Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Survival Of The Fittest

The know it all was the first one to fall. After watching a few episodes of Naked And Afraid I couldn't help but notice what a petty narcissist know it all this one guy was. He claimed to be among the best in the world as a survivalist and wasn't afraid to let everyone know this especially his partner. For starters nobody is ever supposed to toot their own horn, humility is always the key to success. If you are any good at something people should find out about this on their own and not by you telling them. Secondly one of the four agreements is to never make assumptions, this means that you take off your teacher instructor hat while doing something for real and take a dose of some humble pie instead. One of the best operators out there from a unit that was so dark and deep that not that many people ever even heard of them told me this. He said if you think that you are the best their is always somebody better. The program teaches us that we don't have to be the best est of anything, just a mere mortal and let the chips fall where they may. So this clown in Naked And Afraid kept instructing when the actual scenario started instead of shutting his mouth and listening. You can't  assume that your partner knows less then you, the only way to find out is to lay low and listen, you don't even have to ask that many questions either to find out what somebody is really all about. That is what good spies do, they do a lot more listening and definitely a lot less talking especially about themselves unless that is what their role requires. So this guy didn't ask any questions and kept rambling about how to survive out in the real world of the jungle and then he was the first one to fall. He ended up with three different diseases like malaria, the whole 9 yards. When I came into the program I was a 1 chip wonder and was a little too cocky for my own good but I was also very young. Confidence is the name of the game, cockiness is what gets people in trouble. I didn't have as much compassion for the chronic relapsers either until I became one myself. Karma works in mysterious ways. The partner of this guy didn't appreciate his know it all attitude. You could tell this guys entire identity was wrapped around being a survival guide for a living without decent people skills. A good team player empowers their partner and that is when interdependence comes into play. I would want to do Naked And Afraid and I would listen to my partner and would assume that she is proficient in many things and hopefully she did a little bit more then the average bear. Outward Bound would be a good start. I will be the first one to tell you that I may suck but at least I will try. I rang the bell when I blacked out in the pool during a seal hell week simulation and that is because I am miserable in the water. I also have chronic back issues so the fact that I even tried that at almost 39 is a lot more then what most people would ever try to do. I did ok when I was homeless and I was really hungry, so I have decent training for Naked And Afraid. The other thing is that one can do a train up for something like Naked And Afraid but being homeless was not something I was expecting so this made it that much more difficult. The same operator that told me how important humility was also told me that one always has to be ready for anything and everything because that is what separates the wheat from the chaff. It pays to be a winner, I respect people who are humble and low key. Our Potus is not, he brags too much and it looks as if his business track record is alot more hot air and self promo then real skill. My dad has real business skill, he never fucked anybody over for money either and would never think about some blowhard bull shit Trump University that took advantage of many of the poor folks. That is the difference, one needs empathy to be an effective leader or business person. My dad should have been Potus, I guarantee that Iraq and Afghanistan wouldn't have been handled the way it was either.   

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