Thursday, August 3, 2017

Science Is Dead Mike Adams Health Ranger explains how writer Richard Harris knows how this junk Science scam works. "The result is billions of dollars in fraud, waste and unnecessary expedentitures on Big Pharma drugs that simply don't work." This has corrupted every facet of Science- Harris writes for NPR- He basically states that is why people end up getting sicker not healthier by taking Big Pharma drugs.
   The google war against fake news isn't real either because they are trying to filter out real journalists that target this type of junk science. The New York Post published an article- Medical Studies Are Almost Always Bogus- If their was one critique that I had on the Irresistible book it would be their focus on too much Science. Freud went back and fourth on god vs spirituality but for the most part he felt that god was dead and Science was king. The issue with  Irresistible is that having a belief greater then oneself can supersede different cognitive practices and so fourth. It appears that credible journalists like Mike Adams and Richard Harris are putting large dents is Science and their overall theories in general so what does this really say about Freud and all of his followers? You can mix science and spirituality as long as it makes sense but I can state that Big Pharma's drugs did a lot more harm then good to me. This challenges psychiatry because their apparently have been no real diagnostic tests to substantiate whatever somebody is diagnosed with.        Harris wrote a book about Sloppy Science. It is costing tax payers in excess of 28 billion per year. Harris explains how these people are all fighting for the research dollar funds because this is where tenure and promotions come into play. How many of these people would ever admit that most if not all of what they do is a hoax just like NASA? As confirmed in animal research all psychiatric drugs directly affect the brains normal chemistry by disrupting it. This means that it is causing not curing biochemical imbalances. By disrupting the brains homeostasis this is bound to do more harm then good. Any positive result is more then likely a Placebo type effect. This means that big pharma and their criminal syndicates are causing the very issue they are allegedly attempting to mitigate. Suicide ideation yes there is plenty of that to go around once people start taking these drugs. I believe that these antidepressant and anxiolytic companies are more liable then the Opiates that they make. In other words Delray Beach has a major lawsuit against this crime syndicate alleging fraud, deception and negligence. I believe that they need lawsuits for these other drugs as well because they are much more surreptitious. They seem to be untouchable because they seem to cover their backs even more so with these meds. How long are these warnings during their lame commercials? What a waste of time I cant even watch Law And Order without these pathetic commercials. If they cant advertise tobacco products then how are they allowed to air big pharma products? I believe that most pain management doctors are on the up and up however I cant state the same about many of these nurse PR actioners that are hooked into various treatment center facilities.      

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