Thursday, August 17, 2017

Recovery Out Loud

I am a certified alcoholic and drug addict. I specialize in going to jail, being in institutions and becoming homeless. Without a spiritual reprieve on a daily basis I am doomed. I live (recovery out loud). I try to have healthy shame as opposed to toxic shame but have plenty of co-dependence to back me up. This means that I want to save the people, dogs, dolphins, whales and everything else in between. This isn't healthy without proper boundaries and took me to places that I hope to never go back to.
   It's time to come out of the closet because alcoholics and drug addicts have been known to have enough shame as it is. In my humble opinion coming out of the closet shows humility as long as it's done in a healthy way. We have a major problem going on right now, that is why we need some rock and roll soldiers to let people know that there really is a solution. There are a lot of real pros, many of these people write articles that make it into Sober World. They are doing everything they can to raise awareness as well as to spread education. I believe in k-9 therapy over wolf therapy because dogs are mans best friend. Wolves are too independent and even as hybrids there was a reason why they weren't born and bred to be around us.
  There is a lot of negatives and not enough positives but this will soon change. The difference between healthy shame and toxic shame is like good hdl and bad ldl cholesterol. The problem with the word anonymous is that it may have a tendency to elicit toxic shame like maybe we shouldn't be proud to be who we are and what we are. I am a certified alcoholic, this means that I can share my experience strength and hope. Nothing was worse for me then when I wanted to be sober but was really dry and binging but still acted like I had all of the answers. I would much rather be a certified alcoholic then a certified interventionist or sober coach. The simple reason for this is because I would rather show people that the rooms may be the answer instead of getting a commission for sending somebody to some rehab. Not that there is anything wrong with this per se because most of this is still gods work and most of the people are really in it for the right reasons.
   But why would I want to send somebody to a place where they might get some quack telling them that they need meds because they probably have bi-polar or schizophrenia or what ever other bs disorder they made up. This means a lot of money for them and this is potentially ruining people for life. This is a criminal and fraudulent act that should be investigated quite thoroughly. Science can blend in with spirituality because a lot of  qualified people can break it down into simple terms. Once you leave the rehab one must continue on with the meetings and or therapy right away otherwise ones chances are less then average.
   The paradigm shift in this industry is coming in like a freight train at well over 100 mph as this national epidemic gets heated up. Sober Living can be quite beneficial in more ways then one. Recovery rates with real statistics are going to start coming out of the legitimate sober homes. This will be a testament to what people have been seeking all along. Doing the best one can to break it down into scientific empirical data sprinkled in with a dose of tranquil spirituality.    

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