Friday, August 4, 2017

Dirty World Of Politics

Double Standard hypocrisy in the land of the unfree and home of the slaves. The Dow is at 22,000 but what does that do for the working poor like me surrounded by less then 10 dollar per hour jobs? The EPI even states that the stock market is great for the fat cats but what about people who want to move out of a sober house in an attempt to be productive?  I am grateful and humble and would jump at the chance to work a 10 dollar per hour job because most work is noble.
  We have a politically incorrect judge named Dana Santino who is being put through the wringer for doing absolutely nothing wrong. She made a comment that was based in complete truth but just because she is now in the dirty world of politics people are trying to force her off the bench. What about Judicial Watch and focusing on who they have been targeting and why? We have a woman that ran for president that is as corrupt as they come but over the years there doesn't appear that  anybody  from Judicial Watch was ever able to launch a successful lawsuit. I am glad that at least some people try to go after the real criminals out there however we don't seem to read about this in the newspaper or see this on the nightly news. It appears that  Seth Rich possibly may be the latest victim to be added to the Clinton body count list but nobody ever seems to get in trouble. They are too busy focusing on the Dana Santinos of our world. When are we going to have money laundering investigations because people that are politicians aren't supposed to engage in that kind of activity.
    Our first female Muslim Judge was found floating in the Hudson River under suspicious circumstances, people should be asking questions about that as well. The issue comes down to really being a non-partisan and not getting your wheels greased by some influence peddler. Judicial Watch claims to be  non-partisan but Wikipedia claims that it is conservative. Conservative means that you are most likely slanted to the right or Republican side of the political spectrum so where are the real non partisan investigative outlets? Is their anybody out there who isn't funded or getting their strings pulled by at least somebody, I think not? Politics have completely screwed up our world. It's all about divide and conquer because unfortunately people have nothing better to do then to create drama and turmoil. Instead of promoting peace and love these fat cat string pullers pay puppets to do their dirty work. Instead of worthless campaign contributions people with disposable income should donate to real charities that aren't money laundering outlets or Wounded Warrior project scams that have the top dogs make all of the money and leave the warriors with little or nothing.                                           When you say something one should be prepared to back it up. I was wrong about not firing The Mooch- To call somebody a Paranoid Skitzo is unprofessional unless you really know what you are talking about. Dr P convinced me that Gen Kelly did the right thing.

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