Thursday, May 11, 2023

Life On The Inside

In politics sludge always seems to find a way to rise to the top- When an individual adamantly denies any wrong doing even after sentencing during the incarceration period there is usually a problem- Somebody like Santos might be able to survive club fed but I have my doubts about if he would make it in county or some state pens- Ofcourse he is prob connected so he may get protection- I remember during the initial stages of my incarceration somebody coming in immediately asked for pc- The co said did you get pc on the street- Incarceration has a way of bringing out raw honesty and I can tell you the other inmates had contempt and derision for some of the people that continually claimed thier innocence- Many of the folks on the inside respected law and order infact that was a frequent television program- Many people on the outside can be weasals and thieves but that doesnt fly on the inside- Thats why pedos need pc and wouldnt last long if mixed in w/ the general population- The punks in county who make alot of noise and are generally disrespectful dont last long when they get transfered upstate either because that is where the og not becessarily long term but longer termers are. They dont want to be bothered by some loud mouths coming in acting the same way they did in county. Thats when they get checked and either shut up or get repudited- Its all about respect when it comes to life on the inside- When they know they are getting out they definitely dont want to get an inside or an outside charge. The rules on the inside are quite similar to a good sober house- Keep a low profile and the last thing you want to do is bring any unneccesary attention to yourself- That means dont be a dick and dont make a mess- Getting high obviously doesnt work out well either-However many life long addicts can fly under the radar getting high with out bringing un neccesary attention therefore not getting tested and proceeding to find a way to survive life in the sober house- Addiction is very similar to crime because eventually everything always comes out in the wash

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