Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Pharmacogenomic Scam?

   SSRI withdrawal is hell on earth and many people commit suicide because of it. These doctors are flat out criminals that need to go to jail. SSRIs are supposed to be safe and effective but they are anything but. Isn't it bad enough that people are offing themselves because of these drugs but then to find out that these garbage pills haven't even been proven to be effective. They are giving people the very symptoms that they are supposed to be helping them with. Xanax that drug is Lucifer himself, I just watched this man talk about his benzo hell withdrawal on youtube. Seroquel, this drug should be banned. This drug is being prescribed off label for sleep, it is an elephant tranquilizer that has created horrific side effects. I came out of rehab and my brain was so screwed up from being on these meds..
   The problem is that how many of these doctors are telling their patients to get off all meds entirely? Kristin Fuller MD. wrote the Land Of The Free And Depressed. Depression is big business but it looks like it is the leading cause of disability aged 15-44. In 2010 it was estimated that depression led to 210 billion dollars in economic loss due to missed days of work and overall lack of productivity. But just think how much money these drug companies are making?
    Are they misdiagnosing people on purpose? Mostly not, people are explaining their symptoms and places are writing scrips just like in my case. Unfortunately the patients are not getting enough or any (informed consent.) You don't prescribe somebody Seroquel off label to help them sleep, especially a drug addict in recovery because we are drug seekers to begin with. Benzo withdrawal is hell in a bottle and makes people act clinically insane. Some say SSRIs are even worse and that is why so many people are killing themselves. They are even covering themselves by telling the world on these commercials what the side effects can be. Instead of poison labels they openly admit how sinister it all is. I am not buying into Pharmacogenomics either. How are they going to give you a DNA test to determine what antidepressant may work when none of them really do? This is going to be just another insurance company money maker with effective marketing. It is all hit and miss junk science to begin with so how is one's DNA going to tell everybody what med will really work this time? How about what is really going on, we have a greed monger society which is causing serious symptoms of anxiety and depression. We don't need more meds we need more spirituality because Science is dead.
  Up to 60 holistic doctors have died within a little over a year period and many of these deaths appear to have been suspicious. Erin Elizabeth talks about this, many families have hired their own investigation teams because official stories don't seem to be adding up.

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