Monday, May 8, 2023

Stochastic Terrorist

Bluster and bravado might get you elected once but not twice and definitely not for a third term- I wonder if the seditious conspirators are having second thoughts about listening to former Potus- Always be wary of a greedy capitalist because their interests always come first- Why is the bible Trumps favorite book if he isnt able to quote it- I believe that it is because he doesnt know any based on my obsevation of how he operates- One would think that some of his insiders would encourage him to sit down read it and at least try to make it appear that you know a little something- He doesnt have the discipline to read in a scholary fashion I can tell by the way he writes- No ability to absorb long eloquent prose and how to put the age old wisdom into todays modern day world- Bill Bar said he doesnt have the discipline for strategic or linear thinking and that he would deliver chaos and it would be a horror show left to his own devices. His base followers are primal and instinctual hypnotized by the typical cool aid spewed out by ruthless demogogues- If he had the wisdom he wouldnt write the way that he does- I wouldnt be surprised if Trump ever read a book in his entire life cover to cover- No discipline in his diet nor any discipline to control what comes out of his mouth nor w/ what he writes- That is quite typical for people w/ these kind of pychological disorders-(low impulse control) I feel sorry for some people in the republican party who not only have to deal w/ him but also have to get his permission if they want to run for Potus- Like he is the king and you need his permission to have a primary and get his authorization first- Autocratic reminds of the dirty cop in American Gangster- Sad state of affairs right now on the republican side of the house

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