Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Politics And War

Scaramucci shouldn't have used profane language for all to see and hear. That sets a bad example so it was good that he was ousted from his position. As much as I respect the fact that he stabs people in the front and not the back we need leaders with more self restraint. Also trans genders should be able to volunteer for our military. There are few people as it is who sign up for the armed forces so why should somebody be discriminated against just because of how one identify themselves? Just because somebody else may think it's strange as long as they can do the job why exclude them?
  The Warrior Princess was a good operator that didn't ruffle any feathers when deployed but I believe she didn't get the sex change until after she left the military. Why deny somebody their right to be who they really feel that they are? The big question is would it disrupt unit cohesion? If infact it does then maybe they should be banned but would they? This is a question for senior level military officers and NCOs to answer and not any politician? Ashley's War has proven that females can serve next to men so why wouldn't a transgender be able to do this? Trans genders are  not people who want to be different just to upset the apple cart. They are people that really feel trapped inside their gender role so why not let them be who they really are without passing judgment? If they can still fire a few rounds down range and carry a wounded warrior out of harms way then they should be given that chance? Our country is supposed to be all about freedom of self expression and freedom in general and our military is supposed to be a representation of that.
  After second thought Scaramucci shouldn't have been fired. He should have made amends for his f bombs and then proceeded in his position. The issue comes down to a White House that is not very stable. If you are going to have a Lord Of The Flies type environment one still has to be given a chance. Secondly you don't hire somebody on a whim thinking that they may be  the right person for the job. You hire them because you know they are the right person based on who they have been their entire life. Hiring and firing somebody right away shows a George Steinbrenner Leisure Suit Larry type mentality that is reminiscent of my Pray Auto days. If our Potus was going to drain the swamp then many people should have been fired months ago. Here it is 7 months later and his administration appears to be run like a three ringed circus. Especially if he was the one who hired Scaramucci. If he hired him then he should have been the only one to fire him. This just proves that our Potus really is a politician because he let Gen Kelly fire him. He shouldn't have been brought in unless he was given at least 6 months to 1 year to get settled in. Dropping a few f bombs proves that he is a real person so why was he really fired? I wouldn't want to get hired just to walk around on eggshells without free reign to be who I really am, same with The Mooch- I was looking forward to his tenure in the White House. Just like a head football or baseball coach that gets hired to turn a franchise around. These greedy owners shouldn't expect miraculous results in such a short period of time because that is unrealistic. It all comes down to greed and arrogance, people should not be hired because they may be the right person for the job. The only reason one should get hired especially by our Commander In Chief himself is because they know that they are the right fit and without question the best person for the job.
   It is ridiculous because Newt Gingrigh stated that the president is "tired of the chaos and confusion". He thrives on the chaos and confusion so when are these politicians going to start to tell the truth? If they told the truth they wouldn't be politicians lets be honest. It's called vetting and due diligence 101. If there was a solid chance that Scaramucci would receive blowback and get fired for his New Yorker magazine article then he shouldn't have been hired to begin with. It all comes down from the top, I am not very impressed with how things are being handled in the Belt Way Bandit section of town.  

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