Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Mueller Investigation

The Russia hoax was the worst abuse and weaponization of our system in history and as the Durman report makes clear it was a crime like no other- DJT- I read an overview of Durhams report and it was everything but what Trump stated to his who evers- I also listened to Peter Strzok on the Anthony Davis show- He is everything but how he was depicted by Hannity Greg Jarett etc Why does Trump engage in such isms lets take a look- For starters he wants the dumb vote by hook or by crook- He even stated he loves the uneducated- Davis made a comment about how Desantis could be as dangerous as Trump- Not by a longshot- Trump is in his own league as far as that is concerned and I know Davis knows that because he had Bandy Lee on his show- Meglomania the compulsive need for self aggrandizement by oneself or or by others- Strzok mentioned yes he wants the big parades w/ the tanks and the planes and he can probably still run the show even if and when he ends up in the can- I am still trying to figure out what intel the insurrectionists were using on Jan 6- Blind faith in thier messiah? Proud boys- stand up and stand by I am upset because I feel like I have been duped- A good investigator always uses more then a couple of sources so I have only myself to blame- I am not headed to the pen for 18 years like Rhodes and that other idiot who engaged in violence w/ law enforcement however I still feel used by that wanna be potus who is still facing a multiple count indictment on the federal level.- Catastrophizing and using black and white thinking/language also appeals to his base- In recovery we are trained to avoid these traits like the plague because our quality of life is dependent upon it.However this seems to work great in politics and that is the reason we have Trump contagion-It is contagious and unless there is an intervention it will only continue to get worse

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