Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Adam Alter wrote an interesting and thought provoking book. Some say that this book may be revolutionary. Either way I know that there is a lot of truth in it because I am able to verify his analysis and conclusions with my own eyes. Internet and gaming addictions are very real. People walk around all dazed and confused totally focused on their own little Smart Phone grid. I may get one but right now I would rather be dumb then have a Smart phone. It is so obvious how and why these technocrats make all of the money.. The eugenicists and tech wizzes create the gaming revolutions and then proceed to get everybody hooked just like all of the dope that is being run into this country from Mexico and Afghanistan. If their is a market to be exploited leave it up to the same people that created the dot-com bubble. This is when everybody was going crazy running up shares of companies that had no real earnings. Today its the second stage of the dot- com revolution. This is where behavioral disorders are being developed by the gaming crowd. It is not only the millellialls  that are getting hooked on this technology. Adam Alter let us all in on The Secret. The secret is that the ceos and founders of these companies don't let their own children play their games because they know how potentially deleterious it all is. Today we don't have real relationships. I wish that I had a relationship with a real woman. Instead over the years I have relied on cat fish frauds and phony pics. Instagram, fb, Smart Phones, Snap Chat and Twitter their seems to be  no real connection between humans anymore. We correspond via text message and even end marriages this way. I was never into the bar scene but unfortunately I don't seem to have the ability to meet a real woman because not only do I ride my bike but she will probably be too busy staring at her Smart Phone with her ear buds on to make eye contact. I know that there was a market for real pics with real women because today their is a lot of fraud and photo shop going on. That is why I had a website up for a little while. In todays world people seem to do anything and everything to avoid real human interaction. That is the market the technocrats are now exploiting and they are making a fortune. Soon we are going to have rehabs that are opened up for these behavioral disorders because they are real. Alter has pages of corroboration to back this up. So far I have only read the prologue and the first chapter but  feel like I have read two books already. The second chapter talks about nature vs nurture. I saw a similar expose that Kelly Brogan put out about the Vietnam Vets that were hooked on heroin. It states that vets got hooked overseas but then came back home and weren't addicts anymore. Environment or epi-genetic factors always play a role in addiction. The chapter even brings up the rat experiment which seems to have an inconclusive outcome. I am still trying to figure out how our brains are compared to rats but that topic is for another day. Apparently the rat experiment didn't prove that they would off themselves to death but rather they were a victim of circumstance due to their environment. My take on it is that some people are genetically wired and some aren't. Some people can get hooked on dope and then go back to normal in a different environment but this goes against the modern day treatment modality. In other words most treatment in todays world especially with this opiate epidemic states that if you are an addict you are an addict for life and must abstain from everything one day at a time till death due us part. I believe that we are all individuals so it's difficult to put everybody in a certain category or to use labels. This second chapter definitely puts a new spin on the subject of addiction that is for sure. I am in Dr Blums corner, he states that it is as a shortage of dopamine d2 receptors however I don't subscribe to the Anhedonia concept where we have a difficult time experiencing pleasure. Some of us maybe but overall it is an allergy of the mind body and soul, Dr. Silkworth goes into great detail about this in The Doctors Opinion. Its mental, physical and spiritual, that's three fold. This means that true alcoholics which include most drug addicts can never safely use again period regardless of their environment. This has been tested hundreds of thousands even millions of times over by people suffering immeasurably and dying when trying to control their disease by themselves. Once the mood or mind altering substance is ingested the floodgates are opened and all bets are off. Its not a question of if but rather when things will start to go south. The program urges people to go out and test the waters if they are not sure, there is and old saying misery is optional. Just like at Planet Fitness it's a judgment free zone.    

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