Friday, August 11, 2017

Fire And Fury

One can mix fire and fury for great results but one should not mix drugs with drugs to fight this opiate epidemic. Just Say No never worked, infact this probably made it even worse and "no good very bad for you in every way" isn't horrible but still sounds too much like just say no.
    Prevention and education makes sense, Our Potus  just declared an Opioid emergency and he sounds serious in marshaling resources in the proper direction. A few months ago I read that Science was the answer for this epidemic however this is just not the case. Science is the problem to begin with. How does one rationally explain how a more powerful opiate then heroin is being used to keep addicts hooked for long periods of time? Cutting off the supply makes sense, that would mean utilizing our country's superior intel apparatus. One can do this with plain cloths informants, feds and leos to give the appearance that we don't live in a police state. Find out where it's coming from, every crack and crevice and every nook and cranny and start eliminating the supply. It appears that many leos are too busy responding to ods which is a major stressor and drain on the system all by itself. has a list of the 7 most dangerous prescription drugs. Science has a reproducibility crisis. This means that researchers are having a difficult time replicating previous studies. This puts the entire Science field in questionable territory as far as it's overall legitimacy. However that didn't prevent Big Pharma from going from a 1 trillion dollar industry in 2014 and projections are headed for around 1.3 trillion by 2018. The same companies that are selling these drugs are paying people to write the research. That is the dark side that Herbs-info is referring to. With this kind of money involved how hard would it be to have educated sounding doctors writing the medical journals?
  Lets take a look at vaccines for example. How much money was spent for a real study that compared the overall health of vaccinated children compared to children that didn't receive any vaccinations at all? I just saw a lot of parents raise their hands when asked if they felt that their child developed autism as a direct result of vaccines but this never made it to the mainstream news.
   The answer is homeopathic as opposed to allopathic. This premise holds true for the opiate epidemic where our President has now officially declared a National emergency. Spirituality supersedes science but not enough funding is headed in that direction. However it appears that a lot of holistic doctors are ending up dead under mysterious circumstances. This is what happens when one stands up to the Big Pharma war machine, a criminal cartel that is racketeering at it's highest levels. These are the people who own the feds and the doctors in an attempt to manipulate the research. Anybody or anything that stands in the way or threatens their stock dividends usually ends up floating in the river just like Dr Jeff Bradstreet and many others.   


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