Saturday, August 12, 2017


 I hate politics and  hate politicians but  decided that  I couldn't miss out on the opportunity of skimming through a New York Times best seller. I didn't learn anything, not that I was expecting to. I don't hate Hillary I just thought that she shouldn't represent the land of the unfree and home of the slaves. I was somewhat emotionally involved in the campaign because I thought The Donald was the answer to all of society's ills. I was then let down even more  by VT and their continued and ongoing full frontal assault on the Donald's character. This made me feel that their has to be some level of truth to what VT has been writing about.
    Politics are dirty and so are the operatives that run it. In the book Shattered they had names of people like The Mook- This made me think about The Mooch- The Mook vs the Mooch- Supposedly these democratic operatives were willing to fall on the sword for their queen bee Hillary. My next question is so why do political operatives have to take the fall when if the tables were turned I don't see the queen bees of the political world doing the same for them? That is the difference between a politician and a warrior. A politician will not only leave the man behind he or she will let the wolves and scavengers eat the body parts. Its kind of like what I read about what Iraq was like. Apparently the dead bodies were eaten by the wild dogs because they were so hungry.  A warrior will find your body and take you home where as the politicians  will leave the dagger right in your back where they feel that  it was supposed to have been all along. As long as it means that it will take them to where they wanted to be all along which was way ahead of you.
   I want Hillary and her political operatives to respond to what Roger Stone has to say. He wrote  some great books and he stands behind his sources. So my next question is if he wrote some great books and stands behind his sources then how was the queen bee even allowed to run for president to begin with? Drug running, Arkansides, I read that Arkansas was one of if not the dirtiest and most dilapidated crime and poverty stricken states in our country. Perfect breeding ground for political operatives. Mena Arkansas and the Chicago mob. It looks like the queen bees daughter is being bred for the dirty world of politics as well.

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