Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Shock Jock

I think there is a reason why many people dont want to grow up to become a politician- An astronaut teacher fireman lawyer wall street wiz you know the usual that is what most people aspire toward- If anybody is living up to the stereotype of a smarmy politicians look no further then our modern day republican swamp- How bad could it actually be when certain individuals claim that they are fighting for us and want to drain the swamp when infact that is exactly who and what they are- Selling your soul up and down the river- Luke Beasly did a great job of clips of Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham from a few years ago- Both had unkind things to say about Trump. Contrary to how Beasly and his guest felt it appeared that Cruz were speaking from his herart- What a miserable plight to be stuck in a sinking republican ship but now have no choice but to kiss up to that rude classless wanna be potus- When you take a shot at another mans wife that is about as low as one can possibly go- That is how Trump plays ball he is nasty and fights dirty w/ everybody it doesnt matter what side of the political fence you are on- Desantis has to deal w/ that garbage now I would much rather go the independent route and be my own man- That maga cult needs to go- It is a telling sign of how and why we feel the way we do about certain politicians- They say what they mean mean what they say and try not to say it mean- But then a few years later they do an about face and are both praising the republican nominee- That is as bad as you can get-How can they feel good about what they do for a living- Seriously I knew something was wrong w/ that man years ago when he said something like Elizabeth Hasselbeck was one of the dumbest women etc- I thought to myself I dont know much about her but from what I do know she is anything but unintelligent- she is well spoken, classy, attractive and actually conservative something one would think would give her extra points. It doesnt matter when somebody is deeply insecure they are constantly belittling others in an attemp to get a leg up- Does it feel good to constantly knock others and try to make them feel bad? Trump should take a look in the mirror and instaed of saying set up witch hunt he should say there is a reason why people dont like nor respect me- Its because you take cheap shots like during that deposition saying something irrelevent and belittling- Trump rerminds me of this trash tv shock jock from the 80s Marton Downey jr and that is definitely not a compliment- One step below Jerry Springer but that is the maga base- Its called make America classless again- If those qualities arent enough to get under our skin then we have to deal w/ somebody that commits serious crimes and proceeds to down play them like he is entitled to do so because of who he is and oh they are not really crimes. He has enablers/writers like zero hedge and others singing the same tune-

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