military industrial complex, they came in a long time ago and then never left. Cleaning up the kickback schemes with patient brokering is a necessary evil, I do believe that many of these people didn't know that they were doing anything illegal. Their needs to be a shake down to make room for the others that aren't taking advantage of the system. Unfortunately many of these people are former addicts who were just taking advantage of capitalism in its finest form and are not really criminals. Some are and some aren't, many of these people were con artists and manipulators out on the street so this is just an extension of the natural order of things in their world and even if they are supposedly in recovery themselves which are many.We need better job opportunities so people in recovery don't have to resort to unscrupulous business practices after they get out of treatment. The wages are not meeting the cost of living so many people have no choice but to resort to a life of crime. Actually if one takes a look at the Patient Brokering Law it is so ambiguous, this business practice is considered legal for most other businesses. If Joe Blow recommends a detail shop I will give you a couple of dollars if it ends up in a sale happens every day and multiple times over in the business world. So why is this practice considered illegal in the recovery world? Because too many people without pure intentions are in the business and Aronberg needs to weed them out. That one informant Dudek knew that their was a problem when everybody was "as high as kites" inside a treatment center. With the amount of money being made with insurance fraud and the number of half way houses, and many of these are flop houses that nobody even knows about that are unregulated $275,000 for the Task Force is just not enough. I want to start a non profit where people in recovery would actually get paid. In other words many of the people that are going in and out of the treatment centers need to get sponsors. The only problem is that the supply isn't meeting the demand especially when many old timers don't want to give the rehabber the time of day. This is where Rent A Sponsor comes into play. When life comes at people and things goes sideways a lot of times sponsors are no where to be found. The Reach Out and Touch Someone on the telephone/ cell phone line doesn't always seem to work and this happens more often then not. If somebody is in a recovery home with addicts that are on shaky ground themselves many times these people go out and use together. Many sober homes have been turned upside down by one individual who had a bad day and ended up getting high. Rent A Sponsor would have trained professionals on the telephone line, they will be guaranteed to answer the phone live and it wont cost the addict anything. My mom used to volunteer at Hot Line in Greenwich, Rent A Sponsor would be set up the same way with 100% confidentiality. People need others and Rent A Sponsor may be able to fill in the gaps and voids that are left open in this murky underground of an unregulated industry. The only people that would get paid are the trained pros receiving the calls. The non profit would be paying them but don't worry it wont be set up and run like the Clinton Foundation. Money Launderers that take advantage of the poor and the dilapidated people in Haiti, unbelievable.   

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