Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Break Up The Media Cartel

I don't think Trump would ever stoop so low that he would ever stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were murdered. That is the difference between the Big Apple Maphia vs the Chicago mob. Also our Potus has a lot of pride, if he ever shed any tears they would definitely be real. He considers tears a sign of weakness that is why he made a pejorative comment about it based on Wayne Barrets book. My dad used to say don't apologize its a sign of weakness. He is from the John Wayne old school just like Trump is. Also to stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were actually murdered is quite cowardly to say the least and it's definitely a sin. People should wake up and smell the coffee because our former Potus is quite weak and cowardly I must admit. He had many of his enforcers shake down the on line investigative journalists like James Tracey PHD and tried to intimidate Wolfgang by having some weak and pathetic individual threaten his grandchildren. That is because people like James Tracey are very smart and make a lot of sense and have quite the  following.                                                                                                                                                                 So                                                                                                                       So what excuse is the Chicago mob going to use I am sorry the Devil made me do it? Our former Potus's right hand man and partner in crime wants to run for President now. I know that propaganda is what these people do every day but using little children as pawns? That is beyond the pale of acceptable marketing and promotion for ones anti gun campaign. Also I am not buying into this Israel Bad guy scenario where our former Potus got pushed around by Bibi and company. I am not buying any of it especially the Extortion 17 official narrative because that is as shady as one can get. When are we going to demand that the main stream media gets shut down? It's a total and complete waste of time. Just think how corrupted they are, they are the only ones that get to disseminate intel and then they break it all down for us. All of these so called experts but isn't it a coincidence that not one of these so called experts is asking question about Sandy Hook? As investigative journalists and reporters that is their  job, that is what they are paid to do for a living. This alleged Russian election meddling is a witch hunt, I humbly believe and  no longer think it is ever going to go anywhere. I used to think differently but times have changed. They should leave our Potus alone and let him go back to the business of running this country. He isn't perfect but I know that he has high standards and takes his job seriously that is why he should now be left alone.                                                                                                                                                                    I don't like criminals in the main stream media because they actually pass the test of being decent actors unlike Gene Rosen. I remember how Anderson Cooper was so indignant that James Tracey would actually infer that the SHES shooting just didn't add up. Cooper insinuated that maybe Tracey wasn't mentally squared away and they were also  trying that bs on Wolfgang. Let me tell you something I cant wait until our Potus reigns down holy hell on these manipulators because it is going to be shock and awe with thunderous roars of stars and stripes. The mind games that these freaks play are not going to work much longer I will tell you that much.                                                                                                                                                            

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