Thursday, September 14, 2017

What We Resist Persists

I believe in serendipity, synchronicity and technological singularity. I also believe in psychic vampires, lust at first bite and hippo hurricane hollers. The more I plug into the light the less evil appears to be. That is The Secret and The Power of Now and every else in between. Controlled Opposition has us focus on the dark side because it's all about divide and conquer. That is why Lenin stated that the best way to lead the opposition was  to control it themselves. The more that I resist evil the more it persists, that was the great man Jung who stated that. He also stated that one  needed a spiritual experience of some sort  in order to recover from chronic alcoholism. 
  The combo of Smart Recovery and AA makes a lot of sense however the spiritual side must be focused on. That is because self knowledge avails us nothing. The mind is all about the ego and id, this is what causes chaos, war, greed, one up man ship,  materialism and everything else in between. That is why the for all intensive  purposes seemingly squared away man went to see the great man in Europe and stated that he seemed to  have all of the answers but still couldn't get sober. The great man told him that the gates of hell would continue to clang down on him unless he had a spiritual awakening, Dr Silkworth explained it as a psychic change. One can get a psychic change of sorts through cbt, rebt and dbt but this still  comes down to the mind and ego which is good  but still possibly not sustainable utilized as a stand alone for long term sobriety.
   I believe in a female hp because women seem to be better then men in a lot of ways. Man is all about the ego and  id ,  perpetual  war, self  absorption, competition, evolution, survival of the fittest that  uses the  mind  as the greatest  weapon. Singularity still makes sense-AI,  mind  clones and eternal life. If we combine intelligent design with evolution then that is the recipe for success. Instead of divide and conquer one can take the best of both worlds, this way there will be  no long drawn out contention and controversies. The ego and the mind took over and this is when god became a patriarchal figure. Eckart Tolle  explains how in ancient cultures the female was the wise one, the goddess who represented the formless and transcendental reality. The mother of the Universe. Once the males mind, ego and id took over God transcended into a man, a controlling, judging, angry one that should be feared and of course was designed  to make us feel shame remorse and guilt. Who wants that not me, that is why Smart Recovery focusses on  having us get rid of the shame, guilt  and low self esteem. The super ego and negative self talk is limiting and has had  me filled  up with too much self centered fear.
   Nothing positive would ever come out of this,  especially if I continued to not grasp the Power Of Now. That is because what we resist not only persists but only increases in size. The more that I come to terms with this the more I can see that the evil I was so focused on over the years that I was going to try to crush, eradicate and warn the world about was just an illusion that was more then likely never even there at all. It's all about perception vs reality. I was also very much focused within  the egoic mind and this was not a very enjoyable place to be. The more my perception became reality the more drugs I seemed to need. The further away from my hp I became the more my chronic pain seemed to emerge. Psychosomatic and not very healthy to say the least, this was  untreated alcoholism 101.

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