Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Love And Peace

Some of these magas are strange individuals indeed- Anybody that comes across as a gun nut to me raises red flags- What is a gun nut- People that brag about how much damage thier weapon can and will do and how weapons of war is basically thier identity and thats all they seem to talk about. Lets take a look at MTG stalking I believe it was David Hog acting like weasly paparazzi. I couldnt hear a word that she said except for I have a gun in my purse- If that doesnt raise a red flag I dont know what would. As a person walking down the street and not recoognizing somebody and if the only words you heard from them was I have a gun in my purse seriously is that not strange and inapropiate- Not a good look to say the least- Also I like AOC and for MTG to go harass her abd cause a scene at her place of work was classless and totally in apropiate- Just because you oppose somebody politicaly means its ok go on thier turf and attack? That is an act of aggression. Lets take a look at Lauren Bobert- A bill that makes the ar-15 the national gun no I dont think so- A weapon of war where we didnt win any recently and a symbol of trauma and not of freedom- Violence mass shootings ruined lives. Bobert has her own history of violence allegedly w/ her husband and thier child as well. A few years ago I was trying to sleep and then I heard what turned out to be 39 rounds reverberate througout our town. A quiet mostly peaceful place to live where violence is on the down ward trend thanks to great law enforcement- Theese rounds were so loud I thought it was literally next door-Turns out it was the next street over after I called 911- Travis Rudolph- former nfl player- An ar-15 where he shot 2 people one dead and the other was wounded- One of the victims ran a couple of homes down looking for help and there was blood smeared all over the place. Unless somebody is shooting at you whats the need for 39 rounds? Stand your ground? (Prosecutors told jurors Wednesday that the men had already begun to drive away in a black Cadillac by the time Rudolph fired 39 rounds in their direction, killing Sebastien Jean-Jacques in the passenger seat.Palm Beach Post)- I talked to some neighbors and they seemed to be down right traumatized by this event- Some moved out shortly therafter. Hearing a weapon of war in our neighborhood isnt exactly what most people sign up for- Should we be able to protect ourselves yes should we have a weapon of war and trauma as our national gun no I dont think so- America needs the symbol of love and peace as our national symbol

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