Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Fear Nor Favor

Former Potus reminds me of a bleeding deacon- In the rooms this is somebody who always has to get thier two cents in regardless of how late it is and is convinced that the group wont survive without him/her- The kind of guy who hijacks the meeting and may even have how it works memorized- You know the type where your always roll your eyes and cover your ears everytime they open thier mouth. Trump is a typical demogogue cult leader and makes it clear if he doesnt get elected the marxists commies bolshevicks traitors are going to continue to destry our country into oblivion. Whatever happened to the globlaists- We cant forget about the rhinos and never Trumpers For a while I bought into this because the evidence was clear that many of our big cities have a homeless crime and addiction problem like nothing we have ever seen before- We will be a much stronger country even if and when Trumpian doesnt make the cut- Hyperinflation will straighten out prosperity and abudance will be on the horizon. Trump did some ok things in office but from what I remember tax cuts for the rich and only wanted rich people in his cabinet according to TYT- Hes an elitist even though he conducts himself w/ everyday vernacular like many we the people in America- How is Trump going to make America greater he has a track record of never being on the up and up- Ben Meiselas a brilliant legal mind and orator explains in detail the hows and whys of this- If you arent paying taxes and setting up companies correctly how do you expect us to trust you with our country- its pretty simple- Meiselas explains the latest article in the Washington post and how this man lost his life savings 500k to a Trumpian ploy- Truth Social media isnt looking too legit at the moment. Farron Balanced a very astute investigative journalist pointed out how The pillow guy is looking to sell shares in his company- Selling to the gullible has often worked out well for desperate swindlers but isnt this a telling example of our modern day republican swamp- A laughable joke. Many people have made money on wall street and investments doing thigs the right way but when the feds start asking questions to Trump oh its all a witch hunt hit job- It doesnt look that way- There appears to be many smoking guns w/out fear nor favor in the right here and the right now. Another thing I noticed about many of these alt right religionists- I dont know if thats the right way to explain these individuals- Maybe the conspiratorial christian esques- They are always claiming doom and gloom is right around the corner and its all in the bible- Better start prepping now store up all of your guns food and ammo- Really how much longer are they going to be doing this- Fear sells- the q storm military tribunals were a farce- I listen to these highly astute individuals now and the only thing they talk about is love peace and justice- The only thing Trump appeears to know how to do is blame whine rant deflect divide and attempt to conquer- Ofcource he has upstart investment deals where many people get screwed- He may even be the anti christ himself

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