Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Alcoholism In Its Purest Form

https://www.thefix.com/controversial-alcoholism-treatment-highlighted-megyn-kelly-s-showThe Sinclair method may help people that are both true alcoholics and people that just drink to excess. I am not sure if Vivivitrol has been tested 100% but it seems to have had positive results. Even if their is no real Science behind it placebos have been known to work very effectively. If somebody is a true alcoholic they can never drink safely under most circumstances. Its around 80 years old but Dr Silkworth has a long chapter about the how and whys in the Big Book called The Doctors Opinion, this is based on his direct experience in the trenches. Their are people who on occasion just drink to excess that aren't true alcoholics, I can see the Sinclair method working for these individuals especially with psychotherapy being administered. There is no such thing as making a social drinker out of a true alcoholic. Moderation management has already been proven not to work. In most cases heroin addicts or drug addicts in general can never safely go back to any mind or mood altering substance. Weed, alcohol, narcotic meds, even non narcotic meds can be very dangerous. A drug is a drug, I tried every trick in the book to no avail. Reward Deficiency Syndrome, Alcoholism, Drug addiction they are all one in the same for the most part. A shortage of dopamine d2 receptors which leads to many addictions, food, gambling sex. That is why AA and therapy are such great combinations. Alcoholism is a hole in the soul or a void, that is why we self medicate to try to fill it up. Alcoholics have a tendency to test the waters. Some only drink a few so they can say "see I am not an alcoholic" only to be  found dead a few months later from alcohol poisoning. Its a ruthless disease, the only remedy for alcoholism is total and complete abstinence combined with a spiritual awakening and therapy. I was dry and abstinent but this never lasted, it usually never does when left untreated and for somebody who is a true alcoholic. Its a disease that tells us that we don't have one that is how tricky and deceptive it is. I was a 17 year old kid with the first step in my life. This is the only step that we can get 100%. We have to admit that we are powerless over alcohol and that our lives have become unmanageable and this needs to be felt on a gut level with no reservations. If I knew that I was an alcoholic at such a young age then why was I hoping in 2006 that the rehab was going to come back with a diagnosis where I wasn't an alcoholic anymore? I still had reservations even though I had the program at one point in my life. This is the definition of insanity that they talk about in the second step. If we have alcoholism it never goes away until our dying days. One just needs to do an honest bio pycho-social or answer the 20 question test in order to come to the conclusion if they are a true alcoholic or not. My definition of social drinking at 15 was slugging Southern Comfort straight from the bottle by myself in the basement and then coming upstairs and sipping wine with friends and family. This was 6 years before the legal drinking age, a true alcoholic. I wanted Southern Comfort when I was in jail at 16, I needed some comfort and relief for my symptoms.     

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