Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Truth Bandwagon

Whether its Iraq or Afghanistan, Hurricane Katrina or The Dust Bowl That Almost Was we can never let a good crisis go to waste. Rahm Emanuel knows all about this especially with his capital crony Chicago mob crowd along with Acorn. Michelle Malkin goes into specific detail about how this so called non profit is set up. Racketeering and mob muscle, this  appears to be a  criminal enterprise. William Ayers the Weather Underground these people seem to be on the fringe types and definitely shady characters. Is their any wonder how they could hijack an entire EMS system in Corrupticut and then proceed to stage a school shooting and feign faux crocodile tears? It looks like Acorn was set up to capitalize on the mortgage crisis scam where a lot of innocent people were destroyed by adjustable rate mortgages.
    I am an independent non partisan investigative journalist, unfortunately most people are not. As much as I respect  Malkins exposure of Obummers associates I believe that she is a Republican, conservative Partisan that gets paid to protect the right side while digging up dirt about the left. The reason that I will never run out of writing material is because I am a Populist with no political agenda except the truth. If you are on the Republican side of the fence like Sen McCain but still act shady then so be it, I will still expose this. Malkin was making McCain sound like a decent guy who did have more in common with Joe The Plumber and not Joe The Hedge Fund Manager. I find it strange how McCain would have his picture taken with members of ISIS what was that all about? Also wasn't it McCain who was backing the 9-11 Popular Mechanics investigative version of events?  
    Anyway National Geographic is a bought and sold for publication and this was exemplified by its latest article about Lying. That was actually the cover story so they were apparently going all out in an attempt to educate us about what the truth is and how and why we lie. They lost some cred by stating that the anti vaccine rational minded people weren't exactly on the truth bandwagon. A recent 400 study review- Dr Mercola and Neil and  with Health Ranger bring study after study to the table corroborating what many people already know. Vaccines are not safe and effective. Dr William Thompson top Scientist and CDC whistleblower Dr Andrew Wakefield- The overall consensus is that the damaging effects of vaccines are much worse then the original illness they were intended to prevent.                                   

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