Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Wall Fraud

Americans all over the country poured money into the wall project, including Benton Stevens, an 8-year-old Texas boy who set up a hot chocolate stand and website to raise funds in early 2019. Stevens donated approximately $28,000 to Kolfage’s effort, according to his parents, and he helped cut the ribbon on Kolfage’s first completed wall project). kolfage Iraq war vet in cahoots w/ sloppy Steve- Using his position as a war amputee to garner further support There is a big problem w. many of these people as well as many magas- They are trying to convince us that our criminal justice system is corrupt and that is a sin especially since it doesnt appear to be true.What could be worse then hiding behind a false cloak of patriotism as a war amputee and then stealing money from your donors- It was such a big deal build a wall and then what pretty horrendous especially since former potus was using Hillarys alleged transgressions as a way to get elected in 2016- The magas seem to be showing thier true colors more and more each day. There are few things that could be worse then being a dirty criminal and then brainwashing your core audience into thinking otherwise and that they are in reality really clean and its all a set up by a corrupt politicaly motivated criminal justice system. A vast majority seem to actually believe this- The system has its problems buts lets take a look at a kangoroo court that could be set up by the magas- Guilt until proven innocent swift execution just what Trump called for w/ those boys that were ultimately found not guilty- I believe he even called for Snowdens execution- Some of the things I here coming out of the far right are down right disturbing- Its like religious fundmentalism the very thing America fought against during the gwot- These people blew themselves up over Allah- I bought into magas cool aid I am grateful to be cleansed- When many core people are dirty and not accepting responsibility nor accountability for criminal acts that only means the system will come clamping down even harder on them- What kind of message is Trump sending us by pardoning Steve Bannon- The little guys can do the time while my pals will always get a free pass thats quite disturbing- A free license to give the middle finger to America and to all of the people that actually voted for him In Trumpian world he calls for harsh draconian sentences on everybody else except for his pals because they will always get pardoned

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