Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Fix Is In

https://www.thefix.com/content/anonymity-aa?page=all I read the 11 Tradition in the 12 and 12 over the weekend and nowhere in it does Bill state that the reason why he doesn't want people to reveal  their anonymity is because it would make AA look bad if somebody relapses. So where did that come from? Also my take on this Tradition is that people can do whatever they want but they don't pay anybody to be their spokesperson or salesman so to speak. From what I read one is able to state 12 step program without mentioning the actual name. Susan Cheever the woman who wrote the Fix article wrote a bio about Bill W. Apparently Bill was on the cover of Time magazine as well. So what is with all of the secret societies? Their is no secret societies, if people have something they should want to give it away freely especially in the press, radio internet and films. Susan is a professional on this and is very smart so I will defer to her judgment on this.
    I am trying to figure out how MCOs Managed Care organizations are able to get away with a dual diagnosis label when they know it's not true? John Majer PHD and Ted Bobak explain in Sober World how many facilities do this to satisfy insurance companies. So let me get this straight people are getting labeled fraudulently and getting misdiagnosed with premeditation and motive during the most crucial time period of their life and people are ok with this? This inevitably means (MAT or medication assisted treatment.) Many of these meds create the very symptoms that they are allegedly attempting to mitigate in many cases under false and fraudulent pretenses. The authors state how potentially damaging it is to medicate somebody especially within the first 30 days of abstinence. Is this being investigated and if so by whom? I don't read about the Task Force addressing this issue. This is the first article that I read that corroborates what my theory has been for well over 2 years now. The last paragraph of the article makes sense- "One must consider the highly litigious context of US society in that the burden of proof will fall upon them to justify their practices in legal matters resulting from suspected malpractice." I have read countless articles on how depression and anxiety are only symptoms and not a chemical imbalance, brain disease or a mental disorder but nothing that ties the Treatment Center Industry or Substance Use Disorder comorbid diagnosis scenario into the equation. This means that this article is truly groundbreaking and will hopefully open up the can of worms that should have been opened up years ago. 

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